Every Superpower Disorder Explained in 16 Minutes

Published 2024-07-06

All Comments (21)
  • savant syndrome is the literal personification of “i spent all of my points on one stat”
  • @ravenxplode985
    Unfortunately, hyperthymesia never lets you forget the physical and emotional pain you experienced in life with this condition like, breaking your arm or finding out your wife is cheating on you
  • Hey! I have synesthesia Keep in mind, synesthesia responses aren’t always literal. They aren’t more often than not - All it means is one sense triggering another In my case, I associate different notes, songs and chords with color. It’s blessing and a curse when learning music, I can name individual notes by what color they are, but it’s also a crutch, because I’ve relied on my synesthesia to tell me what key I’m in, instead of relying on practical (and important) knowledge. I probably won’t know what note I’m gonna hit until I play it Sorry for rambling, but I hope that was interesting
  • @Auriorium
    I have seen a lot of gym influencers outright telling people they have Muscle Hypertrophy Syndrome and that they are not using steroids. While being unwilling to do a test to see if they are on gear.
  • @robyncore
    I have savant syndrome almost exactly how you described it. I decided to take a piano course when I was 14 and my teacher had to practically stalk me because she couldn't give me anything other than a 100%. I only ended up at 98% because I forgot the term pizzicato and wrote "pizza something" on my exam.
  • @ryderthomas24
    A friend of my dad probably has Urbach-Wiethe Disease. His body doesn't produce adrenaline, I am not saying that in an exaggerated jokish way like his body literally doesn't. Which is probably why his main hobby is owning and taking care of venomous snakes
  • @speedytheday
    0:00 Muscle Hypertrophy Syndrome 1:36 Polymelia 2:35 Urbach Wiethe Disease 3:51 Hyperthymesia 4:57 Savant Syndrome 5:58 Tricho Dento Osseous Syndrome 7:06 Ectodermal Dysplasia 8:21 Hyperlexia 9:44 Synesthesia 10:54 Tetrachromacy 12:08 Split Brain Syndrome 13:45 Echolocation 14:49 Edit: William's Syndrome ( yo 200 likes thanks )
  • @arandomboy8604
    Hyperthymesia is such an overpowered "superpower", BUT lets be real, some "things" are better off forgotten for our own good😦
  • @TheOsage26
    I actually have Synesthesia. I can “hear colors” in a way. Nobody ever believed/ took it seriously though. When I was younger I would listen to music on the radio and say out loud “That song sounds so pink” my parents were so confused 😅.
  • @ivymyrtz
    Bro’s style changes more than nutshell animations 💀
  • @R3al1tyE5cap1st
    missed opportunity to go over congenital insensitivity to pain and anhydrosis - basically can't feel pain but there's a downside to it as one wouldn't know if they're injured (since they can't feel it)
  • There are people having such interesting experiences. And I'm here being the average human. And I'm pretty gratefull for that. As a doctor in the making I hear about the most terrible conditions and think "I am so lucky to be average."
  • @DreamyyArt
    I allegedly have hyperlexia, my mom told me I learned how to read books at 2 & 1/2 yr old. I got diagnosed with autism (Asperger's) so I guess it makes kinda sense Edit: for those of you all that are denying this, there are so many other fellow autistics in the replies confirming the same condition I have. Not all autistics are the same and it's kinda heartwarming to see y'all back up each other's claims. Wonderful stuff, we're one community 💗
  • Severe Synesthesia person here, I experience difference emotions or certain feelings depending on the scents I smell. The candle aisle is often my worse nemesis, smells like sulfur and foul smells makes me freighted (yes, the sewers is like impending doom), while sour or more citrus smells acts like an anxiety reducer. Bland smells like wood, paper, and (rain) water is similar to feeling guilty. I've heard individuals receive audio ques when they taste certain foods, Synesthesia is a weird condition.
  • @TheEvaluat0r
    Do any of my viewers have this superpower disorder?
  • I learned to read at about three years old. According to my parents, they had taught me barely anything about reading, and that I taught myself. I was that one kid in the kindergarten class who sat in the corner reading while everyone was learning the ABCs. I was professionally diagnosed with ADHD when I was around seven or eight. I’m gonna do a ton of research about hyperlexia and come back to y’all.
  • @Lidcats
    As an autistic servant, autism is a living nightmare. Imagine being in a room with only the sound being nails on a chalkboard and a fork scratching on a plate