Salvadoreño | A Short Documentary by Will Ramirez

Published 2020-05-11
My family left El Salvador in 1987 in the middle of the Civil War that claimed the lives of 75,000 Salvadorans. This film follows my return to El Salvador to learn about the country's history, to connect with some distant family, and understand the future trajectory of this country.

The answers I found while making this short documentary were surprising. From the extent of US intervention in the civil war, to some violent family history I had previously never known. This is my story. An immigrant who has received infinite opportunities in Canada, but still exists in an identity crisis between the culture and heritage he was born into and the culture he has had to navigate throughout his life.

Though I am now and always will be Canadian, the fact remains I will always be Salvadoreño.


Mavic Air:
Sony a7iii Camera:
Go Pro:
Camera Bag:
Portable Harddrive:
Top Handle:
Affordable Suction Mount:

All Comments (21)
  • @WillRamirez
    It is with a heavy heart that I let you know that my grandfather who was featured in this documentary passed away on January 27, 2021. I am so grateful to have been able to share his story with you and want to thank you for all of you who took the time to share your story with me in the comments. I appreciate you all. Thank you!
  • @joeyo4163
    I'm Mexican and grew up in Chicago..didn't know any people from El Salvador until I moved to L.A. They are some of the warmest, friendliest hard working people I ever met. God bless El Salvador.
  • I'm a salvadoreña Canadian. My parents inmigrated in the 80 because of the war. Is nice to see there is more salvadorean like me
  • El Salvador es increíble, soy Mexicano y tuve la suerte de ir y darme cuenta de lo bello que es; su gente y geografia son bellísimas. Compartimos una historia hermana con sed de justicia que pronto la conseguiremos ✊🏿
  • @Capu15sept
    Estoy llorando al ver este video.(llegue a Canada en el 87,vivo en paz pero extrano mi tierra querida) EL SALVADOR!!!!
  • So Sorry for your loss Will ,what I enjoyed the most about your film is the fact that you don't show the Modern areas of El Salvador ,the Rich and Wealthy neighborhoods ,the beautiful Malls and Urban Areas which sometimes are even better and more luxurious than the ones in many cities of the USA and Canada ,but instead you focused on reuniting and meeting your family ,your humble roots ,the lifestyle and simplicity of beautiful hard working people in the country side ...Your Abuelo was an amazing human being ,his good heart and beautiful soul runs in your blood !!God bless you my Brother,greetings from SanFran 🙏🇺🇸🇸🇻🇨🇦
  • @josemorales2224
    Will, my family left in 1981 at the beginning of the civil many sleepless nights we spent underneath our beds for safety, cant even count. yet never had the courage like you to go back, with our new president i can't wait to go back, can't wait to see and revisit memories i have within me and see how beautiful El Salvador is. Will this short film touched me deeply and for that thank you so much,
  • @jorgeortega346
    My parents left El Salvador in the mid 70’s in search for a better life in the United States. I visited the country for the first time in 2015 and I loved it. My Salvadoran girlfriend back then took me all over the country. I enjoyed it’s beauty and people made me feel at home.
  • @shrimpflakes
    I can't tell you how grateful I am for you making this documentary, not only because you beautifully captured the sights and sounds of El Salvador and its people, but also because you have brought together a community of people who can share their stories. I was born in the US in '97, so I'm younger than most here in the comment section. However, my mom grew up during the war, out in the countryside picking coffee. My uncle and grandfather, for reasons I will never know, went off to fight for the government. They both died in the war. My grandmother, like your late grandfather, was illiterate for most of her life. All of this would seem to put people down, but no, the Salvadoran is resilient. I've visited more than a dozen times, and every Salvadoran you meet will greet you with a smile, crack a joke, and offer to be of some help. It's a beautiful country and its people deserve better than what they have endured for centuries.
  • @emmam.9376
    im a mexican-salvidorian American teen I dont know much about El Sal other than what my mom has said. This really taught me a lot
  • 17 years, it took me 17 years to go back to El Salvador and it's so incredibly amazing how the neighbors still remember me. I felt so welcome and I visited so many places and never for a moment felt in danger.
  • HELLO EVERYONE!!!! I'm German American living currently in Ilopango, San Salvador, EL SALVADOR. And I Love it here.Sadly the trash everywhere is heartbreaking but the food and the people are absolutely amazing. El Salvador esta super bonito y gracias por un buen Presidente Bukele esta mejorando poco a poco. ❤Pupas😆
  • I felt this in my core. My father came to the USA undocumented in 82. I have so much family still there that I don’t know. When you said you didn’t talk to your abuelo cause of your Spanish I cried because I too lost so much time and connection for that very reason. Thanks for taking us on this journey with you. We need more of these stories.
  • Very good documentary 👍... like u are so many I lived in Europe..I grow up in 🇺🇸 lived in el salvador salvadorean/ American
  • @fogarzjr99
    I wanted to share how impactful this documentary was to me. Soy SalvaMex. Mi padre es de México y mi madre nació en Sonsonate. I've been to El Salvador twice when i was younger and never really bothered to learn the history, culture, or anything about El Salvador. I know what it's like to have that internal struggle of wanting to connect with your roots but being insecure about your Spanish or how you fit in. I just wanted to say thank you for the effort you put into this. I will definitely pursue connecting more with my grandparents before it's too late. RIP to your grandfather Will. And thx to anyone who read this :)
  • @Thatgirlisagun
    This was such a beautiful documentary. Both of my parents are from El Salvador . I’ve been to El Salvador a couple times , and it’s such a beautiful country with such beautiful soulful people . Truthfully i teared up a little watching you talk with you grandpa , both of my grandparents from both sides are no longer here . I miss them so much , they’re so gentle & full of wisdom . Being a salvadorian descendent here in the US is prideful . I’m proud of where I come from , I’m proud of the blood that runs in my veins . This documentary was inspiring , we as salvadorians are strong , powerful , beautiful people . May god keep giving wisdom to our current president Nayib Bukele to keep bringing justice to our people . Then again thank you for this beautiful documentary. Much love 🇸🇻 🤍
  • @pabloleon5816
    That’s the real salvadorans people bro.. asi somos los salvadoreños para dar direcciónes pero esa es nuestra mejor época de personas amables, humildes y trabajadores
  • Excellent documentary! I'm a Salvi American from NY. I can relate your journey in many ways. The last time I saw my Papa Geronimo, before he passed on, was in the mid 90's, he gave me a big hug and I felt he didn't want to let go. It was quite an emotional moment in time that I will always remember. Although our elders are no longer with us in the physical, our memory of them is what keeps them alive. We are their descendents, and am sure they'd be proud to see how far we've progressed. Their is still much work to be done, but the future is bright! We must keep our culture and traditions alive, and learn from our history... it can only make us a stronger people. Thank you for sharing and many blessings!
  • Hey my friend I came to USA in 1979 Thanks to my mother. I’m 51 years old and people often ask me why do you always said your are Salvadoran! When you have live here in the USA ❤️all your life ! My answer is I’m proud to be Salvadoran 4ever! That’s is where I was born 🙏
  • Bro much love from a chapin 🇬🇹 always supporting our brother guanacos 🇬🇹🤝🇸🇻❤️