Freyja ( Ritual & Meditation Music ) *without waterfall*

Published 2021-12-08
Written & Composed By : Shane Lint of Mimirs Well
© 2021 Shane Lint - Mimir's Well USA. All Rights Reserved.

You all asked for it so here it is , The Freyja meditation without the Waterfall.

This meditation was created to focus on Freyja , The Norse Goddess associated with magick who was also Vanir which are Gods associated mostly with nature and creation. She represents perfect Divine Feminine energy that is not just felt by females but males also. She has her own hall where the battle slain warriors will go to find peace.

Hail Freyja .

P.S - Vocals by ‪@tihanamusic‬

#MimirsWell #MimirsWellPodcast #Freyja #Meditation #Norse #NorseGoddess #Heathenry #NorsePaganism

All Comments (21)
  • Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, they're missing somebody, they're depressed, they're hurt, they're scarred from the past, they're having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words, and I'm writing this for you so you don't feel alone anymore. Always remember, don't be depressed about the past, don't worry about the future, and just focus on today. If today's not so great don't worry! Tomorrow's a new chance. If you are reading this, be sure to share this around to make others feel better. Have a nice day!🧡
  • I was pregnant with twin girls and wanted to name one Freya, I told my husband he could pick which girl got which name. He picked the smallest girl who the doctors warned us might not make it, and she has been fierce and brave and is growing into a wonderful girl with a bit of a mysterious and contemplative side.
  • @buddhamusic.
    If you're reading this, I love you stranger, please enjoy having the best life you can have 🧡💙💜💚💛💖
  • @Nonameisback999
    I'm a CSA survivor, embracing my sexuality ever since what happened to me has been a life long struggle, but recently, I started working with Freya more as a part of my practice as a Norse Pagan. I have never once in my life experienced some of the healing she has given me, I cannot stress enough how much she has helped me in this regard. Parts of it are a bit too, yk, for YouTube, but she's shown me something I've struggled to realize for years: It's ok to feel loved. It's ok to feel desire. Thank you, lady of love and lust, magic and war, thank you for giving me this. Thank you for helping me to see the fact that love and desire doesn't have to be this evil irreconcilable thing with me. Thank you for giving me a piece of myself that I needed to be whole.
  • @gililuigi279
    If you're reading this I'm praying something amazing happens for you today.❤️🙏🏼
  • @musicapara2596
    For anyone reading this, I pray that whatever is holding you down in life, or whatever keeps you stressed out will get better soon.
  • Hail the Völva Goddess She who taught the art of witchcraft to the Allfather Himself She who inspires women to be strong, brave, fierce, and independent She who chooses the first of the battle-slain to join the ranks of the heavenly army of Folkvangr Hail Freyja!
  • @eldinthings
    Freya! who's name means nobility O wise god-queen, Sooth-speaker, Truth-heart, Your great mind crowned with gold; May your songs sing like a waterfall Down the slope of your beautiful hills. These finest harpstrings, Your joyful gift: My heart
  • @PsychicAlchemy
    It's easy to forget how much noise there is in my mind. Takes something like this to remember how to quiet things down.
  • @eric15024
    Honestly lost all my family over the years my kids are grown my parents are gone.... my health is abused by m.s and believe Me if I could be gone I would be. But my slavic and Norse ancestors are keeping me here and giving the strength needed. I love you all keep on keeping on.
  • @EdLegov777
    Het is een wonder. Het is een oneindig wonder. Bewustzijn is het doel. Je omgeving verzorgen is de weg. Geef het door.
  • Good night, and just know somebody loves you, you are never alone no matter what, god bless you
  • @kayden5238
    I named my daughter Freyja , i have dark hair and so does her mother yet she was born with blonde hair .. she is kind yet has a fiery temper .. years later my sister did a dna ancestry test , turns out my family is 17% scandinavian .. now it all makes sence!
  • @irusia1574
    I am happy I have a good relationship with people around me I am beautiful I am back home My homeland Ukraine is an independent, peaceful, prosperous country All the cities, towns and villages are liberated All my relatives and friends are alive, healthy and happy I am thankful 💙💙💙
  • @alicaval8453
    I was sad and sleeping when i heard this. I felt like an angel was comforting me, protecting me.
  • @namaskar799
    thank you for the GODDESS who helps me to stay alive
  • Ноти вічності , безкінечного життя поза системою .Де природа в гармонії з богами закону ! Тільки ще би крила !
  • @dakota2686
    I'm currently visiting my grandma. She lives in Spanish Fork Utah, one the largest Icelandic settlement outside of Ireland during the 1800s. The mountainous region causes strong winds which mimick icelands. Thus, the Icelandic immigrants were likely to feel more at home here. I listen to this and feel connected to my heritage. I hope to visit the homeland someday, but for now, Spanish Fork is the closest I can get