NetBSD 10, But It's On A 25Mhz VAX Somewhere In Canada ...

Published 2024-05-31

All Comments (21)
  • 👀 what's this perfect thing to watch while getting chemo, thank you for the content over the years, only two transfusions left!!
  • @AndiSteilwandi
    You, Sir, are now an officially certified DEC engineer! 🎉
  • @thatguyfrye
    Whoa whoa wow wow, more computer stuff for me to watch and only vaguely understand!!!
  • "That way everyting in the stack would be DEC tested, DEC approved..." you could almost say... fully DECed out ;D
  • @jbglaw
    I found this video by accident and while watching it, I remembered the recent LCG thread on port-vax. While thinking "Whee, this poor guy was just a teeny tiny bit too early, that has just been fixed!", I later on realized that you were the guy fixing it. Thanks for working on NetBSD on VAX! 🙂
  • @karolisr
    The monochrome orange phosphor CRTs look so cozy.
  • @CrassSpektakel
    I installed NetBSD in 1992(?) on my Amiga 3000, shortly before the AT&T lawsuit. Then changed to Debian until Debian and Linux basically dropped the Amiga Plattform. Last Year I upgraded it back to NetBSD. And it just ran. Even supporting my SVGA card through the framebuffer device, although with little acceleration. It is amazing how much NetBSD can do.
  • NetBSD on everything!! Would love to see it on a Nokia Communicator 9110 and various Windows CE 1.0 and 2.0 handheld PCs, old OG POWER1 and POWER2 and POWER3 IBM servers and workstations, OG PowerPC 601-604 Macs. NetBSD 68K for Macs and Amigas and more, even?! Super cool to see you work through your troubleshooting process, and then work through the fix/patch development. Beautiful video overall. Definitely the step-by-step process therapy needed today! (If you could lend your brain to the ELKS embedded Linux project to get X windowing and SSH working that would be swell too… and show it off on various 8086, 80186, 80286 hardware and NEC V20 and other 16-bit NEC CPUs? That would be super cool)
  • @clehaxze
    You have sold me on your channel. Hardcore OS hacking on YouTube? Yesssss
  • @Spaztron64
    Take a shot every time the word "However" is said.
  • In the video some of the code mentions “VLC” models. I used a 4000 VLC Workstation for years in the 1990s, the VLC was rumoured to be short for “Very Low Cost” as it was the cheapest workstation you could buy then.
  • @thegsprank
    laughed out loud at watching neofetch running at a glacial pace in the background
  • @pauldunecat
    It's a good life, making sure NetBSD boots on old Vaxen, and that Nethack works as proof of function. ❤
  • @karlchen81
    Thx for the vid. I think NetBSD needs way more attention. It is a beautiful system and definitely has its place in between Free- and Open- BSD.
  • @aloneer0529
    I really love your content, even tho I don't understand what's going on sometimes!
  • @pentosa
    Genius glimpse, you brought them down
  • @c462-
    This video was awesome, i had a blast watching it. Thank you for making it so enjoyable :) Also, i'm every day more and more blown away at how readable NetBSD codebase is, i really want to start getting my feet wet with it on my main pc or my retro-gaming one
  • Nice work! I ran NetBSD on an old Sparc Classic (originally a controller system for a printing press). It wasn't quite as pokey as the microvax, but getting a kernel compiled for it was an interesting experience. It had a good second life as an smtp host until it blew a cap 3 years later. 😊
  • @gregwtmtno5437
    Love your content. Doing stuff like this is how I hope to spend my retirement. But for now, I gotta live vicariously through you!
  • @Nono-hk3is
    2:49 Shout out to Ultrix, the first Unix I had root on, back on 1994.