Fallen Soldier returned home Nov. 12, 2008

Published 2008-11-13
Fallen Soldier escorted and flown home to FLA on American Airlines. Honorably greeted by Army personnel, local police, family, and fire department - who showed their respect by showering the plane with 4 powerful streams of water from fire trucks on both sides. (the plane sat under the streaming water for about 5 minutes - edited about 4 minutes out) God Bless the soldier's family and God Bless our Troops! (video taken from inside plane - then out on the tarmac when the fallen soldier is taken from plane)

All Comments (21)
  • @RobertNeeb66
    I came back to this video to let this Soldier know he is not forgotten.
  • @sl21sl
    I was a F/A on this plane & had deadheading pilot tape this w/ my camera. As with all returning fallen soldiers, there was a soldier on board whose job it was to escort his fallen comrade home. The passengers were asked to remain seated until the escort could deplane. Though the plane was late & some people had connections, NO ONE complained. It's nice to know that people have their priorities straight and render respect when they should. God Bless the family and God Bless our Troops!
  • @BettyBaldock
    I was on this flight.. The captain came on overhead speaker and requested everyone remain seated until one passenger was taken off the plane.. No one but myself knew the reason till they saw the casket..
  • @HercDriver82
    As a C-130 pilot i have taken some of our Fallen out of theater to meet up with the aircraft that will bring them home. There are few things in this world more sobering than seeing a flag draped casket being set down in your aircraft. We place them as far front as possible, accord them every possible honor, and land as softly as possible. Something I am honored to have done and hope to never have to do again.
  • @breeo13
    That really was beautiful. Monday me and my family will have to go through the same thing. My brother, SPC Norman Cain III, was killed last sunday (03/15/09) while proudly serving his country in Afghanistan. Thank you, for all those that support the troops, and i pray for the safe return of the soldiers still serving over seas.
  • @electrogeek77
    My mom and stepdad were on a flight coming home from vacation a couple of years ago, when they discovered that there was a Fallen Soldier being escorted. Everyone on the plane wrote notes of sympathy and appreciation to the soldier's family, which were then hand-delivered to his companion, whom had earlier been upgraded to First Class as an act of appreciation.
  • @l4dyfett
    I'm active duty and I teared up just reading the video title. I will never amount to the greatness that this fallen soldier has done for our country. God bless.
  • @cavanfamily12345
    the hardest thing a mother have to endure. but she knows that her son came home a hero who gave his life for the sake of others...
  • @nubserver
    i wasn't born in the USA either, but here i am a United States Marine.
  • @dsalstrom
    Working an Honor Flight is difficult but an honor at the same time. God bless all our service men and women. It has been my honor to bring back a soldier.
  • @braggstang
    Sorry for your loss. Your Son didn't die in vain and will be remembered forever. Thank you for raising such a wonderful young man. Because of Marines like your son, America can sleep at night. I have served for 19 years in the Army and I salute all those that have given the ultimate price. Thank you again for bringing this wonderful young man into the world and allowing him to serve in our beloved Military.
  • @HooahArmyWife09
    I cry every time I hear this song. My dad is RET Col in the Air Force and my husband is currently serving active duty in the Army. They both are my hero's and my world would come crashing down if I lost them. I love being an American! God Bless America!!!!
  • @T80ne13
    I wasn't born in america came here when I was a baby but I am DAMN proud to be an american now this video shows how passioniate and caring people can be
  • @DaTViperKid
    this actually makes me cry, and it makes me want to be in those soliders shoes to help protect them and the American People
  • @pizzlestuff
    the ultimate sacrifice, if it happens to me so be it, i know what i signed up for, proud to be a new enlisted soldier. mad respect to all the fallen, they now can rest in peace forever, thank you good sir and all others who fallen, you guys make me proud to wear the uniform in a few months.
  • @40MrSig
    No other country provides the dignity and honor that we do for a fallen soldier. It is so deserving for someone who made the ulitimate sacrifice for our freedom. It's time like this that make me proud to be an American.
  • @markestes7916
    Thank you to all of the men and women who have served this country so that we may have the freedom you have paid for with the ultimate sacrifice. May God bless you and your family.
  • @briannoce3422
    This is the saddest thing I have seen today. We Americans Fight for freedom.
  • @JesusKid1000
    Every member of our armed forces deserves a hero's welcome when they come home.