The Warrior's Spirit - Survivor to Superhero

Published 2023-04-06
From Cancer to Coma, at the age of 24 Matt Ode was diagnosed with stage 3C Testicular cancer. After chemotherapy and a very complicated surgery to remove the remaining cancer from his body, Matt encountered various complications.

He was under the watch and care of the ICU for over 40 days and in the Cleveland Clinic for 53 days where he was met with a number of near-death experiences including 5 major surgeries causing a large open wound on his stomach. For two weeks, he laid non-responsive in a coma, met with complete kidney and liver failure, and went into cardiac arrest where nurses performed 8 minutes of CPR to bring him back to life.

Doctors didn't know if and when he would awake, informing his family and girlfriend he would likely be on dialysis the rest of his life having to relearn everyday tasks like eating and walking again.

Prior to the diagnosis and subsequent treatment, Matt was a healthy personal trainer weighing in at 185 lb. But this disease wreaked havoc on his body and in a matter of 8 months he dwindled down to a mere 110 lbs.

Years later after hard work and deep internal discovery, Matt Ode is as vibrant, enthusiastic, and energetic as ever helping individuals transform their mind, body and spirt, as a transformation coach and highly sought after Keynote Inspirational Speaker.

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