A Story Of Detransitioning | Michael Knowles

Published 2022-03-25
Helena Kerschner, shares her story about being brainwashed and manipulated into transitioning into a man, and the way she saved herself from the radical ideology and her journey as she detransitioned back into a woman.

All Comments (21)
  • @missvida6251
    It’s sickening that “tomboys “ no longer exist. I was a bit of a tomboy as a young girl. No where in my thought process did I ever think that I should have been born a boy!
  • @nancyrea3863
    When I was a kid I wanted to do boy things. No dolls, no dresses etc. My parents just went with the flow, “ok, she is a tomboy, big deal. I am still a person that doesn’t let stereotype behavior influence me. I am a woman that can use a chainsaw, and can put up fence for horses or fix the roof on my barn. I don’t consider these types of jobs male or female. They are just jobs that need to be done and I know I can do them. BUT if my childhood had been in today’s culture I could have been influenced to really screw up my body and my life.
  • @crisl.6817
    She went from hating her own voice to finding it and using it to help others! Good for her!
  • My English is far from perfect, so I’ll try to explain this as best as I can. When my daughter was 14 ( in 1999 which this style of trans was not in view as much as it is today) she was going more of a boy’s manners and dressing than a girl. One day she was standing in front of the sink to have a drink of water and she was all dressed as a boy as she was doing pretty often in the past weeks. Big floppy men’s pants and a plaid shirt. I went beside her and whispered to her “you know, you can act as a boy anytime you want in any situations that want you to be a boy, but you’re still a girl. So you can wear nice girl’s clothings, being girly and still do boy’s stuff whenever you feel like it. You are a beautiful girl and you can be a tomboy as much as you want whenever you want and still be that beautiful girl that you are“ That changed everything! Believe it or not, the following days she was a complet different kid. She would dress as a girl, she would act as a girl, everything as a girl! And whenever she had to go like on the four wheelers or hunting or whatever she felt like it, she would dress as the activity she was doing like any normal girls would do. I also explained to her that when I was her age and having seven brothers, I was feeling the same way as she was, and doing exactly what she was, but I still kept in mind that I was a girl and it was nice to be a girl!❤ Today, she’s 38 years old with a beautiful husband, 2 beautiful kids and a wonderful mom and she’s always the same… One day a nice beautiful sexy woman and in the next day she’s in her big men’s pants kind of, to do work around the house. So for you parents who are dealing with that kind of stuff, just talk to your kid and tell them this is normal. Explain to them that they can be both without changing anything but the important thing is to stay true to themselves
  • @jordanl2896
    It takes a lot of humility for her to come on the show and talk about this. Tons of respect and well done!!
  • @ABock4
    Rejecting this gender ideology and detransitioning is what’s actually “stunning and brave.” There needs to be more firsthand accounts like this shared with the world.
  • She's so intelligent, well-spoken, and beautiful. If she's vulnerable to this, everyone is.
  • @MsRedonyx
    When I was 28 I was placed on testosterone to treat a lump in my breast. Six months later the doctor offered me another six months even though the lump was diminished. During the entire treatment i literally became a very angry and emotionally unstable person, I hated myself I hated everything and everyone around me. I was going through a menopause which made everything unbearable ,I knew my personality changes were related to the testosterone treatment and once I finally finished the six month course I was looking forward to return to me again. It took years for me to feel normal again. I can’t imagine to keep receiving testosterone forever. Most kids are confused and without proper guidance they will be damaged for the rest of their lives. Those who push on children hormones of the opposite sex are criminals!
  • @bananajoe9951
    My cousin had transitioned into a boy during high school. While we all supported her decision at the time, some of us were curious why such a urgent desire to do it now. Why not wait until adulthood? We found out that a few teachers and most students within that community pressured her into it. The reason, she didn't like the way her body looked. She was thinking of going to the gym at first, but was pulled aside by a teacher to speak about gender dysphoria. After transition, within a few months, she crashed hard. She came home crying and wanted out of school. She felt she couldn't detransition without being bullied by the trans community at the school. Her parents convinced her it would be okay, and if they are her friends, they will support her. It's exactly how she imagined it would go. She was reported as being transphobic, bigoted, suicidal. She had to speak with two school counselors to ensure she wasn't "talked out of it" by her own parents... After her parents discovered this, she was pulled out of said school immediately. Her parents sued the school when they also found out that everyone suggesting she transition, was not medically qualified, was not trained professionally, and the school did nothing to protect her. Those two teachers were fired. She's happy now, and started taking care of herself like she planned to.
  • @submandave1125
    Consider this: As a man in his 50s, I had to go through several doctor appointments, multiple diagnostic tests, and insurance approvals to have my diagnosis confirmed and approved for testosterone replacement therapy. Afterwards, I went through several months of close monitored medication and diagnostics before I was approved for home administration. I require semi-annual monitoring and recertification to get my prescription renewed. Helena, as a self-diagnosed transman, walked into a clinic and a hour later was on testosterone, unmonitored. Something in the medical industry isn't right with this picture.
  • The best thing I ever did was talk lovingly to my child when she told me she wanted her breasts removed and to be a Trans bi-sexual named "Sunny" at 10 yrs old. I told her about my own experience being called names in high school and that nobody at her age feels comfortable in their own skin and that it's normal to feel that way. I told her she is beautiful and that I will always love her no matter what she chooses but she was not old enough to make such a decision and I would not support it or participate. I also told her if she isn't old enough to be in a romantic relationship she isn't old enough to decide her sexual identity because being a trans bi-sexual is about more than just how she looks, identifies and presents. I told her not to decide who she is and then live her life, but to live her life, meet people, have experiences, fall in love as a young person and then decide who she wants to be. Coming at the situation without being preachy (that's hard for me being a devout LDS Christian) but with love and firmness saved my daughter. She is becoming a healthy, happy well adjusted young woman. My parents gave me a great example. They loved me through my own struggles and gave me a safe place to live and land, but they were firm in not supporting my bad behaviors. I pray and send love to any parent dealing with such a crisis. ❤
  • @boleebo2925
    So I’ve never admitted this to anyone but, when I was a young girl I was a tomboy through and through. I hated girly things, dolls, makeup, girly clothes, I done manly things and fantasized about being a man and those thoughts of ‘not belonging’ followed me into my teenage years and often I would think man I wish I was a man, I would be so much happier. Fast forward to now, I am an adult woman and not only did I remain a woman and find happiness in myself, I fulfilled my god given purpose as a woman, I married, I am a mom now and am just so thankful I never tried to change my identity. I persevered in my faith until I found my belonging and thank god I had. I feel like it’s natural to wish you’re somebody else especially as a child, as we age we have to learn acceptance of ourselves as well as our bodies. We were created as men or women for a purpose and the first step to knowing what that purpose is is to embrace who we are and not who we think we would be. God knows what’s best for us and his understanding far outweighs our own
  • @lessons9745
    I was the biggest Tomboy. Very athletic, a late bloomer who thought maybe God should have made me a boy. All my friends liked guys and were interested in them a couple of years before I was. Thank goodness this trans stuff wasn't pushed back then or they likely would have dragged me into the guidance counselor office to undergo sexual identity dysphoria therapy. Thankfully today I am all woman and have 4 grown kids!
  • @elfevilkitty
    This girl just basically described being taken into a cult. Good on her for being able to come around from this
  • I'm a guy but I've been described as quite sensitive and effeminate. I like to look after and take care of people especially my family who I will do anything to protect. These qualities I considered as bad when I was younger, I wanted to be more masculine. But we're all different. Some women join the army and do MMA and others become nurses. Some males like me have qualities which can be considered effeminate but yet I still work as a mechanic and weigh 18 stone and compete in amateur boxing. We're all different and that's OK but changing yourself permanently is a big decision that should not be taken lightly.
  • @dandylion188
    I'm a "cis-" man. I used to be into body-building. I experimented with testosterone pills I got online. After just a couple of weeks, I was an emotional wreck: fits of rage, intense sadness, etc. If 2 weeks of pills could do that to me, I can only imagine what the maximum dose of testosterone injections would do after 2 years.
  • @frostflowers
    From a fellow detransitioned woman: great interview, thank you Helena for being so open and honest (and brave - I'm sure you're getting a ton of backlash from speaking out about your experience) and thank you Michael Knowles for the respectful interview and giving her a platform to speak out!
  • @darlabaker7872
    God bless that girl. She could be saving many kids from making big mistakes they cannot get out of.
  • She is SO WELL spoken for her age! She really has a great future ahead of her.
  • @liberty9784
    I just want Helena to know that she still looks and sounds like the woman she is. I could never tell unless she spoke on it.