10 Gaming Things You WISH You Knew as a Kid

Published 2024-03-07

All Comments (21)
  • @dansmith16
    Number 0: How dad got so good at the game when you never saw him play it.
  • @DigiDeath
    My dad, my brother, and I would have contests to see who could fly the Dodo the longest. I'll never forget waking up one night to find dad practicing, lol.
  • @AndyLundell
    One neat trick I remember about The Dodo in GTA3 was that it gained more speed while diving than it lost while ascending. That's physically impossible, but super useful. As soon as you're off the ground, waggle the nose up and down to gain speed. Eventually you're going fast enough to fly indefinitely. I remember flying that all over the map. Including finding some cut-scene-only areas WAY outside the play area.
  • @chamoo232
    For the Driver one. The thing everyone should have known is that if you pause the game in the tutorial, there is a "demo" option and you can watch the computer do the whole thing. It's good to see what you are supposed to do but also gives you a very good order for the stuff. I remember starting with a burnout then going as fast as you can to the other side of the parking before braking in front of the wall. That takes out the speed and brake test within 10 seconds of starting.
  • @HighFive212
    Number 9 hits so close to home. My library would've been 10x the size if not for trading in games.
  • @MrNixth
    Didn't realize there were baby falcons 🤯
  • @seans440
    I'm 38, still have my Sega and Sonic 3, and today is the day I learned how those stupid cylinders work. Playing that game this weekend thanks to Falcon lol
  • @eddthehead123
    The way my Dad taught me to roll up the controllers, is to put your finger where the wire connects, and roll around it. The space your finger creates helps keep it loose around the wire, and prevents damage.
  • @MaseTheAce
    I’m glad my dad taught me how to properly take care of things such as discs when I was little. I wasn’t perfect, but it did help me preserve my collection of old movies and PS2 games, which still work to this day.
  • @jasonxhx7854
    IMAGINE if you knew how to get Mew in Red and Blue when they were new. Nintendo would probably hunt you down. You'd be instant famous.
  • @arvendekoh2266
    During the days of FF 7 , 8 , 9 and 10, my two best friends and I would contest over save file progress, but on the weekends we'd play a shared file, and play in 2-6 hour shifts. For FF8 we got a Japanese version and went all the way to level 99 before even leaving Balamb Garden and we were so excited about how powerful we thought we would be........ mistakes were made.....
  • @verlorenish
    lil Falcon calling customer support for being stuck in Sonic 💀
  • @JayBugi90
    3:20 that laugh got me 😂 this whole video is just Falcon progressively realising he’s old
  • I remember being so mindblown that my Dad and older brother would be playing levels in Driver with different weather like dark and rainy (campaign levels) while I was stuck with the tutorial or the two stock levels.
  • @TheDarkNimbus
    My parents didn't buy me anything for gaming, i always had to buy my own, saved money from my paper route to buy an n64 that came with Mario Kart and an extra controller, then the ps2 i bought off my parent's for $40, they only bought it because they had "airmiles" and it was one of the purchasable items at the time and made it cheaper than a dvd player 😂😂😂, man my mom hated gta 3, the traffic sounds, gunshots and screams got me a tv in my room as a kid, good memories.
  • That Driver opening was brutal, but i also felt some of the Time Trials in OG Gran Turismo were equally as challenging
  • @drakewarnock1239
    Oh my god. The Sonic 3 barrels. This video is worth an upvote just for that!
  • @ShamanFox
    DIgimon World was one of the best and also most confusing games for me at a young age. It had such a weird vibe to it, but you also couldn't stop playing.