Antarctica in a Nutshell

Published 2022-08-07
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Antarctica in a Nutshell ho ho ho! wow!

#mapper #antarctica #nutshell

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The Stoic and The Sailor - Unicorn Heads

Time Passing By by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.


All Comments (21)
  • @Hrvatskei
    ✴Lunar in a nutshell✴ [Custom] China: What a nice day today. Russia: Yeah. China: But tommorow its time.. Russia: For what? China: LUNAR NEW YEAR! Russia: Oooooooh! Japan: I remember lunar i think of orange now. North korea - South korea: Yeah like why dont we start a country? China: ... Japan - China - Russia: U guys are smart, great idea! USA: Did i hear lunar? China: Yes yes yes. USA: Tommorow its time for lunar new year. China: YEAH U REMEMBER! North korea: Ima form the lunar land! North korea turns into Lunar Union with a orange feather flag Lunar Union: This is the day ive been waiting for. Lunar Union: I have my own land! Lunar Union: Ima use it smart >:) Lunar Union invades South korea Lunar Union: Im so big now! Japan: Why did u do that?! China: CHINA CHINA CHINA Japan: ... Russia: Yo i didnt talk for long. USA: What ya think about me? China: Im done.. China invades Lunar Union Lunar Union: U shouldnt just let me in peace.. Russia: How did u win from China?! Japan: He has the nukes from Kim Jung Un bruh. Lunar Union: And we are about to make more! Lunar Union throws an bomb on Japan Lunar Union: Free land haha! Russia - Stans: Ur going down... Russia and all stans invade Lunar Union America: O South America and North America invades Lunar Union Lunar Union: Wow thats lot of free space.. Lunar Union: I only have 41m people living here XD! Lunar Union: This is gonna be the time that matters.. ✴*Lunar Union invades the world*✴ Lunar Union: PEACE IN WORLD! Screen with peace text Please like so GyLala sees this
  • @justmy_editz
    your vids are really good keep working hard my dude
  • @Azelandic
    Netherlands in the nutshell 2? Nice video keep it up I wonder how to added this mapper
  • Ethiopia in a nutshell Ethiopia: "god, I'm so bored of being a landlocked country. I'll just take Djibouti instead" Djibouti: "WAIT PLS DON'T-" Ethiopia declares war at Djibouti Ethiopia wins the war Somalia: "hey Djibouti" Somalia: "..." Somalia: "Djibouti?" Somalia: "…" Somalia: "Hey, ethiopia, have you seen Djibouti?" Ethiopia: "yeah, I took him XD" Somalia: "YOU WHAT!?" Somalia declares war on ethiopia Somalia is about to win Ethiopia: "SUPER" Ethiopia: "INDEPENDENCE" Ethiopia: "COFFEE" Ethiopia: "POWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRR" Ethiopia makes a comeback over Somalia and wins Ethiopia: "YES! SUPER INDEPENDENT COFFEE" Eritrea: "hey, ethiopia- WOAH! How are you so big?" Ethiopia: "I just took Somalia and Djibouti lol" Eritrea: "you are so mean" Ethiopia: "I don't care. NOW TIME TO END YOU" Ethiopia declares war on Eritrea Ethiopia wins the war Ethiopia: "hmmmm, who should I take next?" Ethiopia: "I guess I'm going to take South and Central America for stealing my coffee >:(" Ethiopia: "but first I need to be stronk" Ethiopia: "I guess I'll just take east Africa :P" Ethiopia declares a war on all of East Africa Ethiopia wins the war Ethiopia: "NOW I CAN TAKE SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA" Brazil: "HUE HUE HUE U R GOING TO BRAZIL" Portugal: "Oh no someone pls help :c" Ethiopia: "Don't worry Portugal, I will help you" Portugal: "Thank you :)" Ethiopia and Portugal take down Brazil Ethiopia got all the land Argentina: "HOLD ON... WHERE IS BRAZIL!?" Ethiopia: "OH ****" Ethiopia: "uhhh Argentina, I saw new islands over there" Argentina: "WHERE WHERE WHERE WHERE-" Ethiopia: "Okay calm down, it's over there by Oceania" Argentina: "OMG THANK YOU :D" Ethiopia: "now I've made a distraction, time to take South and Central America " Ethiopia declares war on South and Central America Ethiopia wins the war Ethiopia: "Woah, I'm so big" Ethiopia: "I guess I will take Europe" Europe: "Uh oh" Ethiopia declares war on Europe Ethiopia wins the war Turkey: "wait, why didn't you take me?" Ethiopia: "did you forget we are best friends?" Turkey: "oh yeah. for a second I thought you were going to take me" Ethiopia: "lol. Anyway, do you want to combine? We will be the best Ethiopian Ottoman Empire" Turkey: "YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES" Ethiopia and Turkey combined and are now Ethiopian Ottoman Empire Ethiopian Ottoman Empire: "time to take all of Africa >:)" Ethiopian Ottoman Empire declares war on Africa Ethiopian Ottoman Empire win the war Ethiopian Ottoman Empire: "time to take Asia and Oceania, THEN THE GALAXY" Ethiopian Ottoman Empire declares war on Asia and Oceania Ethiopian Ottoman Empire win the war Ethiopian Ottoman Empire: "Now to conquer the galaxy >:)" Rebels: "WE WANT OUR COUNTRIES BACK" Ethiopian Ottoman Empire: "wait wha-" Rebels declare war on Ethiopian Ottoman Empire Rebels win the war The countries are reset back to normal Ethiopia and Turkey: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" End of video. Pls make this happen cuz it took a long time to make. Thank you
  • @bwtu45
    hi hi i wanna ask something gylala, how are you doing these animations? so which app ure using?
  • @JustDim0n
    Hello, Gylala! I suggest you to make... Britain in a nutshell. 🇬🇧UK: Hello everyone! :D *silence* 🇬🇧UK: Oh, i forgot you guys doesn't even care... 🇬🇧UK: –in mind– Man... I forgot these times when i was the biggest in the world, hm... Maybe i should try! 🇬🇧UK: Hey, USA! 🇺🇲USA: What's up, UK? 🇬🇧UK: Can you join me? 🇺🇲USA: Lol no, I don't want to join you. 🇬🇧UK: Then I'll invade you! UK declares war on USA. 🇺🇲USA: Lol, I can easily win you. UK takes a lot land from USA 🇺🇲USA: WAIT WHAT?! Ok I surrender! :( USA surrenders and joins UK 🇬🇧UK: Well that was easy. 🇬🇧UK: Hm... What's next... Oh! Ireland! 🇮🇪Ireland: Wait what?! UK declares war on Ireland. 🇮🇪Ireland: My military is not strong, even it's not ready. I surrender! :( Ireland surrenders and joins UK. 🇬🇧UK: Next is Canada! :D 🇨🇦Canada: Oh no... UK declares war in Canada. UK successfully takes over Canada. 🇬🇧UK: Oh yea! I am the first biggest country in world. GLORY TO GREAT BRITAIN! 🇬🇧UK: Gotta invade some countries! UK declares war on rest of countries that was British Empire colony. (India, Egypt, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. UK successfully invades them. 🇬🇧UK: YES! I MADE IT, NOW ITS TIME TO CHANGE MY NAME! UK changes name to British Empire. 🇬🇧British Empire: Finally, my wish has happened. 🇷🇺Russia: Eh..? UK what are you doing?! 🇬🇧British Empire: I am not UK. 🇷🇺Russia: Idc, and it's 21 century, knock it off. 🇬🇧British Empire: Nope. :) British Empire declares war on Russia. British Empire invades some land of Russia. 🇬🇧British Empire: Ez. But Russia invades the 35% land of British Empire. 🇬🇧British Empire: Wait HOW?! 🇷🇺Russia: I am like the second strongest country... 🇬🇧British Empire: It cannot be! Okay i surrender. British Empire surrenders, the invaded lands will be given back to normal. ???: Hello! 🇬🇧British Empire: Who are you?! ???: Remember me? 🇬🇧British Empire: No? 🇺🇲American Rebels: I am american rebels! 🇬🇧British Empire: OH NO! American Revolution starts from British Empire. American Rebels takes over British Empire. 🇺🇲American Rebels: Now, reset everything! Everything goes back to normal. 🇬🇧UK: NOOOO! D: 🇬🇧UK: –sigh– 🇷🇺Russia: Хаха! I said knock it off! 🇬🇧UK: Shut up! UK declares war on Russia. Russia takes over UK. 🇷🇺Russia: Never messing with me, UK! 🇺🇲USA: NOT MY DAD! >:C The end.