Luis Elizondo on unidentified aerial phenomena, extraterrestrials and the Pentagon's UFO programme

Published 2021-11-25
Luis Elizondo ran the Pentagon's secretive UFO/UAP programme for a decade... We had some questions. Early last year, the US government officially acknowledged videos of “unidentified aerial phenomena” filmed by its Navy pilots. Was it evidence of extraterrestrials? Here the former Pentagon intelligence officer in charge of investigating these incidents, reveals (almost) all he knows at GQ Heroes…

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Luis Elizondo on unidentified aerial phenomena, extraterrestrials and the Pentagon's UFO programme

All Comments (21)
  • He's no whistle blower. He's a soft discloser. A person put forward to softly disclose the facts in a way that people can accept and somewhat understand. Deep inside, we all know we are not alone.
  • He's not a whistleblower: he says just what he's allowed to. I think he's the trailblazer, one of those who are "preparing" the people little by little, very carefully. The US military is backing up releasing chunks of "official" videos and data slowly but constantly and admitting involvement in the issue. We have already crossed the point of no return here: the discussion is not if these things are real anymore but what they are and where they come from. We're already on the ship and we've left that beach (following Elizondo's analogy). There's a lot more to come in the following years. And many should apologize to all those who've been ridiculed, stigmatized and laughed at (to say the least) for pursuing the truth about this phenomenon over the years.
  • @jamesetal7088
    My father worked on US Air Force classified projects for decades. He briefed three sitting Presidents. He designed the commo gear for the moon landing which now, along with the reentry capsule, sits in the Smithsonian Air and Space museum. He told me every Air Force O-6 and higher he ever met believed we were being visited by off planet craft.
  • As a child I saw a very large flying triangle fly silently over a field by my rural house. Moments later two fighter jets flew loudly over the same area in pursuit of the triangle. The jets shook the ground and were so loud that I had to cover my ears. I have never seen anything like it before or since. That was 50 years ago…
  • @Antipodean33
    I'm from South Australia and back in the 1960s my father and I would sleep out on the front lawn in summer (no air conditioning) He was always looking into the night sky and one night we saw something truly incredible. It was very far away, just a bright light, but it traveled from one side of the sky to the other at a blistering speed. It was also erratic, stopping dead, then speeding off in another direction. My old man was a sailor in the merchant navy since he was 14 and had sailed around the world many times before he was 18 and had seen this type of thing many times. He had the direct phone number of a fella who ran a huge telescope up at Mount Lofty here. He rang him, told him where this thing was in the sky and he saw it also with his telescope. We were in the local news papers over it, they described it as a UFO, this was around 1966
  • @MrMelodyRoad
    In 1961, I was in the Coast Guard. The weather cutter I was on (USCG Owasco) was doing a 30 day weather patrol on Ocean Station Bravo which is about 1200 miles out to sea and about 500 miles south of Greenland. I was on radar watch. I started tracking a target that appeared about 200 miles out which was coming straight for the ship. I plotted its course and speed and it was doing over 2000 knots headed straight for us. I called the captain, he came in and he immediately darkened ship. The object got within 10 miles from us and in one sweep of the radar it had reversed course and did a 180 and was 40 miles away in the opposite direction going about the same speed. I think the G forces applied to a pilot doing that maneuver would be impossible to handle back in 1961. We called headquarters in Washington and asked them if we had anything out in that area at the time. Answer was no. Ever since that time, I have been a believer in the possibility that they UFO's exist. It was not a fluke in the radar. I had been tracking high altitude targets for 18 months by that time and would have known the difference. It was a very errie feeling watching that object coming toward us. Everybody, captain included, was pretty freaked out. I have never forgotten it. I know we had several aircraft back then that could travel that fast but non that could pull of that maneuver and still have the wings left on the plane. So based on that experience I guess you could say I am a believer.
  • This is a very articulate man. Makes everything he says more valid.
  • @ganybaus
    Late fifties, Dad was flying a DC-4 over the sahara on a charter flight to Australia. A UFO played games with his flight for almost an hour, dad said he'd go to his grave remembering it. Upon landing back in the UK, the crew was detained and individually debriefed for three hours by " authorities" before being allowed to leave, it's been happening for a very long time.
  • @patches6309
    Until you have your very own personal UFO/UAP experience, I just don't think anyone can ever truly understand not only the magnitude of this discussion, but the stigma & frustration you have to deal with from non believers or those who just do not care to know? What I experienced in 2019 completely changed my life and views on life, existence, God, religion & the universe as a whole. I only hope that everyone can experience something so powerful & life changing.
  • "Maybe this is another beach and we are looking out over a new horizon" That was so profound and eloquent in its delivery. I hope I have enough years remaining to see such a horizon cone to fruition.
  • I think we're finally, nearly, almost ready for full-disclosure on this stuff--the Pentagon just coming straight out with it and saying "Yeah, we know they're real--no, we don't know exactly what they are or where they're from." And that sounds like a pretty healthy middle-ground on the way towards "Well, we kinda knew a bit about these craft, but we didn't want to freak you guys out. You seem ready now, though, so here it is:"
  • @CimonSowel1
    Clearly highly trained in interrogation the way he understands multilayered questions and can break down each point of questions so he doesn't catch himself out in past questions or future ones.
  • @zone07
    I never realized it until he said it at the end: The technology we are seeing now was seen in the '40's. If any nation had that technology back then, they would be today's Super Power.
  • @westlakedon
    Well done GQ this is exactly the kind of serious conversation needed in the UK.
  • @mott2945
    This gentleman is playing a role of gentle disclosure 100% just listen to his answers he basically admits there here but disguises it behind an example story (very clever) like the muddy boot prints in the home even though all the doors and windows were locked when you went to bed. I actually believe the government are working with them and they are here among us I absolutely do and people like the gentleman here are put forward to plant the seed of them being here ❤
  • @mkii5423
    Eisenhower was right when he warned about the military-industrial complex during his farewell speech back in 1961
  • Having been an active duty Marine Corps Ground Intelligence officer for 24 years, I can tell you without reservation that this is not being ignored because of lack of you really think the worlds governments want to admit they cant do anything about these craft?
  • Great Interview! THANKS, good summary of the recent events...
  • @UFO-Ark
    Thank you Lou for bringing this to the masses. Can we have a follow up please.