Electra behind the scenes 1# drawing Electra speed edit

Published 2023-06-05
First up on the behind the scenes list is the making of Electra herself.

The idea behind her began as she was the second original superhero I ever created, some of her ideas came from a superhero prototype I called Fightshade, a scientist who was mutated into a human/deadly nightshade hybrid, but the problem I had with her was that I was too young and ambitious and was a lazy writer so eventually I dropped her, but some of her villains, like camilia and the piranha were transferred to her. And some others were transferred to her from other failed characters such as whirlwind, like blackjack and singebow.

At first I had the idea of Electra being a meta human and her design was inspired by the arrowverse series black lightning, but eventually I decided to scrape the whole meta human thing and resort to mutants instead. In fact the name of the mutagen was originally called β€œmetagen” as it created meta humans.

As for her weapons and abilities of choice, one of them was to be able to travel through power lines like the megawatts from Ben 10 but that would render her whip, which I chose to be unique instead of just flying around because I often thought that was super cliche, somewhat useless, one of the things that hevily inspired me in making this series was the 2012 tmnt series, it made me LOVE mutants in fact the color of the mutagen in that show was one of the inspirations to the mutagen in my show.

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