KEARNEY Construction Worker CRUSHED by EXCAVATOR & gets AIR-LIFTED from jobsite Hwy 56 Wesley Chapel

Published 2024-07-02

All Comments (21)
  • Was on this call, great job to everybody on scene! We gave that young man a fighting chance.
  • As a retired Firefighter/EMT the absolute worst thing you can do in a situation like this is to rush in without accessing the situation! You are no good to anyone if you get injured yourself!
  • Canโ€™t transport by helicopter until the patient is stable. Itโ€™s not a lack of urgency but doing what is necessary especially if in critical condition.
  • @anonmouse6437
    Hate to see construction accidents like this! They're almost always ๐Ÿ’ฏ% preventable ๐Ÿ˜•.
  • @dankification
    OSHA is probably having a field day with that entire project
  • Prayers to the people involved. Construction is very dangerous no matter how big and important the project or paycheck is safety should always be priority.
  • Bviously the poor man needed to be stabilized before they they could move him to the chopper. Hope he recovers.
  • @MommaRapper
    prayers for recovery - goodness - be safe out there
  • @mjlmbl
    @ 1:00 the camera operator highlights the disregard to safety amongst that crew. 1 missing hard hat out of the other dozen standing there.
  • @Mike44460
    Here is how things will happen. OSHA is coming. The company better be able to document that all workes received initial training and related instructions. Did each employee receive their yearly update on the safety issues involved with their particular trade? These two items require a signed form and must be performed by a certificate trainer. If not, stick a fork in yer self. I hope the injured worker is ok. If not, someone will be spending time in a federal prison. 3.5 years in prison for an event in Canton, Ohio, years ago with a death.
  • HOPE FELLA IS MORE THAN OK ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป OSHA requires employers to provide ladders, steps, ramps, or other safe means of egress for workers working in trench excavations 4 feet (1.22 meters) or deeper. The means of egress must be located so as not to require workers to travel more than 25 feet (7.62 meters) laterally within the trench.
  • I don't know what happened and im sure OSHA is on the job but when I got out of highschool I got a job putting up guardrails for new interstates and replacing it and we also had to put in lights in for the rest stops and we were doing that the power company was supposed to turn electric off on the poles were setting but they didn't turn it off so when my coworker picked up the pole and put it in the hole it hit the power line and electrocuted him and the guys who were holding it they were killed instantly i saw everything i had nightmare for a long time after OSHA did investigation and found that the company we worked for was not responsible for the accident and we did everything right the power company was at fault so i hope the guy is ok this work is dangerous you have to be on your toes