Gujian 3 古剑奇谭三 Ep 2: The Successor

Published 2021-09-04
Xuange heads to Pyrene Hall to meet with his successor. On the way we learn why he needs a successor: Lady Qingxue, who has been tending to Xuange's injuries, informs him that he has only two days left to live. The proposed successor is named Beiluo and--surprise!--he is Xuange's twin brother. But he's not too keen on stepping into the role he's destined for. After losing a dual with his brother, Beiluo takes us into an extended flashback of his life...

玄戈前往Pyrene Hall跟繼任者會面, 一路上我們得知他為何需要繼任者:照顧玄戈傷勢的輕雪夫人告訴他,他的生命只剩下兩天了。 提議的繼任者叫北洛,而且他是玄戈孿生兄弟。 但北洛並不太熱衷於扮演他注定要扮演的角色。 跟哥哥失利決鬥後,北洛帶我們進入他人生的一段延伸閃回...

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