All Arkham Bosses Ranked

Published 2021-05-28
For context, all bosses are being played on New Game Plus (or hard for Asylum), and that's how I ranked them. Leave your own list and tell me just why I'm wrong in the comments.

And, for supposed bosses that didn't appear on the list, here's your explanations:

DLC Bosses: I now have a video all about them, since I didn't have them prior to making this video. If you're curious about my thoughts on them and where they rank in the list, here's their video:    • All Arkham DLC Bosses Ranked  

Zsasz (Asylum and City): Zsasz in Asylum could be replaced by a basic thug and have nothing change. And Zsasz in City doesn't affect the terrain of his final encounter like Mad Hatter and Scarecrow.

Harley Quinn (Asylum): You don't fight Quinn and she doesn't impact the fight enough to count.

Riddler (City): Same as Zsasz, he doesn't actively affect the terrain enough for me to count it.

Electrocutioner (Origins): He could be replaced with a basic thug, since it only takes one hit to defeat him. I really wanted to, but I couldn't break my own rules.

Enforcers (Origins): They're kind of a combination of Brutes from Knight and Mr. Hammer and Sickle. They don't have health bars, and appear a little too often for me to consider them bosses, or even mid-bosses.

Black Mask (Origins): Doesn't have a health bar and acts like a regular enemy the whole time. Plus, when I tried getting footage of him, he seriously glitched out, so yeah.

Joker (Origins): It's an interactive cutscene. You just spam the punch button and occasionally counter. I love the sequence, but Joker could probably be replaced with a regular thug and have nothing change. Same deal with the final Joker sequence in Knight.

APC's (Knight): They have a health bar, but act more like regular enemies the more you encounter them.

Deacon Blackfire (Knight): You don't fight him, just a bunch of goons. Different from Joker's Funhouse, because he actively participates in the fight.

Final Sequence (Knight): Just like Origins Joker, it's an interactive cutscene. I love the sequence, but there's no way to lose, and you aren't fighting anything. You're just running through a maze as Batman statues occasionally appear. And the final Joker beatdown could be replaced by a basic thug, so it doesn't count.

That should be all, but I'm sure there's more somewhere.

All Comments (21)
  • @ClownPuncher139
    Alright, I’ve gotten a lot of comments about these, so I’m finally going to address them. First: if you don’t see a boss here, check the description. You’ll likely see the boss there with the reason it wasn’t included. Second: When I said no other game tried anything like the Ra’s fight, I meant no other Arkham game. Obviously bosses like Ra’s exist in other games, just like bosses exist like Firefly, Bane, and even Mr. Freeze. I’m saying Ra’s was never tried again in the Arkham series specifically. Third: I don’t know what program I used to rank all the bosses. Just look up “ranking engine” or something on Google, and you should find something similar. Fourth: Yes, Electrocutioner was the best, but I had to give everyone else a chance!
  • @theaxbowlotl
    Guys, the hardest boss is the electrocutioner. He's very hard to beat. Took me one full year. I couldn't figure out what i was doing wrong. Turns out, there's a very specific set of moves you have to do in order to beat him. I accidentally got lucky and beat him in one hit. Took me a while.
  • @benjaminhence
    Although what we got wasn’t bad, I was a little disappointed in Jason’s boss fight because I was hoping for a hand-to-hand fight
  • @kevrulz06
    Croc in Asylum is definitely the scariest. What makes Freeze the best ever in the series is because it does what a boss battle should do: test everything the player has learned up to that point. Plus, the freedom to do more or less whatever you want in the battle, in any order. Ra's in City was damn great! I love the idea of Clayface making faceless clay men. Scarecrow making me think my game crashed: just genius game making on the developer's part.
  • @bluejay4812
    The Deathstroke fight in Origins will always be my personal favorite because it just felt like such a Batmanesque fight. It shows off his martial arts abilities in such an awesome way and I just love how cinematic it is.
  • @TemplarXY7
    Origins bane and Deathstroke fight was a masterpiece it’s literally teaches you how get better at timing with fighting deathstroke and how be silent with last bane fight
  • @sharkdude7
    I seriously wish the Knight bosses were better. Especially for my boy Firefly. Least the music for pretty much ever boss is amazing
  • @batmaninachair
    One time, I was struggling on the freeze fight because I didn't know what my last attack was. Turned out it was just a Silent Takedown.
  • Two things I absolutely love about the Mr. Freeze boss. If you attack the nora statues he gets angry. And if you for some reason don't take advantage of one technique or he sees you fail it. He will still adapt to it. Its potentially possible to run out of options I think
  • @zhoncinema
    Honestly the last 5 could go in any order because they are just so good.
  • @indominus2052
    I felt like the mr freeze boss fight in Arkham city was also probably the scariest boss fight
  • Since you included the Joker Funhouse fight as a boss, I think Strange at the top of Wonder Tower should also be included since he can spot you through the glass and alert his guards. It also makes you pull a lot of tricks out your bag since there are a limited number of ways to enter the tower and stay hidden, making the inside all the more challenging if you take that route Plus it’s an amazing setting overlooking Arkham City as a whole being decimated by Protocol 10 and almost simulates a race against time to stop Strange. It’s a really good stealth section that I feel people overlook since it immediately leads into the Joker Cinema section Even if it isn’t a boss fight, it’s a great section in an already amazing endgame
  • @damlopez
    I remember how I flexed on my dad about beating mr freeze when he couldn’t (I was an 8 year old btw).
  • @nov934
    Jason’s boss fight was extremely fun for me because when he sent in the enemies that are immune to detective mode I had the idea to use remote controlled batarangs to look for where the militia are and plan my attack idk why but using a remote controlled batarang instead of detective mode is so fun
  • @0loster970
    Deathstroke fight was the first time I sweated playing a videogame, i will never forget that. My favorite boss fight ever.
  • @StudMacher96
    What makes Crocs boss fight scary and overwhelming is that you’re not in control of the situation all the time and have to stay on your toes at all times while walking through a seemingly endless maze. And all you really are thinking is I gotta get outta here. It feels like a nightmare every time
  • @thebigjw6070
    I think this video confirms that Arkham Origins was a masterpiece of a game, and we all misjudged it too quickly.
  • @ariz0na736
    Mr freeze genuinely terrified me as a kid. One of the best boss battles ever
  • @gooper3644
    I haven’t played these games but I love that their a source of actually good Mr Freeze content since he’s my favourite villain. I’m happy to hear they did him justice
  • @tundrabanks3647
    Dude, it was like 3am when I finally beat Deathstroke in Origins, literally 6 hours of me and my cousin losing again and again and again. Such joy. It might literally be my greatest gaming achievement ever. I was a just a kid, but when I finally got the timing right, and started redirecting the flaming barrels, I felt like a GOD