100 Line Christmas Map 31 UV-Max in 0:31

Published 2023-12-19
Map name: Save the Christmas Tree!
Map author: DukeOfDoom

About 250 attempts overall. (Almost) all archvile maps always get a thumbs up from me. Of course, viles are fast and unpredictable, so they don't lend towards the greatest speedruns to optimize, lol. Here, I started at a 0:47 first exit, and went all the way down here. After I got 0:36, I wasn't sure if I was satisfied, but I still wasn't quite happy, so I went further. I got a 0:34 (included), which was basically perfect; except, I fucking autoswitched to berserk on last vile, lost a couple seconds to that, and then it was .00 to add to the misery. I didn't expect to get the same luck again, but this was the next run.

It all comes down to the rocket section; the AVs usually travel too much or move around too much to be rocketable, often one is in the hallway, which means wasted blast damage. Even if they are reasonably positioned, if they target you, you obviously have to dodge, which loses some time; worse, it means they get a chance to reposition themselves closer, which makes it an even bigger time loss. The floor lower/raise cycles add another issue; if you are on the slow side, you can't make the first cycle anyway, so you have to wait a few seconds to get to the exit. Here and in my 0:34, I got the earliest cycle, which is pretty lucky I think.

In terms of the overall route, not sure what's best here. I move a bit odd at the start to get the right cycle for the platforms; my movement goes from rockets/RL to plasma gun, at which point I start killing imps on my way. I pick up chaingun because it's the fastest path to the SSG, which then leads to BK, where I try to herd the viles. Seems reasonable enough, but maybe there's a better spot to go; it's hard to say because the moving floors limit your options a lot, and even if one of them is in a convenient spot, the next one might not be, so you have to wait anyway. Cool map anyway.

I guess it's nice to get a 0:31 time on map 31 anyway, haha, didn't realize until writing this txt. :P

Captured using DSDA-Doom v0.27.5

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