What Is A Cult and How Does It Work?

Published 2014-10-12
What Is A Cult and How Does It Work? (Margaret Singer)

By Margaret Thaler Singer, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and emeritus adjunct professor at the University of California, Berkeley, who counseled and interviewed more than 3,000 current and former cult members, relatives and friends. What is a Cult and How Does it Work? What are cults? How do cults operate? How many people are involved in cults? What are cult leaders' goals and methods? How do cults recruit? What is thought reform? Inside the group. Development of a cult. Pseudoidentity. Returning to the outside world.

All Comments (21)
  • @pirbird14
    This video should be shown in every high school around the world.
  • @Exsugarbabe1
    I work in customer services and if soneone is about to get angry I tell them what a lovely person they are, works everytime, you're suddenly their best mate. People are easily minipulated. .
  • @ivadedeva7005
    My family is a cult. I have been kept brainwashed all my life. This is a family with very good reputation, money, administration from outside world and admiration from the members within towards the leader- my father. I was thinking that I go crazy because of the many years struggling in all areas of my life, struggling with depression, anxiety ect. I need to get good knowledge and clarity around that because otherwise I am lost.
  • @patricestar6510
    I am going through alot of emotional distress and feeling raw as I realize that I have been in a cult following for the last 35 years. I can see what and why I was drawn in and attracted to the cult and leader...It was just what I needed at the time... BUT NOW FEEL ALITTLE LOST AS I LET GO AND REBUILD MYSELF!!
  • @jess3591
    How society can deal with cults: 1. Encourage survivors to take cult leaders and members to court to be held accountable for their conduct legally. 2. Educate people, especially children, young people and the elderly, on how to think critically and evaluate whether they're being manipulated more effectively. 3. Educate the mental health community on cult-specific trauma and how to best help victims and survivors heal. This all seems so relevant nowadays.
  • @patricestar6510
    I attended a mormon service and was amazed at the programing
  • @1955annemarie
    The first and foremost thing that I appreciate about this video is that IT GETS TO THE POINT AT THE VERY BEGINNING!!!! Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!!!!
  • This is exactly the education needed right now. I had a relationship with a sociopathic covert narcissist who nearly ruined my professional and financial life. He actually had an elaborate trap set but his mask slipped right before he got to drop it over me and I escaped in the nick of time. I wouldn’t trade what I learned from that relationship for ANYTHING! One cannot be fully an adult without the ability to spot narcissists, especially the psychopaths and sociopaths. The fundamentals of this disorder need to be taught in junior high. It feels to me that there may be a purpose behind this rise to political power of these evil type individuals ... to educate the masses so that the would be Hitler’s of this world will no longer be able to get into positions of power. Thank you for such a great teaching!
  • @jimrich4192
    Susepability to cult attractions definitely begins in early childhood with inadequate or faulty parenting & damaging influences from significant others but, blaming, rather than understanding, ones parents & others may not undo the damages done by bad parenting & others whereas, psychotherapy & other forms of emotional help to understand & repair the damages done to one in early childhood might help the victims of early, mental abuse & neglect. Therapy, not revenge & blaming, helped me A LOT! Therapy gave me the tools to stay out of & never get lost in any cult. A faulty upbringing by faulty parenting made me a perfect candidate/sucker for any cult out there & I almost entered a few.
  • @beeARTcanada
    JUST AMAZING TAPE.  This woman is dead on.  Tremendous information.
  • @RX7821979
    As a former jehovas witnesses I remember in a conversation where they were talking about recruiting the most vulnerable people that are in hospitals :(
  • @naejin
    Every single person in the world needs to dedicate an hour of their life to watch this. Although not guaranteed to awaken every person, it might help light a beacon for them to eventually make their way out.
  • @ghihbgyu
    When she talks about how cult leaders can talk in a slow, rythmic manner to hypnotize their followers and you realize she does that as well XD I've watched this video several times because I find it strangely relaxing.
  • Absolute LEGEND. Sadly much of what Singer helped expose and illuminate continues today and is fueled online. No longer does a cult member have to be among fellow disciples in a fixed location. Instead many participate in isolation.
  • @JaneDoe-zr4px
    I love it when she refers to cult leaders as, "management". LOL. Sorry, I've had horrible experiences with management so this amuses me greatly.
  • My husband and I just exited a cultic type Christian group. Dr. Singer's descriptions are so accurate about the process. What she says at the end about counseling and professionals is spot on. I had a hard time finding a therapist knowledgeable about thought control.
  • @khadijagwen
    My issue with this video is that "cultism" is throughout our lives; at work, in church, in our schools and clubs. Once we have escaped from a cult it is more plain that it is all around us.
  • A cult can have several leaders. If they split into branches and change their names. Members are unaware they're following the "leader" by following the "group," so they might be in denial about following the leader.
  • @maryfowles807
    This happened to me and it wasn't until I spoke it outloud to a qualified therapist that I realized how ABSURD the ideas were and that is when I snapped out of it. I had been just going along with everything because they convinced me in the beginning that I was a chosen person on this spiritual path. They acted like they knew things about me and could help me "in this lifetime". Once I started working for them that is when things really changed. A lot of verbal abuse and put downs. Then misled me as to my role on a project. Had me convinced I was a bad person and that's why I was demoted after doing all of the legwork. They don't argue you to join, they make you feel special and chosen and promise you a lot, including healing and career advancement.