Why You Can't Win Gunfights in Rainbow six siege-Deadly Omen

Published 2024-03-19

All Comments (21)
  • @dl5498
    All these people commenting about their postive kds and here i am going from 0.6 to 0.2💀
  • @mob8757
    I used to be a diamond 1.4 kd in og seasons After 1.5 scope release I went to a 1.1 and now that the new season release I’m a 1.5 now
  • @br0dyy
    My duo always has a higher kd 1.4-1.6 in diamond-champ. He’s a little better than me, but he gets all of his kills from spawn peaks and roaming, die, and I always have to clutch for him. Sometimes it’s stressful and I always beat myself up for having a lower kd 1.1-1.2 but I also have to remind myself how and why I play like I do. I never try going for kills intentionally unless we rush.
  • @synical021
    What i realized a lot of people dont udnerstand to this day is how to attack sites and play obj. I run champ stacks and u’d be surprised how many of them play the game for K/D while the 0.7kd is putting work playing hard breach and impacting the round. People gotta stop playing team deathmatch and realize theres an obj
  • @mylesr5
    I struggle using the 2.5x up close. i tend to lose many gunfights 5m and closer with the 2.5 scope.
  • @JorikCC
    I think a really good tip for anyone really, go try to get a 4-5 stack and get used to each other and make urself comfortable with the common roles (fragger, support and flex) when you and your group are setup and used to each other kills will come. Btw kills are not the most important in the game of siege focus on game knowledge, game sense and teamwork. Good callouts from your 4-5 man can help you get easy frags too.
  • @etab8897
    Do you recommend duo queue or 4-5 stacking? I only solo queue to try and raise my individual skill. 90% of the time I duo queue with a friend. I can get people for a 4-5 stack but we aren't always coordinated. I don't care about rank just getting better
  • @xjay3200
    I hate this season, legit just can’t play at all none of my shots hit my sens doesn’t feel right at all
  • @Claytonguyperson
    I’ve played about 40 ranked matches so far this season and I’m 1.6 W/L and 1.4 K/D. Me and my buddy go into games as a 2-stack. The games we lose are ALWAYS because of bad teammates😂 we’ve literally never been bottom of the leaderboard on a loss.
  • @pivotchocolate
    I need to do these more but my k/d has actually gone up. I started siege in acog meta and the 1.5 actually hurt me more then it helped. I love ACOG and can still play it aggressive
  • @marcelonino8009
    This season was directly targeted to nerf people that play like me. I cannot win a gunfight, and my win rate is in 0.5, hardstuck diamond too. Fucking season is ruining me
  • @Entitusschule
    Somehow my KD is always somewhere between 1.1 and 1.2 It doesn't matter what strat I'm using or what guns I use, at the beginning, the mid and the end of a season I'm constantly somewhere at 1.15 😂
  • @unlisted6030
    Hey sinoos, I’ve been playing siege for around 7-8 months and last season, hit diamond with a 1.5 kd. I was playing really good, but now I have around 30 matches and I’m still in bronze. I often find myself getting frustrated because I can’t seem to get kills and win games anymore. Do you have any tips?
  • @Opin10n
    1.4 Kd 0.3w/l teamates complain im kd saving but im on bandit anchoring sites and my teammates die off site leaving me in a 1v5. get like 3 kills then i go down
  • i found your channel today and i have already watch 5 videos love your tips keep it up
  • I just don't agree with scope thingy. Scope depends on map and sometimes even site. It is not that easy by saying oh one scope is better than other.
  • @vshadowkingv7820
    Last season I was at a 1.2 KD now im at 1.5 but i only have about 30 games played as of now