how to setup VALHEIM MULTIPLAYER tl;dr

Published 2021-03-02
guide to port forwarding:

How to play local valheim multiplayer

So you wanna play some valheim with your friends but you don’t know how. First, you’ll each need some copies of Valheim. Once you’ve got everything downloaded, go to your steam library, and look at your tools, there should be a new one you gotta download called valheim dedicated server.
Give that a download, but don’t run it right away, we gotta change some sht.
You can either right click the program or go to this cog and browse the local files. Now find the file named “start headless server dot bat” and save a copy of that somewhere safe on your computer.
Now right click “start headless server dot bat” and open it up with notepad or any other text editing program. The line that says valheim_server is going to be the one that we edit.

Changing -name will change what the server shows up as in the server list.
The port is which port the server will use to access the internet, leave it default for now, if you haven’t forwarded your ports on your router I’ll leave a link on how to do that in the description.
The -world is what the name of your world will be
You are required to have a password that is at least 5 characters long,
And if you don’t see a -public setting, go ahead and add that in after password and set it to 1, one allows the server to be seen by the public and 0 keeps it private.

Save this document and now you’re ready to start up the server. Note that you may need to run as an administrator or allow the server access through your firewall.
Once the server is up and running, all you have to do is provide your friends your ipv4 address, which you can google, and the port (default 2456) so the entire could would look something like 123.456.78.90:2456 by default. If you will be playing the game on the same machine that is running the server you’ll need to use your own computer’s ip address.

And with that, the server should be ready to go. If you want to use a world that already exists (that isnt on the server pc already) just follow this (C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\worlds)
Link in your windows explorer and it’ll have all your saved worlds. Just send those over to the machine that runs the server and save them in the same place. Then when you’re editing the start headless server dot bat file, just make sure that the world names match exactly.

That’s pretty much it! I’m not gonna get too into port forwarding or finding ip addresses, i am but simple gamer with simple gamer brain and cannot make a good guide on that. If you found this helpful then hit like, and applaud the video, if you applaud it sends me money and i can buy more games. I’ll also give anyone who applauds me a shout out in future videos.
Thanks i’ll see ya tomorrow love ya bye kiss kiss


All Comments (3)
  • @iquemedia
    too many guides take too fuckin long i'm here to get to the point
  • @nitro7262
    Holy shit why’s that so complicated lol