Drain the Swamp: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2018-11-11
Donald Trump promised to “drain the swamp.” But considering the culture of corruption inside of his administration, Washington is looking awfully...swampy.

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All Comments (21)
  • @MrJjrob97
    I will never understand why people think that billionaires will all of a sudden care about their best interest.
  • @Tychoxi
    "I love the multi-millionaires, not the elites who look down on me" wat
  • 15:22 Think about it. He tells his own voters that he lied about draining the swamp, that it was just a meaningless catchphrase. And they laugh about it. These people are so gullible, naive, careless and dumb.
  • @luckjes112
    I love the term "drain the swamp". Y'know what draining a swamp does? It kills an ecosystem, drains the place of water and leaves only vile, smelly muck in its wake.
  • @TheGreatRakatan
    " The swamp are the big power elites that look down on the little guy like me" "Being rich is good, those big powerful rich people are my friends" This guy's brain has literally adopted cognitive dissonance as it's modus operandi.
  • @jklroxmysox111
    The cognitive dissonance of thinking that having billionaires in charge is a good thing because they won capitalism or whatever but also thinking that those billionaires will somehow turn around and stop winning capitalism to spend time/effort/money helping out middle America is astounding.
  • @littlebud95
    His reaction to Trump's kissy face in that movie is absolutely priceless
  • @DirtyPoul
    The corruption in the US is appaling. Here in Denmark, we get riled up when politicians have lunch with a lobbyist and the lobbyist pays for the meal as a token of gratitude for the politician spending his time listening to the lobbyist. $60 000 in campaign money from a single lobbyist group? That's absurd! You really need to set a limit for campaign spendings. Otherwise, this kind of corruption is going to continue.
  • Trump stood up there and told the crowd "I basically lied to you and you believed it" and I couldn't tell if they understood what he was saying or were too ignorant to admit it.
  • @sethhorras8519
    I love how John speaks his mind about things he doesn't like. He's a national treasure.
  • @jaridkeen123
    if anyone wants to know a Razzie Award is an insult it means you were in the worst movie of that year.
  • That comment about seeing a red hat from the back is 1000% accurate.
  • @amberlance3221
    He is blatantly saying "I will say whatever I have to, to get what I want" and his supporters behind him are standing there with a dopey smile
  • @honeyygutz
    I'm at 11:35 and I can't help but cry a little bit. I live in Louisiana and I remember my aunt and uncle having a crisis over the oil spill. They were in the seafood industry and after the BP oil spill, they lost their livelihood. My mother was sick with cancer and they still helped us to the best of their ability despite all of the turmoil they were in. I can't help but look at this as a detriment to the entirety of Louisiana, and I feel greatly for those affected. I'm sobbing just hearing about this over again.
  • Here's the thing, though, and he even included this near the beginning (and I wished he addressed it more): Trump supporters don't care. Their definition of 'the swamp' is 'people who look down on me,' not 'people who are shady and corrupt, who accept bribes from special interests, who waste government money, who work against the purpose of their office, etc.' Being a millionaire (even if by shady means...) is regarded as a virtue. These same people often think that concerns about the environment and global warming are either hoaxes or at the very least, overblown, and standing in the way of jobs and the economy. I wish John would have focused on how these people are bad for Trump supporters self-interests--that might be a way of actually convincing people who support Trump that this is a problem. Otherwise, this is primarily just red meat for people who dislike Trump. That's fine, and not unimportant (it is worth pointing out all the crooked things the Trump administration and appointees are doing), but it's not very productive if we're going to try to convince anyone to think and vote differently. Anyway, that's my two cents.
  • @KasCalwein
    The neckbeard in the audience wearing a MAGA hat at 15:39 is pretty much how I picture Trump's 4chan-fanboys.
  • These videos are so damn good. I can go back and watch them months and years later and they're still great