The Science Of Building Extreme Discipline - Andrew Huberman

Published 2023-12-03
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Chris and Andrew Huberman discuss how to
build discipline. How do you build discipline according to Andrew Huberman? What does Dr Andrew Huberman reccomend you do to continue to build discipline?

#discipline #huberman #hubermanlab

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All Comments (21)
  • I'm only here because of discipline. I was in severe depression for 5 years. The only way I get myself up every day isn't inspiration or hope. I get up because I believe that I need to be productive. If I'm choosing to remain in this world, I need to do what I was made for as a man. I need to work towards something.
  • @ryan99842
    if you want to go deeper into the rabbit hole, 'Unveiling Your Hidden Potential' by Bruce Thornwood is a must-read
  • I love how Dr Huberman always credits his colleagues whenever he cites their research. It's a sign of an honest, non-narcissistic man.
  • @leviroberts2653
    I’m proud of everyone here for taking steps to becoming the ideal version of themself. Progress isn’t linear, failing is guaranteed, and life is worthless unless you give it meaning. Best of luck to you all on your journeys
    Self Discipline is total FREEDOM. Counterintuitive to most perspectives. It is a foundation of integrity. So solid that you have no concerns to even have to fight off... Why it's so peaceful... It is the way to have it all... The work and the play.❤
  • @NBAballToWalls
    Forcing myself to do things I don't want to do (particular when it comes to physical suffering) ends up giving me more self confidence than anything else.
  • @0GEE.yhwh.
    I was depressed since I was a child. I was in the streets at 10. I was an alcoholic by 14. I was in jail by 17. & I was selling fire arms by 18. I “was” depressed in these times… I turned that around when I realized this life is not all about me, I’m a man & I have shit to do. I’ve been 5 years away from that side of me. I’m perfecting the art of my own purpose now. & you’ll do the same my friend
  • 00:01 Voluntary exercise has positive effects on health metrics, while forced exercise leads to negative impacts. 02:06 Stress enhances performance by harnessing ability to focus and memory formation 04:18 Willpower is not a limited resource, and it's related to motivation and discipline. 06:28 AMCC controls tenacity and willpower 08:33 Cardiovascular exercise at 65-70% heart rate can increase the size of AMCC. 10:23 Identify micro and macro sucks for better productivity 12:17 Deadlines and pressure can increase productivity 14:07 Pushing ourselves just a little bit beyond our sense of satisfaction. 15:58 Mud\Wtr is a healthy alternative to morning coffee
  • @troynichols9788
    Stop the press. Been listening to huberman for years. But, I possibly just heard the most profound thing he's ever said. Starting from 10 minutes and 40 seconds. It is good to want things that suck. We should not only welcome those things, but we should desire them, and we should even celebrate them. They both literally and physiologically create life. We should not aim to remove all pain or all the things that suck from our life. Just the opposite. We should make sure we have them in our life. Point being, pain is okay. In fact, by design it is good. Wrapping my head and heart around this one is not easy.
  • @beardfmly
    Regarding that “do a little bit more” principal - According to Arnold Schwarzenegger, when he asked Muhammad Ali how many reps he did, this was Ali’s reply: “First, I go until I’m exhausted. Then I start counting reps.” On the self discipline front, one of the best pieces of advice I ever read was “Always do the hardest thing first.”
  • @elliechen14
    Huberman was great. I just wish that the interviewer would cut him off less often :(
  • @dianeclanton7116
    I found self-discipline to be much easier when you love yourself, and you realize you’re doing these “things” for your betterment. Don’t really love yourself, it’s much harder to make the effort.
  • @markdeckard7651
    Great episode. Key to survival is purpose. We all need one when we wake up in the morning, or we're just barely existing (if not already dead). Same as loneliness - it's not lack of companionship, it's lack of purpose.
  • waking up for fajr in the cold winter definitely building my amcc.
  • I listen to these podcasts/ YouTube videos from the usual suspects regularly , and I love them. I’ve gained so much knowledge and appreciation for the hosts and the topics discussed. This makes me always question myself for personal improvement based from the info communicated …. However, I have one question/ thought pattern often which non of them seem to address…. I am a carpenter/ builder, done it since I was 16, now 34. All the training/ exercise advice they give seems to be aimed at people with ‘office jobs’ trying to get fit, or athletes trying maximise performance …. No criticism what so ever, but… If you’ve ever worked on a building site, particularly for long periods of time, it’s one of the most physically demanding career choices you could make. I work 9 hour days , 6 day a week humping timber, digging holes, pouring concrete etc etc. I’m not blowing my own trumpet, The point I’m getting at is… I’d be interested to hear some scientific data on people that work such physical lives, other than athletes. Ie construction workers, farmers, miners etc. we are exposed to lots of toxic chemicals, dust but that’s part of the job and we accept that our lives maybe cut short from the exposure. That being said, I’ve met some of the toughest, strongest most resilient people on building sites that do no other form of exercise. To add briefly to a long post, apologies…being British, I think the class system plays a huge part. Working class Northerners are a tough breed full stop.
  • @mustafabaris9681
    " You don't become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undiniable proof that you are who you say you are. Outwork your self-doubt .. "  Alex Hormozi
  • @Shapenupeugene
    I love seeing how effin passionate Andrew is he’s sooo good.
  • @gailgarceau13
    I love this because what motivates you is bigger than you. Lately I’ve been devoting myself to my higher self and service to the world and I’ve been so much more productive and disiplined
  • I have mad respect for the people who designed the set, the director and gaffer. Amazing cinematography, I will definitely create the same look. Keep going good team work.