Published 2018-02-16
First vid!! So excited!! X3


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All Comments (21)
  • Why did I miss Princess???? She's literally the second most important cat in Fireheart's family!!!
  • @HyperHe4rt_
    I’m pretty sure I’m in the deputy part! I got a few wrong but most I did get correct! Dappletail isn’t snowkits mom, speckletail is. Tigerkit wasn’t hated by the queens, he was adored. Keep it up! I quite like this and I’d love it if you do it on the other arcs too!
  • @Uthuu
    Nice vid, though i have two mistakes Snowkit was Speckletail's kit and Tigerkit was very loved by all the queens Other than that it's really good for your first vid!!!
  • Snowkit's mother was speckletail. Tigerkit was spoiled by all the queens because he was the only kit who survived at that time
  • @KKPixel8482
    Nice video, I'm a medicine cat! Although Snowkit's mother was Speckletail, Tigerkit got a lot of love from all the queens, and Patchpelt was Longtail's father.
  • Tigerstar did not get bullied by the queens. Quite the opposite actually he was spoiled and treated like royalty this is what helped his ego boost to be a confident apprentice. And I got them all
  • Speckletail had given birth to Snowkit, Dappletail was an elder at the time
  • I got almost all of them! My role would be a medicine cat and that is my favorite role so I'm happy about it.
  • @daisyplayz2080
    I got Smudge, Dustpelt, Yellowfang, Stonefur, I got snowkit too but his mother is not dappletail its speckletail, Nightstar, Ferncloud, Crookedstar, Tigerstar, Princess (easily),
  • Snowkit was Speckletail's kit, and Dappletail was an elder when Firepaw joined Thunderclan
  • Haven't read the first series in like 13 years and I got deputy, nice! I missed the patchpelt, ferncloud, and deadfoot ones. I forgot patchpelt and deadfoot existed and I only remember ferncloud for her nursery life (like most people I imagine)
  • @axowaffles
    14/15, deputy :> I missed on Princess, I thought it was Daisy but then I was like, oh wait Leafpool and Daisy look nothing alike and Daisy is from The New Prophecy- Small thing: Speckletail was Snowkit's mother if I can remember, got pretty far in the series, not Dappletail. And Tigerkit was loved too much XD
  • I have some few mistake from why I kept losing: 1# first off dappledtail isn't snowkit's mom it's speckle tail dappletail was an elder even when firestar joined thunderclan 2# tigerstar isn't hated by queens but instead spoiled and I think the reason is his father pinestar's kin 3# patchpelt isn't longtail's half uncle it's his dad...
  • @gamergurl2270
    14/15, Patchpelt managed to slip my mind. Great quiz! You should do another, just with less mistakes
  • Sweet, leader. Not sure whether I should be glad I got them all right, or embarrassed I know so much about this series.
  • I'm a leader! Although a few mistakes, Speckletail was Snowkit's mother not Dappletail and all the queens loved Tigerkit. But still pretty good for your first video!
  • 1:47 oh i love the picture of yellowfang 😭😭😭 its accurate! Most yellowfang art makes her all scrawny and deformed but not this o