Messmer - Closer Look

Published 2024-06-23

All Comments (21)
  • @iqbaladi4481
    No wonder why marika shaken when godwyn died, well he is the most normal of her child
  • @Audiodump
    One thing to note in his later forms: it looks like his body is absolutely infested with snakes. Even his exposed muscle is weird and snakelike. He's like a corpse being used as a puppet by snakes
  • @aiasfree
    I find it very funny how Messmer cracks open a Marika Rune and levels up right in front of us for phase 2.
  • @dinorex3464
    One of the most tragic characters FromSoftware has ever created. Messmer became a monster just so that the denizens of the Shadow Realm could focus their hatred on him instead of his mother while she was busy creating a new order, but once she made it there was no place for him anymore because of the figure he became, and so she casted him away and erased every record of his existence from history. And so he embraced this "demon" figure people made him, not because he liked it (it's heavily implied he absolutely loathes his powers, his curse and overall himself) but because it was literally all that he had left.
  • I found interesting that some of his men show genuine care for Messmer some even praying begging Marika to embrace her child and some even ask when will the war end.
  • @MikeL-eo9lp
    Miquella: Eternal Youth Malenia: Scarlet Rot Messmer: Serpentine Nature Melina: Kindling Maiden Four children, four curses
  • @deztacular
    Messmer's eye not being a snake eye but Marika's rune was a good bait and switch from the trailers
  • @corvo_und6
    My man Messmer did NOT deserved what Marika did to him. Bro looks so gentle šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
  • @khoailang9470
    4:33 Messmer doesn't inherit his parents' cake, probably that's why Marika abandoned him
  • @ileiad
    "The Impaler" Idk, man. He looks like he was the one impaled.
  • @ItsYaBoiV
    Poor guy got that scoliosis real bad
  • @d_eexe
    no wonder hes hunched over... bro is in PAIN
  • @gemmafire8628
    Taking ā€œwould you love me if I was a wormā€ to a new level
  • @dumbanddarby
    "Direct thy maledictions, thine ire, and thy grief towards me alone."
  • @VictorIV0310
    Iā€™ve been speculating that Messmerā€™s role in the Land of Shadow was an overseer installed by Marika to keep its denizens in check both as a form of exile for his blasphemy and a duty that she foisted on him until he will be allowed back into her arms. Turns out I was half right; While I donā€™t know his exact feelings on the matter when he waged war against the land, he was indeed tasked with lording over the land as a dreaded ā€œdevilā€ figure for its denizens to focus their hatred on. Messmer also hated his fire powers and had a serpent within him that he tried to get rid of but to no avail. Marika plucked out one of his eyes and placed a seal of grace to keep the snake within before having him kept away in the Land of Shadow, presumbably erasing him from history. He also sounds quite weary in his boss introduction where he seems reluctant to fight us but accepts it as his duty nonethless and second phase cutscene where he looks at the Marika statue before ripping his eye out. For him to curse Marika in his dying breath, he mustā€™ve carried such lifelong resentment towards her. Poor guy. Also, if Iā€™m not mistaken ā€œBaseā€ could mean an old, archaic term for vile, lowly, contemptuous or even bastard, hence the other term ā€œbasebornā€ which could also refer to a bastard born out of wedlock?