RUNNER RUNNER at $250,000 Final Table (WSOP Hand Breakdown)

Published 2024-07-10
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*Expires when the 2024 WSOP Main Event ends!

With over $5,000,000 on the line this might be the sickest bad beat you’ve ever seen. Ben “Ben86” Tollerene faces off against Taylor von Kriegenbergh at the $250,000 Super High Roller final table.

Audio version available on all major podcast platforms.

Episode transcription:

Watch the full final table on PokerGO:

All Comments (16)
  • @tiki4rafiki390
    good anaylsis! makes me feel better about getting sucked out on last session -_-
  • oh no there are players (not good ones) that'll make fun of the K's guy for not "protecting his pot/hand" here post flop and preflop. do not educate them, let them let you off the hook every time they want on the flop when you have 3% equity vs their current nuts. hope they remember the ONE time they didn't and ran this bad and are so scared of that ever happening again they won't easily let it happen again.
  • @HD-fc4ds
    Lost me on a flat turn with the nuts lol
  • @theminion8665
    That's not a bad beat. It's a cooler. He had the best hand when the chips went in
  • @AlbinoMutant
    I know the guys tried to explain why he was slowplaying a strong hand that was getting stronger, but if there's a mistake in this hand, imo it's that. There should have been a raise preflop and a raise on the turn. All I get from this hand is another example of why I'd rather make the mistake of betting or raising in the wrong spot than checking or calling in the wrong spot.
  • @johngriller4997
    If you never play a raising strat IP OTT then OOP can destroy you with small turn sizes bc he will over realize with all his draws. Without being results oriented, IP got unlucky but he also misplayed by not raising. You always want to gii with your best hands so allowing your opponent to dictate the size of the pot by betting tiny+allowing him to realize his equity at will is a mistake. Had he bet a standard size (75%+) then flatting the KK would’ve been the standard and only play. You simply HAVE to build a raising range (value and bluffs) vs small bets in every branch of the tree or you will self exploit yourself by allowing others to easily exploit you! And this is why betting larger is better vs good players so you can realize your equity by betting big and polarizing your hand as you should OOP on a double barrel line. This tiny sizing is nonsense and something he used exploitatively either bc he’s a weaker player himself or thinks IP was a weak player that wouldn’t raise enough. The tiny sizing should’ve cost OOP his equity once he got raised and should’ve lost the pot. But it worked bc his opponent was weak. Good play vs population tho
  • @JayMaverick
    On the river yeah you call and lose. Can't be afraid of a one outer-nuts. I think the "mistake" if you can call it a mistake, was not raising the flop and turn. But that's the chance you take, and sometimes it bites you in the arse.
  • @gabrielrockman
    I definitely like the block bet sizing on the river. People really love raising block bets. I think that two pair is going to raise too often here. And block bets are also great at provoking bluffs.
  • I'm not a proponent of slow playing. Preflop you invite any Ace rag to catch that would have folded pre. The flop was extra dry, so yea ok. But the greedy do these "pros" expect people to be??? Take the 9mil with a 6.5 or 7mil raise. Maybe I'm the only person to get crushed slow playing
  • Horrible commentary. The smooth call on the flop is good. The smooth call on the turn is a mistake. He has to jam all in on the turn to prevent the flush & straights getting there.
  • @kentedwards983
    You push after the turn. The pot is over a third his stack. Take it down. BTW, you guys clearly like to hear yourselves talk. Analysis gets lost in the over speak.
  • @johnd5225
    This video was awful. Would rather watch with zero commentary than drawing it out for half an hour and rewinding 100 times for a single straightforward hand. Doug pls save us.