DS9 Weyoun and art (Favor the Bold)

Published 2012-02-12

All Comments (21)
  • @potaterjim
    I love the subtle horror of the Weyouns: The founders didn't want a species of thinkers or aspirants, people that could rebel or prove problematic, so they took away their ability to enjoy anything. They can't sing, they can't understand or appreciate art, they can't even taste food. It's the ultimate form of control: They have no desire to be free, because they don't understand what desire is in the first place
  • @iksarguards
    “Impossible. You can’t release a man and then execute him, it makes no sense” LOL
  • @vurrunna
    "The Dominion has a dim view on terrorism." He says to the ex-terrorist. Man, this scene is just dripping with intrigue.
  • @Mxlsptlk
    Rom is a diabolical genius. It's a shame that only the Federation's enemies recognize that.
  • @Kalenz1234
    0:27 "You asked to see me, major?" Kira did not barge in on him. This was an appointment. He deliberately prepared the painting. When Kira asked for an appointment, obviously Weyoun highly suspected it would be about Rom. He wanted to show Kira how little he and by the extension the Dominion cares about the Bajorans but in true diplomatic fashion do so without outright saying it. By making the matter of the painting more important than her request or threat of political pressure by the Bajoran government he achieved that perfectly well. 2:54 "Would this be more aesthetically pleasing if it were blue?" to really hit the nail home and get the message across. Brilliantly written character, in a brilliantly written scene, portrayed by an amazing actor.
  • @itsbloodytommy
    I always thought there was a subtle tragedy to the way Combs played Weyoun. Like he straddled the line between fun campiness and moments of you feeling sorry for him and the Vorta
  • @annehaight9963
    The wistful, innocent music they give Weyoun at the beginning when he's contemplating the painting is heartbreaking. There's so much missing from him and he kind of knows it, and wishes things were different. But he's incapable of overcoming the intensity of his genetic programming.
  • @theGhoulman
    I love how Jeffrey Combs says "gods". So indignant. "Gauds don't make mistakes." ;D
  • @aurex8937
    To be honest, I think that painting would be more aesthetically pleasing if it were blue.
  • I love the way J. Combs delivers the line "I think it would be nice to carry a tune". There's a whistfulness in how he says it that made me feel for him in that moment. Of course once he realizes that he might have shown a weakness he covers it up with a fake smile, but you could tell that, even if it was for just a second, he felt a flash of sadness.
  • @Bitchslapper316
    I mean he wasn't wrong. Did Kira actually think they would just release Rom after he committed "acts of terrorism". Even if we say it wasn't terrorism it was still sabotage and vandalism at the very least, something I would imagine carries a sentence of more than a week in Odo's office.
  • @soakingbook
    I wonder if Weyoun already knew what Kira was going to ask and chose to discuss the painting with her only as a means of gaining the final rhetorical upper hand.
  • @geistxx
    "Would this be more aesthetically pleasing if it were blue?" Is also a callback to one of Data's lines in TNG.
  • @tarn1135
    Weyoun was perhaps the most enjoyable characters in this show
  • @95DarkFire
    At 1:03 you can see how he has to convince himself that everything the Founders do is right. He propably knows inside that they are not perfect gods.
  • @2Scribble
    0:03 - I love how desperately Weyoun wants to 'understand' the painting - failing to grasp that you don't 'understand' a painting - you appreciate it
  • @pirobot668beta
    I would love to listen in on the debate of the value of art, with Weyoun and Admiral Thrawn taking the opposing views. The Admiral knows deep down that a cultures appreciation of art reveals much about how they face life, and how willing they are to fight. The Vorta could never understand such subtly of mind, and so fail as they often do. Everything 'missing' from the Vorta are the things that would have let them be their own people.
  • @nosorab3
    Weyoun tries, and I admire him for that
  • @KingreX32
    I'd love to see what the vorta are like after the dominion war.