The Invisible Walls of Dark Souls

Published 2024-06-18
Welcome back to another episode of Dark Souls Dissected! Today's video is all about the hidden and invisible walls of Dark Souls 1. I explain the different kinds of environmental collisions and how they work, and also give a tour through every area to reveal and showcase the different invisible walls that I found hiding in the game's data.

0:00 Introduction
1:26 Collisions Overview
3:14 Purposes of High Collisions
8:48 Northern Undead Asylum
14:12 Firelink Shrine
18:14 Undead Burg
27:44 Undead Parish
32:54 Lower Undead Burg
34:39 Depths
36:32 Blighttown
41:34 The Great Hollow & Ash Lake
47:06 Darkroot Garden
49:37 Sen's Fortress
55:12 Anor Londo
1:01:57 The Painted World
1:08:37 The Catacombs
1:10:49 Tomb of the Giants
1:13:23 Duke's Archives & Crystal Cave
1:17:16 New Londo Ruins
1:20:51 Demon Ruins & Lost Izalith
1:26:17 The DLC Areas
1:29:26 The Kiln
1:31:59 Outro

Soulstruct for Blender

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   / @regoleslayer   |

   / @therealmcdan   |

All Comments (21)
  • @illusorywall
    Responding to various comments in one pinned comment here! - - - - - - - - - - From @inakilukac - "I DO HAVE QUESTIONS!!! 1. Lock-on system, does it use the high poly collision or the low poly one? 2. Enemies, which collision obstructs their view when trying to aggro you? 3. Your attacks bouncing on walls if you're too close, which collision does it use to determine it?" 1) Lock-on uses low-poly collisions. So in the example with the arrows getting blocked when trying to snipe the crow demons in the tower, flying right up to the outside tower so they're nearby, you can't lock onto them because of the low-poly collision blocking your way. Same goes for the hollow seen at 4:05. You can free aim throw a projectile at the hollow because of the lack of high collision blocking the window, but the low collision blocks your ability to lock on. 2) Low collisions also block enemy line of sight. 3) Melee attacks impact low collision instead of high collision. So the spot I showed in Firelink where your projectiles pass through, your sword will still hit it. :) - - - - - - - - - - From @bronze81 - "You can actually clear the invis wall by the burg merchant, at least in ptde (~3:50 in this video)" Oh my god, hahaha. I simply did not envision making it all the way up those objects without breaking any of them. Speed runners are scary. - - - - - - - - - - @scantyer Informed me of something much more egregious than the missing high collision in Firelink Shrine, something I didn't realize was already looked at by king bore! That area behind the Black Knight in the Undead Burg? An entire section of building is missing its high collision! It's WIDE open for throwing projectiles through it: - - - - - - - - - - From @xormak3935 - "At the start of the depths, the archways don't just have the low-poly collision in mid-air but also the high-poly collision as it seems. Arrows get stuck in that same space that the player collides with. Very annoying when trying to snipe enemies from the stairs." I took a closer look and it's extremely cursed. There isn't high collision there, so your arrows should pass through. This doesn't make any sense because you're standing so close to it, though, so why wouldn't the high collision be loaded from there? It's because the ceiling of the hallway (including the archways) wasn't made as part of the hallway you're in, and it belongs to the set of collision for the Butchers' room instead (for no apparent reason). And despite being so close to you, it doesn't want to load the high collisions of the butchers' room until you're literally inside it. Go down into that room and find an angle where you can shoot back up through the arches, and now your arrows pass through correctly. lol, what a mess. - - - - - - - - - - From @victorpilgrim - "1:17:10 i cannot believe you didn't mention the invisible trees of in the duke's archives garden" lol, I can't believe I missed this! So there's at least one invisible tree you can walk into: With a quick look I couldn't find any others, but so far I did find two more floating trees that are too high off the ground to walk into (another skinny vine-like one like the other, and another regular full-sized tree). Funny stuff! The floating door wasn't the only thing they had issues with here, apparently. - - - - - - - - - - From @RucaBurankee - "41:29 "do you know any other place where this happens?" Does this count?" Lol, no because that's not a kill plane getting you! But in a way that's more fascinating to me because you must be tricking the game into causing fall damage by doing that. I can't think of any other explanation, at least. I didn't know you could do that.
  • Some dev left a tiny spot without an invisible wall in an boss arena The community: Oh yeah, that's the Cheese McCheese spot 9000
  • Hearing that the pillars in the depths aren't protected by an invisible wall is the worst news I've heard all year. I truly am a fatty and the message was right
  • @matthewrider267
    I can not explain the level of joy I feel when I settle down for the evening after work and there's a new DS Dissected video out.
  • @ShMokou
    With the strength of Illusory Walls, they challenged the Invisible Walls...
  • @planescaped
    As a child I saw my father watching woodworking shows and in-depth how its made like documentaries on machinery and mundane stuff and wondered how in the world he could sit there watching this stuff. Now at that same age I watch hour long breakdowns on invisible walls in Dark Souls and 4 hour breakdowns on video games I have and will never play. I am become old, destroyer of long form content.
  • @wixic111
    if I had a nickel for every overly detailed video about invisible walls I'd seen I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
  • @artvandelay1720
    The first time I fought the iron golem, I was incredibly nauseous from the screen shake, then suddenly he just did a backflip off the arena and died. That was surreal. I was very confused until I eventually had it happen again and noticed that he just got teleported upward due to the collision issue.
  • @Sekiro_lover
    Dark souls dissected is the best series on YouTube fr
  • @n8doggy733
    I'll watch this for the next two days so I can avoid all spoilers 💀
  • @eddie-booth
    do you feel like you are betraying your roots as a man named after walls that look like they exist but don't by making a video about walls that don't look like they exist but do
  • @minilabyrinth
    Hi 3D modeler here, the flickering is called Z fighting and happens when two faces are in the same planar location I.E. the same spot at same angle, and the renderer gets instructions to display both at once but you can only put one pixel at a time so it kind of wigs out and flickers between both
  • @whodatismeishe
    The collision on that one root in the Great Hollow made me what to burn that whole tree to the ground
  • @cryog3nic_759
    35:37 LMAO, I love it when you drop the sudden humor in the middle of a serious explanation, man 🤣
  • @TheDominitri
    35 minutes in and seeing the reasons behind the Taurus Demon fall, the lower undead burg skip, the titanite demon blocker, and the invisible arch you can hit your head on is insane, these are such iconic parts of the game to me.
  • Hey, I just wanted to thank you SO MUCH for the flashing lights warning. I get photosensitive migraines and so many youtubers just will not warn for flashing lights or flickering nonsense. Warning me means I can take precautions to make it less bad so that I can watch the video instead of having to stop halfway through. You've been one of my favourite youtubers for a while now, and this has cemented that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
  • man, its such an honor to have my name in one of these videos! this series inspired me to start modding DS1, and despite how much experience i have with it, every one of your videos teaches me loads of new stuff. i do have a few things to add, though! for the bridge to sen's, it is actually possible to miss the kill plane and fall out of bounds if you jump over the left railing from the stairs leading out of the undead parish bonfire. the out of bounds area is pretty weird and its easy to fall into the void from there. for the iron golem, its not that the falling animation is allowed to bypass the enemy wall, but rather, the enemy wall is simply disabled through the event that handles him staggering. for ceaseless discharge, the reason why they were confident enough in his pathing to leave out invisible walls is because his pathing is completely unique and only goes between set regions. most events in the game world are controlled by event scripts, written in a proprietary language made by from software called EMEVD, while specific enemy pathing like this is usually handled through ai scripts, which are written in the lua programming language. ceaseless uses the obscure lua events system, a holdover from demon's souls. in that game it handled all world events, but in DS1 it only handles things like ladders, bonfire warps, some network related stuff, etc. ceaseless is the only enemy to directly interact with this system in the entire game. the reason why his desperate jump always happens even when controlling ceaseless is because there's a region that will force the jump animation if he steps inside it, regardless of whether or not his arm is out. the reason why he just spams the fire blast when his arm isnt ripped out is because the region that ceaseless paths to in order to get to the area that forces the jump animation is simply excluded from the list of potential points he can navigate to when his arm is still in. so he never has the chance to navigate there and thus, he never does the jump. a prime example of the extremely janky, unpolished, last minute hacks you would expect of a rushed area like the demon ruins.
  • "maybe this wasn't meant to keep something out. Maybe it was meant to keep something in." sent random chills down my spine