When you get the Sun Blade In Curse of Strahd

Published 2021-09-01
When you get the Sun Blade In Curse of Strahd

All Comments (21)
  • @madwookie9844
    Paladin ignites sunblade Paladin: "Well hello there." Strahd: "Paladin Kenobi!!"
  • @117Jorn
    You know I was half-tempted in my CoS game that I am DMing for to give Strahd a necrotic counterpart to the Sun Blade - that way whoever has the Sun Sword he and Strahd could have a classical lightsaber duel.
  • @kingjudicii4250
    Strahd straight up stole ours like five minutes after we got it
  • i had the actor feat and the sunblade so i pretended i was strahds brother back from the grave. thats me scaring the shiz out of dracula.
  • Saw the title had ‘strahd’ and was not disappointed. This is great. I gotta show my Strahd DM!
  • @mistamemewide
    All I can think about the Darth Vader Scene from Rogue One, but its a paladin at the end of a hallway with a sunblade slaughtering all of Strahd's Minions to get to Strahd.
  • @heavykyio
    God I remember when I got it on Neverwinter game and everyone was like: "YO GIVE IT TO THE PALADIN" And I had no idea of what was going on until they gave it to me and when I had it in my hands I realized... "I HAAAAAAAAAAAAVE THE POOOOOOOOOOOWEEEEEEEEEEEER"
    Alas, I've never gotten to face down the lord of Castle Ravenloft myself, but this brings to mind the tale of a Christmas one-shot where our party's paladin ALMOST pulled off the best play of the night-and that I have ever seen in my D&D career. The premise was simple: Strahd had given us 4 hours to explore the castle, and after every hour, Strahd would appear and offer us gifts...in exchange for the blood of the petitioner of course. After those 4 hours...well, things would get dangerous. Near the end of our first hour at Castle Ravenloft, we were exploring an ancient dining hall when my bugbear barbarian discovered a secret passageway in the wall. Down a hidden staircase we went, and deep inside a cobwebbed catacomb, we found it: The Sun Blade. I was instantly feeling better-now when we inevitably faced Strahd after our 4 hours, we would have a fighting chance-and I was relishing the anticipation of getting to take down one of the most iconic villains in Dungeons and Dragons. That's when I realized our DM hadn't exactly told us how much time we had left, so I nervously asked in character: "Uh, did anybody remember to check the time?" ...Turns out I was right to be worried: No sooner had those words left my barbarian's mouth than Strahd himself appeared, the clock chiming ominously. I didn't trust Strahd enough to give him my blood, but our paladin had a bolder plan. He accepted Strahd's offer, but then he rolled a Sleight of Hand check to hide the Sun Blade from Strahd, then a Performance check to further entice the vampire lord to bite him. The Performance check was all too easy....but the Sleight of Hand almost crumbled in on itself. Thank the gods, it worked...if barely. Finally, just as Strahd was closing in for the bite, our paladin struck, igniting the Sun Blade and attempted to stab the lord of Ravenloft in the heart with it. I STILL remember the attack roll: 19. ...Too bad Strahd's AC was a 20. The tip of the blade was mere inches from the villain's heart, but alas, Strahd managed to dodge it just in time and then angrily disappear. Our DM congratulated our paladin for a clever play, but lamented the fact the dice just wasn't in his favor. It's a shame work prevented me from ending Strahd myself, but with Christmas coming soon, hopefully I'll get to wield the Sun Blade myself...and then put Strahd back in his coffin forever.
  • Third major fight into Barovia and this is revealed. I'm surrounded by squishies and a ranger, so my DM retcons it to a greatsword so at least one of us can use this properly (paladin). Now, it's my best friend. We do all kinds of stuff together. Radiant + Radiant + more Raidiant = this country was made for me. I love it here.
  • @amadeus6987
    "Your puny mortal weapons can't hurt me!" 2d8 radiant damage later "NOOOOOOOO"
  • @fehrgoostaff818
    As the person that used our party's Sun Blade, my soul resonates with this
  • @itwasidio1736
    Self-aware Zealot Barbarian: There's only room for one tyrant around here.
  • @redtexan7053
    “The Dark Powers offer a path to many abilities, some would consider to be...unnatural”
  • @RhysticTutor1
    Nobody: Me who’s cleric knows Daylight and has way too many spell slots: hehe funi Strahd go BURN
  • @kereminde
    Let's see, Sun Blade in one hand, Holy Symbol of Ravenkind in the other... ... and finding Strahd decided to unleash all the old traps in the castle to keep a few steps ahead of the paladin in the hopes of winning by attrition. If anyone's seen the old I6 book, that place was fricking lethal.
  • @vasudeanguy8523
    Add Grave Cleric's Path To The Grave and it's akin to holding the guy down while you incinerate him.
  • @akurami2201
    "I have brought Peace! Freedom! Justice! And security to My Barovia!" "YOUR Barovia?" "Do not make me destroy you." "Strahd, my allegiance is to The Raven Queen, to balance of life and death!" "If you're not with me...Then you're my enemy." "Only an Evil being deals in absolutes. I will do what I must." "You will try." sunblade ignites
  • Had a CoS game where my first oath of vengeance paladin died early on, in his backstory I said he was adventuring to find his lost sister, so when I needed a character I just rolled up the drunkard battle master fighter sister with anger issues. She found out that her brother died to some vampire kin and personally took an oath to kill Strahd. Fast forward to the finale, fighter has the sunblade, rogue finds the luck blade in Ravenloft, and brings paladin back from the dead. We finally take on Strahd and he almost gets away, but the siblings chase him down. The fighter getting a nat 20 and tripping him, and the paladin getting a second nat 20 and dumping a third level smite into Strahd to finish him off. DM described it as the siblings finally fighting in sync and pinning Strahd to the floor.
  • @topherjoe6354
    The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.