The person God has for you will work out for you

Published 2020-10-11

All Comments (21)
  • @robbinb6659
    A little girl asked me “Where’s your husband?” (Im not married) And I said “You know, I don’t know where he is. I can’t find him anywhere.” And she “Maybe he’s just lost somewhere” I said “Maybe that’s why I can’t find him” and we had a laugh 😭
  • Excellent advice! If you feel lonely, remember this…You don’t know loneliness until you’re married to the wrong person. Trust God. He knows you better than YOU know you. God bless you!❤️
  • @user-hb8ty9he9i
    To my future partner, I’ll go back to this video and show this to you -May 27, 2024
  • @Kris77777
    I was getting to know a young man from my previous church. I was constantly asking God if he was in His Will for my life, no answer. Then one day I asked God again but this time I added "I just want to know Your Will, whether or not I agree. I don't care if it's yes or no, please tell me"... And I kid you not, I heard an audible voice say "Don't settle"... He answered me when my heart was postured in full surrender. I'm so glad God never gave me what I THOUGHT I wanted when I thought I wanted it...
  • @denisselee6544
    Crazy how this video was made 3 years ago and I just found it after asking God for guidance on my dating life
  • This is confirmation not to settle when family and friends tell me to settle yet they are in miserable marriages and living like room mates with their spouse. Thank you again Chris.
  • @AnonYmous-mw5lc
    It took a series of delays, strange people, thousands of miles and years for all events to line up for me and the wife to find each other. NO way it was chance.
  • @truejahz9325
    You’ve inspired me to share my journey. A prophet spoke over me in 2006 that God would give me my husband, I met my husband in 2015 and I got married in 2016, exactly 10 years after those words were spoken. Why did it take so long? Because I was making wrong choices not allowing God to fulfill His promise until I allowed Him to work it out for me. Now I am blessed beyond measure, beyond what I deserved. God has the best for you!!! Believe it!! Allow Him to write your love story.
  • @breadsticks9465
    It’s hard, but I have to remember that I’m looking at one person while God is looking at all of them
  • @rfletes
    GOD is the ultimate match maker! Amen!❤️
  • @LawissaJoyce
    A 3 year old video finding me at the most perfect time…. I’m so grateful to have came across this 😭 I truly felt like God just hugged me and comforted me.
  • @MsMJx
    I’ve been feeling like God has been so silent about this area of my life. But I trust Him, even though I can’t see what He’s doing.
  • When you willingly give the pen to God, know it'll be good. June 22, 2024
  • @MCGamerD
    I was a virgin until after turning 28 years old. I hated it, but Christian. Anyway it was worth the wait. I married an awesome and handsome person. When I told people he was my husband they would laugh like I was joking or look at me like I'm crazy... until he would hand me our daughter. And our daughter looks like him. He passed away, my first husband. But I have the most beautiful daughter who is highly intelligent. Ladies, do not settle.
  • @DesireOnly1
    I just turned 56 in November never been married and I have no children....But I haven't given up....I know God is able and I know he is faithful to his word....That if we would delight ourselves in him he would give us the desires of our hearts🙏♥
  • The Lord answered amazing prayers to show me who I was to marry, and when it seemed it wasn't going to work out I began to question everything. Then He gave me the most amazing dream I've ever had that showed me she was going to call me in 30 days. That dream came true and we were married 4 months later. I now realize that He used that situation to stretch my Faith. Faith = trust and commitment
  • @LukruAdam
    “He sees things that you can’t even see.” Spot on indeed!
  • @cecemoon9692
    To my future husband, I have come a long way to become a Proverbs 31 woman. I have prayed to God for you. I have asked God to make me worthy of being a wife. If you are reading this, it means I stepped back and God has done the work in me. Thank you for being so patient. I’m blessed we are here together. (June 16, 2024)
  • @DelFamDII
    A lot of single Christians do not know how to get married. Many do not know how to discern the inward witness of the Holy Spirit. A lot of Christians have not and are not being taught how to marry God's choice for them. So many get into really bad situations. If you are a Christian parent, pastor or youth pastor or a knowledgeable Christian, this is your job, to teach these young men and women and even older singles how to know the godly way to select God's choice of a spouse. Satan is having a field day because a lack of knowledge (the correct and adequate teaching) in this area. Please listen. You do not choose a person to become your spouse by just the physical. NO!! You marry God's choice for you by discernment. Discernment is the use spiritual senses, not your physical senses. The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD - Proverbs 20:27. When God is going to direct you, He will do so by your reborn spirit, not your flesh. Marriage is a very important lifetime covenant! Make sure you get right the first time!! God has a purpose and a plan for your life, if you are a serious born again Christian and you are single, you do not just get to choose who you want. You let God choose, then you marry. Why? Because you do not know everything, but God does. May God bless you.
  • When we first met, my husband and I were both “holding out” for other people who weren’t that into us. After we went out as friends (didn’t consider it a date) it was like we both knew. Feeling the divine pull, I prayed about the other guy. God confirmed the other guy would never see me the way I desired and WAS NOT intended to my life in that way. Lessons: • Hide in God, God will reveal in time • Gods will, Gods way — DO NO MANIPULATE your life for your will (rebellion) Warning: meditating on a person (soulish desire) can create a soul-tie and an opening for deceiving confusion. (For years the enemy played in my own desires and years into marriage God broke a soul-tie I didn’t even know I formed with the other guy). God bless.