Tacos may have you going to a cardiologist. I know.

Published 2024-07-09
It's all a little weird.

Finally got a cardiologist appointment to get some follow up test results as well as having someone answer a lot of questions I have post heart attack and operation. Life is about flow and form. This form I had of a physical body with whatever neuro transmission, blood movement etc were happening is the flow. You want to get out of flows that cause you problems. People need to get out and explore this world. They need to get out of their own heads and release bad energy that occupies their thinking and memories. It is hard to do but almost everything in this life has something hard about it, just pick your hard and work on it till it's easier. I tell people often to start writing their stories, to see the world with more details with all the hosts of emotional baggage that comes with it. The world is wild, we are really some kind of jungle. We think like prey, we watch out for preying energy and can be victims whenever we go out. It's a gamble, but this is life. We are living life.
Don't want to bore you with my sage ramblings, but there are fun and funny stories that happen everyday that I want to share. In a silly way just as well.
Roommate offered to take me out for tacos. I didn't shower yet and it's been hot in San Diego. Even when I'm in the garden just walking around, I get a little dirt or grime on me. So, before my cardiologist's appointment, I get some tacos. My diet and appetite has been smaller since my heart attack and I've limited on the items I love but can be detrimental to my health. Yeah, tacos. So, I had two with some rice and beans and lots of salsa. I like to mix salsas at the salsa bar at these places I go. It's just lovely. Spoke with a tall Serbian guy I see at the Sveta Petka Serbian Orthodox church. Zeliko is his name and almost 7 feet tall. Cool guy. Roommate took off home and I stuck around to chat with Zeliko a little more. He seen me around but never got a chance to chat with me. My cultural background of Eastern Europeans are quite the stoic and protective bunch. We had to be considering the governments and occupations we've had for centuries.
Get to the doctor's office and talk to one of my best friends, Serbian buddy Zoran that used to co-produce my podcast show 12 years ago. We're deep thinkers. My life has been improved with my friendship with him.
My name gets called from the waiting room, I get on the scale and see that I've gained 4 pounds in the last 24 hours or less. Until I realized to myself, oh, I just had some tacos for lunch. But I said it out loud where several people in the doctor's office and I just started laughing quite loudly. It was one of my greatest moments today. I love tacos. Even when they may involve a cardiologist.

All Comments (4)
  • @Innocueous1
    HAHAHA Pavel... Love it! You're in San Diego...some of the BEST street tacos...especially by the beach! Now tell us ... what are your favorite tacos? From what place? They are "to die" for...but not literally.
  • Bonjour à vous, j'espère que vous allez bien et que votre santé aussi, car je vois que vous êtes là pour un examen et j'espère de tout cœur que des bonnes nouvelles. Votre amie qui vous suit 😊