The # 1 Thing to Fear at The Poker Table (Winrate Killer)

Published 2024-03-04
The # 1 thing every serious poker player should fear at the poker table is missing out on value. When you have a big hand vs. a second best hand you have a chance to win a huge amount of big blinds so you need to be prepared when an unexpected river changes the nuts. The caller easily missed out on 100bb+ on the river. This is massive in terms of winrate. You must not fear "value owning" yourself but instead you must have extreme FOMO over the number of big blinds you leave on the table when you have the winning hand.

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0:00 — Intro
2:07 — Preflop
4:48 — Flop
5:37 — Turn
12:27 — River
16:39 — Hero Decision
17:18 — Reveal

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All Comments (21)
  • @NorCal_Poker
    I can see calling the river if the villain is an OMC & polarized himself with a massive overbet on the river, but as played, this is a slam dunk raise. Dream spot!
  • @Getnodrama
    I love the over emotional thumbnail versus the rational content 😂
  • @goombas3040
    I agree with the conclusion that Bart and the caller come to at the end. If the river value bet can be trips or a full house, you gotta check raise smallish and villain calls with trips and raises with a full house. The only way I'm just calling is if villain is apt to incorrectly overplay their trips and jam or something because then I'm liable to fold the best hand.
  • @EllieBanks333
    I think up until the final moment, the hero played perfectly. I think the K on river was just a card he had not accounted for. I also think that the way this played villain will definitely have some K8 & K5 here, as well as possibly having some 88 or 55 [although I question 88 checking back on flop]. So I don't find the check-call on river to be a "bad" play here. Hero probably should have X/R to 900 for optimal value. Because I think Bart is correct when he says nothing short of a boat is going to 3 bet this river. On the other hand, we did get a reveal on this one. Can K6 really call a river check-raise here? Or a K7 K9? Because I also agree with hero that villain does not check back much with a big king on flop. It's hard to say what he would have done, but I personally think it's a fold for villain. Still probably the right play if we might get looked up by KT or KJ.
  • @krisdiaz2277
    What about leading for full pot? Kinda polarize urself and target trip king's? I think that will put the villain in call mode unless hes full. I think thats the better play if ur not going to put in some kinda check raise for extra value
  • @TomRauhe
    When you call his strong turn raise, he has to assume you have something strong, so if he had a truly nutted hand, he would definitely overbet river for value. So his river 300 is strongly geared towards a weak king
  • @branden4030
    I like donk betting on the river small to induce a bigger raise and calling that off and being ok if he has you beat. I think thats the best way to get more value out of Kx hands that have not filled up and limiting your risk when he has a better full house.
  • @brianpotter2812
    I think raising back on the turn is the better play. If he is slow playing 88 or KK then so be it, but with a set you're basically making a decision to get it all in by the river or fold. If you're folding on the river, why not fold on the turn?
  • Is this the one that was full of horrible background noise live? Good job cleaning up
  • @fransfermont6193
    How can you not raise there to like 900-1000 ish? OMFG. Bad play by the hero and he should have taken the villain to value town. Just check-raise to 1k and if he shoves you can easily fold because the spot is so UNDERBLUFFED if he comes over the top. A good learning lesson for the hero.
  • @blazeron12
    Street poker is as fascinating as it is illogical
  • @dwarner9158
    Guy was a complete know it all. Terrible call in
  • @darylmixan8170
    Cantebury is jammed backed with Limit players... Great place. Aint nothing wrong with Limit poker $6-12+... Bay Area California 6-12 is a $150+ ave pot poker. Its a game where 10-Js is a monster. Its not odd to see a 3 bet preflop family pot.
  • @supersmoo7377
    Caller says that preflop he wants to be attacking, so that’s why he would never limp-raise or limp-call. But doesn’t he realize limp-raising is another form of aggression? Caller is completely ignoring parts of the game tree, which makes him easy to play against.