Fiji coup 1987

Published 2017-08-11

All Comments (21)
  • This time when something like happen Itaukei and Indo fijian and whoever loves his country will stand together to fight for our country, for our homes and for our future generations even if it will cost our lives. We should not stand by and watch bad people destroy our Fiji.
  • Watching this in 2020 is disturbing to learn the racism back then towards Fijian Indian descents. I'm so sorry for the past we will do better and keep you(Fijians of indian roots) safe. This is your home.
  • @AshaEll
    The base of the coup was racism it appears and this hurts my soul as an Indo-Fijian.
  • @namasi7070
    in 1970 at independence Fiji had the same GDP (output) as Singapore. After 30 years (year 2000) and three coupe's by Rabuka and Speight, Singapore was 25 times bigger. Today it is over sixty times Fiji's prosperity. God does not require songs and prayers what he calls for is justice and mercy. Listen to the prophet Isaiah: "When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening. Your hands are full of blood! Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed."
  • @duaruatolu9248
    I always wonder what good would Bavadra do for Viti after all those years of govt abuse of power. But, he was cut short in his prime. God bless his soul and his family. Loloma.
  • @kaeso101
    Thanks for the views and comments. I uploaded a new video on the infamous separation of the Lovoni people, which is based on a research paper. The link to the video is down here.
  • @willtamani1765
    Blame the British for their mess in Fiji..everywhere they went with their slaves brought nothing but trouble for the indigenous populations. Indians should have been repatriated back to India at independence to save them and the country from competing interests. You just have to look at all the former colonies and the problems they are going through today. The British tried to maintain their grip on the empire through their dysfunctional Commonwealth organisation which is only here today to maintain their puppets still in the former colonies. The indigenous Fijians just want to be left alone to rule their own country and determine their future. What the hell is the problem with that?
  • @squidjames7735
    Rabuka should go to Bavadra's grave site everyday and ask for forgiveness. Otherwise, karma will rot his innards.
  • Dr Timoci Bavadra, is and will always be my hero. Rabuka looted his own people and now this asshole is rich as fuck. Times have changed. Indo/Tauki/ and Kaivulagi are all one Fijians.
  • @ratuose2026
    Rabuka after this 1987 coup was even openly having extra-marital affairs and I know this as a fact when he used to come over to the Mocambo Hotel in Nadi in his govt vehicle. I pity his wife, Sulueti, for putting up with his shit. Lucky for Rabuka all these abuses/ rights thingy laws put in by the FijiFirst Party govt. has made women bolder and an avenue to seek redress. I don't pity the delusional fools here who are supporting him.... would their tune change if Sulueti was their mother seeing their father sleeping with other women with little or no regards towards his family's reputation and concerns? My friends, family and I can verify what I'm accusing him of here. In fact, all the Mocambo workers in those years can attest to it.... nothing to hide or fear.
  • @kalpanarao7422
    Today fiji is a third degree country because of the all rubbish thinking, hungry of power, politicians is politicians but someone will suffer n someone will gain, axe ur own
  • @davidrounds8912
    So sad, whether the imposed Coup back than and after were political or racial. I wish nothing but the best for my fellow brothers n sisters irrespective of their races. Help us all.
  • @emiliapapa
    Ka vakaloloma, ni tauri vakaukauwa ga na matanitu, baleta ni ratou a lewe walega ni cabinet ena yabaki o ya e 7 na vasu.
  • Money is the root of all evil!!!!... Money can't buy love. The Fijians showed Love to the Indians from the onset!!!... And was Honoured, Appreciated by the Indians!!... It's the INFLUENCE of some bad apple's ethnic groups alike in trying racial dominance of Fiji Islands. Those Indian bad apple's got to remember as well. (p/s) Not all Indians.
  • @Tani-wd2yc
    Well whats wrong with Fijians taking back their land ..Both Indians and British have their own country. They can always go back there if they dont like it in Fiji
  • @tv2671
    Look at those Indians getting beaten up 😂😂😂😂😂 Fijians are ruthless when they reach their limit
  • @Nadilo2023
    In a nutshell we need one another 🤝.