I try to deny all my interests, but I feel trapped in quicksand

Published 2024-06-28
Michael James from the YouTube channel Sri Ramana Teachings answers questions.

Watch the whole video here:
2023-10-15 Ramana Kendra Delhi: Āṉ𝘮𝘢 𝘝𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘢𝘪 verse 3 (continued)
   • 2023-10-15 Ramana Kendra Delhi: Āṉ𝘮𝘢 ...  

👋 BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT & FREE SAMPLE: Michael and Sandra announced in the Q&A video on 5th August 2023 the book launch ‘Ramana Maharshi’s Forty Verses on What Is - The ultimate truth on being as you actually are’:    • Book Launch: Why does Forty Verses on...  

🎁 FREE BOOK SAMPLE (includes ‘Introduction by Michael James’) on u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZbcyp0ZeohBWWHhHf…

The book is available in print and e-book through Amazon.

Namo R

All Comments (14)
  • 👋 BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT & FREE SAMPLE: Michael and Sandra announced in the Q&A video on 5th August 2023 the book launch ‘Ramana Maharshi’s Forty Verses on What Is - The ultimate truth on being as you actually are’: https://youtu.be/5Um4S63wClc 🎁 A free book sample is available (includes ‘Introduction by Michael James’) on u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZbcyp0ZeohBWWHhHf… The book is available in print and e-book through Amazon. Namo Ramanaya 🙏
  • @nikkifrye7599
    The path of gentleness is my take away and I thank you Bhagawan. I got several messages from my son concerning the political situation in the U. S this morning. My interest in this could have gone on for quite a while. However, this video popped up immediately, and it drew me in! It turned me around in such a gentle way😂 Thank you Michael❤
  • Just because you love God more than anything doesn't mean that you're going to be purged of all your inferior interests. You'll still love the things you don't love as much as God.
  • Thank you for this Dhara talk. I want to investigate a detial in what you have said in order to better undertand how I am to apply ātma-vichār in my practise. At arround [5:55] you said, "we are turning our attention back towards ourself we are thereby depriving thoughts of our attention that they need." My understanding here is that we do not turn our attention back to ourselves, we turn to that from which the thoughts arrise from." This then is the "I" that Bagwan refers to that is the mind or ego, and ourself or thru nature. As Bagwan called it, the true nature that is ultimamtly oursleves where he sued the term "I - I". For me, if I already had my attention on the "I - I", I would already be awaken. It thus appears to me that you have either missed a step or maybe poorly descibed ātma-vichār, the process of oberving the source of the thoughts. Furthur, that final relaising true nature will be a result only of the death of this "I" or source of though, ego-delussion. Please kindly explain as I am very interested in ātma-vichār as I have misunderstood this first step for a long, long time. I must ackowledge of course the limitations of our langauge now and of the language that Bagwan used. Your attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated.
  • TM or transcendental meditation as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the simplest way to experience that silent deep pure awareness Ie the thoughtless state. It’s an effortless technique .you use a mantra which leaves the mind undirected so it settles into its source. Other thoughts may come and go but they aren’t distracting. One feels expansive silence and the benefits are innumerable. I learned this in 1970 and spent yrs in tiruvanbamalai I’m a great lover of Bhagwan. I’ve spent many yrs doing Srkf inquiry, vippassa.,the work of Byron Katie’s, many visits to Ramesh balsekar and yrs w my sat guru Am,avhi and many other practices but with out the initial TM instruction ,all other practices would be hard and a Strain or force of the mind. With Slow benefits I can’t recommend TM technique highly enough,
  • @bernhard1071
    I am afraid that many have no clue what the term "silence" as used by Bhagavan truly means. That silence is not reached by ANY meditation techniques and only with the proper practice of atma-vichara for many lifetimes. That silence is NOT a temporary absence of thoughts or a subtle state of mind which most confuse as "silence". Alas most seekers who post here do not have the maturity to understand Bhagavan's subtle but deep teachings since i.e. "silence" is actually atma-swarupa when mind and any thought form or vritti is totally annihilated. When that happens the perception of phenomena and this world collapses since phenomena only exists simultaneously with ego/mind. Most seekers and most teachers like Tolle, Spira, Mooji, etc. have no clue about that since they believe to have awakened while still perceiving a world . That is due to ignorance and an utter disregard of Bhagavan's teaching. As always humility is on short supply with these confused ones since ego loves to imagine to have "awakened" or other nonsense.
  • @EvenStar303
    It is not Self investigation. That sounds like you are a detective looking for something. This is misleading...... It is Self attention. You simply attend to yourself. And then there is silence. It can be done immediately. And then you just practice staying there. That is all!