Mob gets rejected by Tsubomi and Reigen comforts Mob 😭

Published 2022-12-21

All Comments (21)
  • Only this show could make its protagonist being rejected by the girl he likes feel like such a heartwarming, positive moment
  • Its really interesting how hes able to express his sadness now. There's no percent count or anything. He's just feeling his emotions freely
  • @madamrabbit8503
    i think its important to note that Tsubomi still waits for Mob, Like she still respects Mob's effort and shes also doing the same despite the warning of a typhoon. she didnt reject him because she didnt think much of him, she rejects him because she felt like he has alot of growing to do, and his priority should be himself first
  • @SuperFabiotv
    I'm actually relieved that Mob got rejected, let me explain: it's normal for her to reject Mob, he rarely speaks to her and doesn't have any sort of recent connection with her, it wouldn't make make sense for here to go out with Mob
  • @SweatyConMan
    Man, I can’t believe this masterpiece of a series is over :( Studio Bones did a great job
  • Been a long time since I felt so fulfilled by the end of an anime. I really have no complaints. This was perfect and I couldn't ask for anything else.
  • I’m glad they went the mature route and didn’t make it so that they wouldn’t have a relationship in the future. They still talk to each other on the phone so who knows maybe they will end up together. This show is perfect.
  • @tenetised830
    He matured so much. Bro even talked to her daily after becoming senior.
  • @AzaleaHeather
    I like that they started talking to each other even though Tsubomi rejected Mob. I've known people who ended friendships with their crushes after they got rejected because it just got awkward to talk to them afterwards
  • @hublot860
    If Reigen hugged Shigeo as he cried I would have litteraly died
  • @tannokie40
    I miss Kyle Mcarly as Mob, But they did this scene justice
  • @jecharles4743
    She waited after all that she waited........there is hope😭😭😭
  • @jackrock3978
    Oh my God actually expressing his feelings without destroying anything
  • ik it's misunderstood but this is no longer Mob since Mob is a emotionally suppressed version of Shigeo
  • it feels like Reigen is an older brother who has experienced all the ups and downs of love comforting and confiding in his little brother who just got heartbroken for the first time and really needs someone to be there for him. It should be bittersweet but I feel something more akin to an optimistic melancholy. This is a small hurdle and test for this new mob but he has so many people to support him that we know he is gonna be ok and this is the beginning of something amazing.
  • @decusq
    This reminds me of the first time I got rejected by someone I thought I wanted to be with. It hurt, it was painful, i cried in my room for a week but the important thing was I survived. For years I struggled with the idea of rejection and how it would feel but the fear was more crippling then I thought it was. Because after I felt it, the fear was still there but it wasn't as bad anymore. In life we experience pain, it's inevitable, it's part of life. What important is how you deal with it after it happens then spending your life trying to avoid it. After that, i realized I stopped myself from doing so much out of fear of that pain. I finally felt free afterwards. I've been hurt a few times since then, but i'm still here and i'll keep at it till i find the person for me.
  • The beautiful thing is, this entire thing is a catalyst for him to understand himself. There are a lot of people who enter relationships while being completely uncertain of themselves, and before they know it their 2nd kid is on the way and they resent that partner with all the fibre of their being. That is why divorce and unhappy marriages are so common, folks rush themselves into this situation because having a family is treated as the most important thing in life; while it's a part of what makes our continuation of our family line important, it isn't the only thing about life that is meaningful. We are alive to enjoy it afterall. Mob had only just began to understand who he is and had finally started to be honest with himself, he's got plenty of time to make that connection. Likewise, we should only be looking to plant trees when we understand what we are looking for and to be honest, after all, it's much better knowing one another's deal before making a serious commitment then finding out 10 years down the line.
  • @wdcain1
    I'm surprised by the voices. I thought everyone got replaced with non-union VAs but they sound like the original cast.
  • @JJFN-zm3ky
    Fullmetal alchemist,MHA AND mob physco.. Studio bones know how to make a great masterpiece with a amazing ending.