Jordan Addison Does the Whole "Deleting All Team Pics from Instagram" Thing

Published 2024-07-15

All Comments (21)
  • @Tim21189
    Jordan ain’t exactly the brightest bulb
  • The mimosa post one day after he got released from jail speaks volumes. This young man needs to get his head on straight.
  • @GMoDiLLa
    I hate this, it really sucks. I hope the Vikings can get to him, be the supporting positive family they want to be. Help the kid turn it around. If he can’t recognize his mistakes after this one, ship him out. This is when we see if family/positive vibes Vikings coaches/leadership can be the answer.
  • @superkjell
    Driving drunk at the best of times is pretty much inexcusable. And this is just about the worst time possible to do this.
  • Wtf is going on with this dude. Why can’t he shut up and play football like JJ
  • @ebrac17
    He is acting like he already got paid. Dude is very immature needs better friends surrounding him or he will be out of the league before he gets his first contract. Damn shame
  • Get this kid some time with Chris Carter. Addison needs to be saved from himself. Don’t enable him by trading him, make him ride the bench and face his teammates for his disrespectful actions after KJs death.
    “Let’s get paid” I DONT KNOW HOW PEOPLE DIDNT SEE THIS SHIT COMING. He was not vetted well enough during the draft interviews
  • Why? Does he think that he is in a position to demand a trade after that little stunt or is this just an immature temper tantrum lash out?
  • So, this is gonna be like one of those Starbury situation where he was jealous of Garnett's contract and team lead status. That whole "let's get paid" thing is rearing its ugly head. This kid is very immature and not very smart. Hopefully he can do a full 180 and QUICK
  • @rfree2887
    Watch he will pull an Adrian Peterson and blame the team for not having his back after he makes a terrible decision
  • Starting from draft night, this guy has sure made himself hard to like. If what is reported is true, there has to be significant consequences.
  • @mcgeeal5342
    Hate to say it but when your leadership (OC Wes Phillips) has a similar situation a year ago, it's telling to those you lead.
  • @Darth_Timothy
    I knew this guy was going to be a problem after his post draft interview.
  • Maybe he’s an alcoholic and needs help. Let’s not condemn him until we know. And why let him out after 2 hours if he was drunk? That’s weird.
  • i dont even know what to say... unacceptably immature behavior
  • I taught high school and college for many years. Just because you make millions does not mean you are mature enough to handle it. I assume the team gave him a @ss chewing so now he is pouting about it.
  • @CalBoy914
    KOC probably suspended him indefinitely for this latest shenanigan.