Democratic lawmaker explains why he's calling for Biden to step down from race

Published 2024-07-08
In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, Democratic Rep. Adam Smith explains why he is calling for President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race.

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All Comments (21)
  • The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. George Orwell, 1984.
  • @jenfoster128
    He was always supposed to be a one term president. Him staying on is just arrogance showing.
  • @Sharky1101
    If you can’t be president after 8 pm you shouldn’t be president. This is NOT a parttime job.
  • So he is not fit to run for president, but he is fit to run the country ? 😂😂😂😂😂 , that shows that the media and politicians just care about their party, not the country. You are calling for him not to run because he will lose, not because you really care about what's best for the country .
  • @kurdi98k
    We shouldn't be good when it comes to picking our president. We should be excellent. But we aren't even good, we are terrible. The candidates are terrible.
  • @barbaraj6340
    People age differently. Bernie and Nancy remain as sharp as ever. Not everyone can do that. Unfortunately. Joe has lost his ability to communicate effectively, and he has to go.
  • @RealActualNews
    This guy just admitted what we all knew, the 2020 primaries were RIGGED
  • Yep i seen it , had to take my grandfathers keys away and it sucked , he hated it and me for it but it had to be done ✅ … I can not vote for joe biden at all because i seen this people are just trying to push it under the rug
  • @ghostface_7
    You're insane if you think Harris is a winning candidate
  • Biden never watched his debate performance. He needs to sit down and watch. Stop the cheerleading, please; there is too much at stake.
  • @red_panda4282
    Thank you for being honest. I wish more people would be brave enough to stop the gaslighting.
  • Please highlight that if Joe Biden says that he is strong enough and mentally sharp enough to run the nation for another 4 years, then Biden should openly debate with qualifed Democratic contenders this week and next week. Let the nation and the Democrat voters and leaders to evaluate and assess and decide whether Biden can run the nation for another 4 years 😮😮😮
  • @a_a_ronn3146
    At least someone Finally admitted what happened in 2020 😐
  • meanwhile around 100 days left for Presidential election in America and democratic party is unsure who is going to be its nominee.😆 Donald Trump must be having a great time watching drama and circus of the Democratic party. 😉
  • @diligentmindz
    We have an incredibly strong message to run on, with another candidate (Harris) who can articulate that message. Make the change now and move on!