Fine. Here's your golden opinion

Published 2024-04-16

All Comments (21)
  • @brickyep2
    Rocky Mountain chocolate factory going out of business when I'm done with them today
  • @pepp418
    >Click on video >It's about warhammer where is my piss
  • Following this trend of how they announce new material I hope GW reveals that the Great Rift was closed in a MySpace post and an Age of Sigmar short story.
  • @fetherfulbiped
    Honestly yeah, actually if they just came up and said that the custodes are now experimenting with female recruits and the introduction was just that story of the gal teleporting a nuke into the throne room I think it would have been received much better
  • @Ashesofice1
    I'm very disappointed in you bricky I thought this was gonna be a 20 minute video on why peeing in the shower makes you superior to everyone else.
  • @b1on1k638
    We use gender neutral pronouns here like “meat”, “expendable” and “dead”
  • @saintlucus2359
    The bottom line is 1.) There is better ways to do this. 2.) Doing it this way is dumb and would only ever cause outrage. 3.) Why capitulate to people who don't play?
  • @LethalShadow
    I have zero issue with female Custodes. I have issues with how poorly it was handled. Could have had lore reasons for it etc. Instead it's the laziest retcon+gaslight ever. "They were always there duh". Feels like such a corporate checkbox cop-out.
  • @40KKensei
    Custodes armour is no where nearly as shiny as your forehead
  • @nateshade
    This news was utterly whelming. The real news is how terrible half the detachments are for custodes and only getting one new model like Ad-mech did
  • @Blundabus1337
    My argument against the counterargument of "retcons happen all the time" is simple: Just because something terrible happens repeatedly doesn't mean you can't complain about it. What, are we not allowed to complain about the IRS because they've been scummy for so long? My argument against the counterargument that "Bricky has always been woke" is even more simple: Bricky isn't woke, he just gets off on tall muscle mommies. . . cough cough gamersups cough cough Video comes off as Bricky trying to prevent GW from giving him the Arch treatment(and I don't even like arch)
  • @fdajax5107
    Was more disappointed that there wasnt an expansion to the SoS as a part of the Custodian Codex
  • @3etg456
    Thinking about it, an AdRic episode going over all the lore that has been retconned would be cool
  • @IAmACrab2020
    Honestly as someone who is Gay I've personally never felt like I was excluded I've only ever felt welcomes which funny enough I live ina largely conservative area so most people at my shop are as well, the biggest thing I hate about this is how poorly it was handled. That and how the hobby has become some culture war ground for some on both sides either getting mad and yelling or rubbing in people's faces just to make them mad it's all annoying I just want to enjoy my hobby, and mfs make it hard to enjoy when all you hear when something like this happens it's "woke" this or "chud" that it's actually annoying and that if anything makes me feel like I'd be better off not playing Warhammer if that's what it's going to become. I'm just tired of constant arguing by people who don't care about the lore and don't play the game and never will care or interact with either.
  • @Italianchef26
    8:14 Exactly this. I don't care about the lore change itself. It's not the most outrageous thing they've done, it's whatever. But it's the fact that they did in such a shitty way. Like, we know lore changes all the time, just acknowledge it and make it good. Don't give me that "Oh female Custodes were always there, k thx bye" It feels forced and lazy
  • Like the thing that bothers me is why not give the sisters of Silence a glow up like the Kroot got.
  • @kevinfrost7180
    Personally I'm a little fed up with the fact that anyone who doesn't approve of this kind of retcon is referred to as a bigot, I just don't like this kind of writing OK from GW I don't expect death in Venice or the heart of Tomas (or more appropriate The Rose of Versailles) but a little more effort, these people to introduce bigger marins they had to overturned the 40K universe like a sock and for the Custodians "No, it's always been like this"
  • @D34DM4NW47K1N6
    As a certified xeno player, I always told people that once you get past space marines, 40k really is one of the most inclusive and progressive settings in fiction. My drukhari love all gender identities~