Clear Glue in Resin; February 27, 2024

Published 2024-03-27
This technically worked and failed at the same time. Which is cool. But I really hoped that it was going to work for some of the heavier stuff.

Let's Resin 2-Part Epoxy Resin 1 gallon

Elmer's Clear Glue (Target Stores listing)

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All Comments (19)
  • I am so glad someone did this experiment! I ended up buying some. I live in the US but it came from Ireland via Amazon and cost me $$. Seems like there's been a run on the clear glue! I appreciate your perspective and personality!
  • @daniel..cooper
    Great testing, yes, you need the tiniest of amounts for this to work, even a tad too much and it will do nothing at all, its such a strange effect 😂🥰 Glad you had great results 😊
  • @sarahmallonee
    Oh I forgot to mention that the effect on the miss powder is really cool and am awesome effect you discovered. Hello Abby and Loki. My cat Suki says "hello, meow meow meow meeeoow!" Lol P.S. Loki sir you have awesomely loud purrs and we hope to see you make an appearance soon😸
  • @sarahmallonee
    I would love to see you do a more technical follow up by mixing the glitter into the entire batch of resin and then put half into a separate pot and then add a specific number or drops of glue and then put it into your pressure pot so we could see better. I think part of the issue came from mixing the glitter in inside of each square it pushed it to the bottom instead of how it would be if it was already in the resin when poured. Great video and can't wait to see what your doing next video. Happy crafting
  • @miniscenesgb
    Best testing of the Daniel Cooper technique I've seen. So darned funny too - snot lol. Was that Elmers Glue? That's what Daniel used when he came up with this technique. His didnt look cloudy I think
    Disco kitty- I applaud your experiment…making mistakes so we don’t have to😂. I think your banter is Funny- it’s SNOT annoying to me😂 AND keeping track of what you did with each & telling us? AMAZING!
  • @susanr3666
    Other videos I have watched use 1 drop glue per 1 Oz of resin. The mix is gloopy but glitter stays suspended well. Bubbles do not release well. It looks you need more glue to suspend better.
  • @lauramature7388
    U should watch Daniel cooper or glitz and glitter Michelle she does the glue and it works. I think you have to add the glitter into the pot and stirred in and then poured into the mold
  • @lynnmorris8578
    1 drop per ounce and I don't know if you should have mixed in the molds. I always pour into separate cups and add glitter then pour into the molds. I've never had any cloudiness.
  • @TeddyCrafter84
    Somebody likes saying snooot XD Slime would be fun though! (though I don't watch shorts) <3 Abby Cat!!
  • @debbee2705
    You used too much glue, and you need to degas then redo the experiment 😊 also mention the person that created this viral trick, Daniel Cooper 😊
  • @ownsacat
    Thanks for testing this. Not sure I will bother with glue.
  • Snotttttt snottttt snotttttt love it lol im not sure id use the glue i think id sooner let the resin thicken it deffo leaves it cloudier ooooo make some slim yayyyy xx ❤ omg kitty l love seein kitty xx
  • @nilsafaga3869
    Watch Daniel Cooper. His stuff comes out gorgeous, you will learn. That this technique does work beautifully. Grow up. Crying out snot is for 2 year olds. Technically it works if done right! In the middle
  • Snot snot snot snot snot snot Really? Annoying annoying annoying