"You Will Become a GHOST!" | The TRUTH About HEAVEN & HELL | Secrets of Death REVEALED | Sadhguru

Published 2024-05-20

All Comments (21)
  • My wife AnnMarie died and my son Erick died of Leukemia at age 14 and I suffered a stroke and cannot longer walk I want to die so I can be with God our Lord Jesus Christ my wife AnnMarie and my son Erick Haleluia ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  • When one of my family was in hospital they were very ill on a ventilator. I could see from their complexion that they were dying so I chanted a mantra the whole day at the hospital and we saw a reversal in their symptoms like they were coming back to life. However after we left the hospital they died that night in the care of the hospital staff. They had a traditional hindu funeral and the body was cremated however after this I have had many experiences when asleep and awake of sensing their presence still even to this day. There is a subtle presence that is dwelling within our bodies. When we sleep at night, it sleeps inside us because it has no body. When the sunrises its presence is not as strong. I am beginning to question the tradition of cremation versus burial as is done in Christianity. Why is their subtle body in this situation it hasn't taken birth again through the process of reincarnation as we were taught. What has gone wrong?
  • @flanker909
    I hope that before we dissolve into the universe we at least get to know the secrets of creation. What or who is behind all this. And how is pleasantness or unpleasantness experienced without the mind?
  • @malathigovi3545
    Awesome video sadguru thanks a lot for the special video 👌 👏 wow 🎉
  • Let us each individual recieve the previlege of passing on.We shall be enlightened.
  • I would like (and have made arrangements for) my body parts to be available for use by living people who have need for organs. My concern is that I don’t want to feel the knife after I am declared clinically dead. Please advise.
  • Death is a part of being, don't be emotional about it. One live's the life they like and pass away. So why cry about it..
  • @CarsonBoyd
    I remember experience before I was born, which is the same thing as after death. Many people do, perhaps you do as well. The memory appears without substance because we too were mostly without substance. We overlook the memory because it doesn't appear to be what we are looking for.
  • In yogic philosophy . . . How each bhootha winds up, after death is a definate learning, through observation
  • Nobody has missed this engagement. It is not going to change, if any saint say that we will never die. This is the truth of nature.
  • Yes....and....no. Pure existence and non-existence are the same. That's why all this can exist. Non-existence is a perfect balance of all possibilities. In that perfect balance everything cancels out everything and so it appears to be Nothing, but this Nothingness is full of dynamism. When the symmetry of the balance appears broken, Creation emerges. Existence and non-existence is all about perspective. Evolution is not a circle. Its a spiral. There is no end to it because it is infinite. That which has no beginning has no end.
  • Sadguruji you just said rebirth etc is false. But you yourself say the person will take another body. Are you not contradicting pl. Pl clarify. Jay
  • @ukcp54
    nothing dies...everything transforms