REACTING to First Warhammer 40K Win Rates Since the Update...

Published 2024-07-04
Let's talk through the

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0:00 Intro
2:49 Space Marines
4:38 Perhaps Weaker Armies?
8:00 Middle Tier?
13:07 Stronger on Early Win Rates?
16:03 Early Top Win Rate Armies?
19:18 Tournament Wins
20:19 Play Rate
21:26 Outro

All Comments (21)
  • @gkiyo
    I'm glad the most baffling flavor fail of all time, the neurotyrant not being able to lead zoanthropes, is finally dead, and you can have a unit of six zoanthropes led by the, you know, mutated super-zoanthrope.
  • @Brakmek11823
    RIP Kroot lmao Stat-check has no data on them, Goonhammer has them at 40% for casual games but Meta Monday has them at a solid 18%. No top or even high tourney placements as far as I could see either. Sadness
  • The issue with the ork codex is they overnerfed meganobz which were a key unit in almost every detachment, and basically nerfed the two best detachments whilst doing nothing for the other detachments. A single keyword change could do a lot to make dreadmob more viable (chiefly, give lootas and burnas, the mek keyword, maybe even let meks/big meks lead flash gitz), a lot of ork units could do with points decreases, BSBs are hilariously overcosted compared to regular boyz, killa kans, deff dreads, and the buggies could all do with some love from GW. Instead they cost meganobz on their old FNP and then nerf the FNP as well. I do think most people are just sick of war horde so top orks players will pivot to other armies and that will suppress the win rate, but they will likely remain in the 40s, GW jumped the gun based on early results and fear that they'd do too well in pariah nexus.
  • @RFischer
    I think Drukhari were a big benefactor of the artillery nerf. They were quite vulnerable to indirect.
  • @Skuttlems
    I play Imperial Fists. My bolters feel like they're firing wet tissue paper and my meltas feel like hair blowers. The ranged options of space marines feel like they got hit exceptionally hard by the new toughness scaling, but maybe that's just my experience.
  • @elibomba6158
    T'au having both a below average win rate and being the faction tied for the most tournament wins is truly a T'au moment
  • @Ottersanity
    I feel like GW needs to bring back gear points for armies. I’m not a fan of free war gear as it feels like some choices are auto haves for units. As for Primaris Marines they need more weapon variety, bring back the different Boltrifles and Plasma weapons.
  • @killerhappyface
    I think codex marines could be pretty easy to fix: if you don't have any specialist chapter keyword units in your army, you gain X new rule. Because the codex is already out, it'd have to alter an existing rule and be a simple patch, but it should be doable. I think that the easiest, most impactful, but also most boring fix would patch Oath of Moment: At the end of the Declare Combat Formations step, units in your army gain the CODEX ASTARTES keyword if your army does not contain any BLACK TEMPLARS, BLOOD ANGELS, DARK ANGELS, DEATHWATCH, or SPACE WOLVES models. When a CODEX ASTARTES unit makes an attack against your Oath of Moment target, you may re-roll the wound roll.
  • @BurnByMoonlight
    Space marines still toward the bottom? Better hit them with more nerfs then.
  • @venlocity2
    What? You mean nerfing space marines while they were already one of the weakest armies DIDNT make them more viable?
  • @CarnageCoon
    they need to do something against "special" marines causing nerfs for vanillas
  • @tajj7
    IMO one of the biggest things for marines is they keep nerfing their best builds, but never buff anything else to replace it. Since the start of the edition marines have had desolation marines nerfed, nothing replaced them and they have been useless since. Then oath wound re-rolls went, nothing was done to compensate that. Then they went after the gladius build so aggressors, inceptors, infiltrators etc. all got points hikes, ALL of stayed the same points even though no one uses aggressors anymore and they hurt firestorm builds as well. Then the vanguard build got nerfed, now the Ironstorm build got nerfed and the Redeemer got nerfed. Consistently balance slate after balance slate they have nerfed marines best datasheets but never given them anything back. Even the Eliminators who went down to a usable 75pts as a cheap infiltrate unit, because of the double firing impulsor thing they got points hikes back up, now they fixed the ability to do that trip, did Eliminators go back down? No of course not still at 85pts. Captains got nerfed by the double strat change, did they go down? Nope. Where are marine players supposed to go? Every good datasheet is pretty much overcosted or at least expensive, every detachment doing well had either it's best units or best enhancements nerfed (or both). The few minor points drops they have given marines, most have been ignored, 175pt termis still no one takes them as their rules are meh, Brutalis went down still didn't get used, assault intercessors only BA use them, bladeguard don't get used, most of the dreads get ignored, the speeders mostly get ignored, repulsor executioner people don't use, reivers still useless, tac marines still useless, suppressors a forgotten unit, infernus squads not used, outriders still meh so many datasheets, so little used. Probably the only points drop units they have given some play to is Jump Assault Intercessors and Scouts, can't see people rushing to use repulsors any time soon. Why are they not giving anvil siege force, first company etc. detachments some love? why not make some other phobos units more viable for use in vanguard? Why not make some of the other dreads and tanks cheaper to use in ironstorm? Why does Firestorm, that was never OP, keep taking hit after hit?
  • @internetuser320
  • @brettmal5298
    Dark angels having so many mellee options but no access to advance and charge in any of their own detachments sucks, even a strat or enhancement would be clutch … happy to see them not below normal space marines at least again lol
  • @stripeybag6977
    Damn, looks like we got carry Space Marines Brothers. So far it definitely seems like the fastest infantry factions are doing well especially Anti-Infantry weapons due to new objectives. Guard getting stronger seemingly doesn't surprise me because being able to move is great.
  • @DeathInTheSnow
    The problem with nerfing everything is that eventually everything is so weak that nothing is fun to play. You cut out all of the fun rules and make everything so expensive that you just start playing a different game system instead.
  • I think the winrates will be more indicative in a few more weeks. People will finetune and iterate upon the first lists they took to these most recent tournaments and performance from different factions will shift and improve from there.
  • @Akimbo411
    If GW was actually interested in keeping the game balanced, they would actually play test their changes before putting them out and balance the detachments within a codex against each other instead of the same meta builds in each army. Reavers have been bad for 2 editions now with no break.