All Plants, Zombies and Boosts 2024 Soft Launch | Plants vs. Zombies 3: Welcome to Zomburbia

Published 2024-01-19
This is all the content in the new PvZ3 soft launch, including plants, zombies and boosts, both new and returning! Let me know your thoughts on this soft launch in the comments below.

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pvz3, soft launch, all plants, upcoming, new content, all zombies, power ups, boosts, pigeon feeder, bowling zombie, plantern, puff shroom, sun shroom, silversword, umbrella leaf, swinging zombie, bungee zombie, lychee, landscaper, chili bean,

All Comments (21)
  • @koalapvz
    Currently this game is only available in the UK, Philippines, Netherlands and Australia. So if it isn't showing up for you that may be why. What do you think about this soft launch? I personally really want these things in the game: - Choose your plants (even if they don't want to make it for all levels, they could just do some levels like this) - A level selector or world map - Get rid of the lives system or change it - Focus more on new gameplay content like more plants and zombies and areas more than the story/garden building thing. I feel like they've sacrificed actual content in favour of making the story/garden building more expanded (who really wanted that anyway? We're playing pvz for pvz..) I don't think any of those 3 asks are unrealistic at this stage. Although we all want even bigger changes, unfortunately, I don't think they're going to make any fundamental changes to the game at this point. Head over to the Floral Federation discord server to get involved with the pvz community and discuss pvz3, I even have my own channel (#koalaom) for channel related discussion!
  • @Catsarecute545
    Ive played the game, i feel its biggest waknesses are the lack of plants in each level as theres no ability to choose ur plants, the game feels like its missing somthing from the gameplay to keep it engaging. I also hate how the levels feel boring for a significant amount of time in the gameplay.
    That means that there will most likely be dark levels soon since three of the not added plants are plants that you would see in night levels. I also do like the fact that umbrella leaf actually seems semi useful.
  • @Kondomonium
    The reality is that no matter what they do to this game in an attempt to fix it, all of it will be in vain if we can’t choose our plants
  • @aidancode
    Thanks for showing off how darn barebones this project really is. 150 levels and a plant count that you can count on your fingers. That's a little disingenuous since the levels are so short but man... PvZ1 was a small game and this is considerably smaller. It also is yet to introduce a single unique plant or zombie.
  • @Nutellagott
    Things I like: -The water area and Gimmick, (I honestly want more worlds with such a gimmick) -Multiple plants (like Squash) in one level so you have multiple cooldowns[This vould still be implemented with choose your plants however] -Wallnut being more useful -The sun system -Lawn mower -The Artstyle, and also the Home town where you build your stuff (but I think other people dont really like that) -Music - some of the new Zombies (Pidgeon Holder for Example) Things I want them to change: -Remove the lives, be able to replay levels - Choose your own plants -Make the earlier levels longer and less tutorial like - Im not sure abt the boosts since I woyld actually never use them because it feels like cheating to me -Add more plant and Zombie variety, you van go like 10 levels in a row without anything new being inttoduced -GoW doesnt even have time to activate in some short levels, and most of the time it activates when you dont need it - Make the Gargantuar less off centered and look lesss weird -Make the Squash have a bigger impact, it look slike a falling pillow when jumping -Umbrella always shows full petals on block animation, even if it doesnt have any left -Add Bungee Zombie back -Remove the timed Zombie waves - Making Vase breaker better - If they want to keep is as a Puzzle Game then just Rename it "PvZ Welcome to Zomburbia" (Should be treated as a spinoff rather than a main series game
  • @tylazermk8271
    I really do hope that this game improves, but it's hard to be hopeful for it honestly. I don't even mind the artstyle, I actually kind of like it, but there's just not much else that I like about it. I guess it's still an improvement from previous versions of PvZ3.
  • I fully agree with y’all: the game doesn’t look great. But I do genuinely enjoy the concepts of the Bowling and Pigeon Feeder zombie. I wish the Bowling zombie would have more proper bowling physics, like in the PVZ1 minigame/PVZ2’s Bowling Bulb. Maybe it loses power after its first hit, and each consecutive one, to keep it from demolishing your whole line. But I think that would encourage creative setups and bringing Umbrella Leaf as a more effective counter. But hey, two decently interesting zombie concepts isn’t that bad with how long we’ve been waiting and all the other changes they’ve made, right? /s
  • @ReflectedKhai
    I think this game has the potential to be very good. It just needs more plants, and it also needs the selection of plants, but overall, it's pretty good. I don't really hate this game since it's newly launched, so there's more time to improve.
  • @ohhi687itsme8
    It's honestly a really weird play to turn the instant into boosts, but considering they were definitely the strongest in PvZ2, we'll just see if it works out.
  • @ImNotMrNooby
    Pvz: cool designs Pvz2: even cooler designs Pvz3: WHAT IS THIS
  • @oscarotoole
    Honestly, I think PVZ3’s overall plant selection is
.ok, at best. The big problem obviously is that it’s just way too small, and we only have TWO new plants so far. I’m pretty sure people would take new plants instead of bringing Plantern and Umbrella Leaf back after all. Besides, the original version had a shit ton of new plants, so whose to say this game won’t have a ton soon either? As for some returning plants I want back, Potato Mine is a must have for PVZ3. Considering Squash can be used in normal levels, it’s easy to see Potato Mine returning full time, and not just being relegated to a power up like Cherry Bomb and Jalapeño, who at least make sense as power ups given their immediate use. Other plants I want to see return include - Scaredy Shroom - Doom Shroom (as a power up) - Kernel and Melon Pult - Fume Shroom - Twin Sunflower - Bloomerang - Maybe some plants from PVZ Heroes (I think the original PVZ3 had some) - Guacodile - Phat Beet - Cactus (just so we can reunite the OG Garden Warfare crew) - And a lot of others
  • @ABHyt
    I love how the first original Zombie takes 41 levels to show up, really helps keep the levels fresh and engaging
  • @RyderSirRyder
    I think my biggest problem is there is a big lack in variety. Out of the plants that we’ve seen including the ones in the files, not ONE of them is a new plant. They’ve all been in a previous game one way or another. This also applies to the zombies for the most part having only 2 new original zombies.
  • @simple_falcon
    I like the new style so far, just hope there's not an ad AFTER EVERY LEVEL LIKE PVZ2
  • @JoseViktor4099
    7:22 Thats actually a very neat animation, hope I would see more of those, huh.