RDR2 Online - Griefers are always in Valentine

Published 2024-01-21
RDR2 Online - Griefers are always in Valentine

All Comments (21)
  • I haven’t played online in years but Valentine was always a 24 hour a day bloodbath.
  • @slayer21121
    Coming from a rdr1 multiplayer veteran Valentine is basically this generation's Armadillo in terms of chaos lol
  • @sennedegroof4728
    I saw someone getting griefed near strawberry. I was still a beginner but i managed to help them. After that the person helped me with some daily challenges and showed me some collections for the collector role i will never forget that. She even killed a bear and gave me the pelt as a thank you.
  • @drakecarter1780
    For real. I'm sick of how it is in Valentine. Can't even make it to the saloon to play poker without getting shot at from all directions.
  • I love how you jumped over the rock for cover and dodged those shots from the player on horseback 🔥
  • @behumble8048
    This stuff is very different from story mode...I never seen what online looks like. It's always just been me and my horse chillin and eating apples.
  • @chrisvzoutlaw
    I swear, it’s ALWAYS Valentine 🤣 Big thumbs up partner 🤠
  • @DS-wl5pk
    Valentine, van horn, sometimes tumbleweed, and armadillo. I do not hang around those places too long, but for sure valentine is the hottest spot
  • @DS-wl5pk
    At least the guys you went after also fought each other, I dead ass get 5 man posses that show up out of no where when I’m hunting, blowing up my shit then all of them fucking trynna snipe me at the same time. Makes me wanna dead eye them irl
  • @slayer1561
    I'm so glad I play on a private lobby. So peaceful
  • @Kia-qo7nd
    Not many players use bow but it can be op for slippery users if you practice with it and get good at headshots.. paint them from behind a tree or corner of a building and use side peak.. It’s one of the most fun weapons to use
  • @awewit9246
    it is always funny when they get annoyed after they started it 😂😂
  • @dannyb-kp6ld
    Clearing out the unwanted in valentine, nice video 👌
  • They attack mainly,either low-level,or over 200-300 levels,which kill others out of idleness.Now in every session there is such a griefer+cheater and spoils the game for everyone,complaints about them don't lead to anything,that's what surprises me😡
  • @zw6512
    Lately, the no. of griefers have increased considerably in rdo
  • @TArthur-rv1lu
    Valentine is why i stay in the west mainly. Im only in valentin when i do cleaning house for Sean Mcguire its solo season lol. Its good to see someone taking out the trash in that town. I refuse use my tonics on griefers. Hell i run around with dirty cattlemen revolver for while now because using best guns got boring
  • Dude just sitting up on a cliff waiting all day on someone to roll in. What a life and exactly why I have never been in Red dead online. How gay
  • @DemonicSteel420
    If its not Valentine its most definitely Blackwater or Saint Denis... Trust me 8 months and being almost level 200 isnt all that bad (considering I fight a lot) but I've ran into a fair share of griefers...especially one in particular who I hate the most because he griefed not only a level 15 that was sitting there minding his business but a fresh person to red dead (by fresh I mean like they were below level 10 fresh) This griefer knows who they are. Now diverting topics yes headshots with the bow are pretty difficult especially since some griefers decide to dive a lot when you go to paint them with a bow especially if they use slippery bastard and think they're good at the game. Amazing gameplay buddy keep up the great work!
  • That was a slick little strategy there looking at their ability cards before you engaged. Ill do that from now on