The Argument FOR Bots in PUBG.

Published 2020-05-22
Plenty of people are upset about the inclusion of bots in PUBG but I argue they are a healthy part of the game and have the potential to help the game further on down the road.

All Comments (19)
  • @rustyrazor9873
    As an EU player where finding lobbies was not a problem at all, unless you played at six in the morning, adding bots seems like a huge mistake. I feel like they should have added a separate "new player" list in arcade with bots to give people a choice, instead of forcing solo or duo players to play with bots. Most of my friends refuse to play against bots, some even uninstalled the game. Luckily they at least they gave us a bot free ranked mode. Edit; I realize the bots are helpful to fill lobbies in regions with low player counts like NA or OCE. I'm just bummed they added bots to EU as well.
  • @TheGypsay24
    id rather play a game with 20 real people than a game with 20 real people and 78 bots. As a player who mainly plays Duos, I've found myself just not playing anymore because rank doesn't have duos and casual is absolute trash with bots
  • Solid points! The bots should be tweaked to not be so easily recognizable, and they should behave in a way that suits the mode, so duos should have pairs of bots, rather than just one dimwit running in a straight line across an open field. Imagine if you saw two players moving from cover to cover and wiped them only to realize in the end that they were bots? Currently, you know it’s a bot from a mile away. Looking past those aspects, getting a nice solo game in during off hours is refreshing. I still had to kill the last 4 real players to scoop a win, and I narrowly out shot the last player in a head to head bolt action duel. During peak hours it’s definitely in the 20% bot range, and I’ve had some games where I didn’t actually run into any of the bots myself. Glad to see you back making PUBG videos Griff!
  • @kschumi
    damn. you really did have great arguments. didn't expect
  • @CDome
    Preach it brotha! Bots random spawning is no good, but the rest is a great addition IMO
  • @lukenardoni2454
    Is it not the case that the objection with bots giving away your position is valid because they “know” your position where a real player doesn’t? Or are they programmed to run around blindly, unaware of player positions?  That aside, the objection still stands for this reason: the bots DO NOT CARE IF THEY DIE. They do things that no sane player would, ie standing or running in the open, firing wildly, not taking cover. A human player wouldn’t give your position away to a third party by doing these things because it would be to the detriment of their own survival. And that was what the tension of the gunfights in pubg was all about! You were having to constantly weigh things up on the fly. Is it safe to engage? Should I pick this fight or not? Bots do not act this way, either because they aren’t programmed to or more likely the technology just isn’t there to make these bots play in a more human-like manner. Add to this that they pose no real threat to anyone but the most inexperienced/inept players if it comes to an actual fight, and they function as kind of like annoying suicidal kamikaze alarm bells to alert the only real threat which is, you guessed it, another actual human player. Edit: I forgot to mention, in addition to this, bots spawn in waves and the ones that spawn later spawn randomly during the match. Choco taco even has a video that shows a bot appearing out of thin air. So in theory you could have an area cleared and locked down, with no enemies visible working out how best to engage the unaware human player say a hundred meters away, then boom out of nowhere a bot spawns behind you taking pot shots at you, alerting the human enemy and fucking up your whole game. Human players can’t just teleport behind you like bots can. So anyway these are a few reasons why I think people aren’t being unreasonable or “tone deaf” to complain about the bots and specifically the way bots create situations where your position is unfairly compromised and more generally just ruin the natural flow of the game.
  • @poohtyT
    While i do understand how they can be helpful to new people . Speaking for consoles - it was beyond wrong of them to force them on us with NO option at all to really play without them basically just so they could add stadia with us. This was a slap in the face to be honest.Not to mention they clearly said they had different levels of bots and worked on them for a year. Why put in the absolute dumbest ones you can find in everyone's matches? I could understand it more if say it was more a situation where based on your skill level ( or average skill of squad) would determine the level of AI the bots had . Then the true new players could play with the idiot bots , those with medium skill with bots of that skill and very good players could play against ultron. That would have made so much more sense and probably been met with much less backlash. But forcing them on us and at first putting not only 80 bots in a match with us but increasing our matchmaking times 10 fold to do so.... was just flat out horrible choices on so many levels. Again i get the need for them IF they are put in lobbies with people who need them . But on consoles thats not how it came to us . I still believe they have plans to go Free to Play this year but ive always felt things like bots and some skill based matchmaking would need to be in place first before that. So when there is a large influx of new people , they can retain more of them. However if they dont go F2P then this move makes less sense because there is no large influx of new players coming imo at this point in the games life unless its free. So i hope that happens once they get the ranked stuff ironed out more .
  • Great video! You made me think dude. I personally believe that PUBG could fix everything and make it better than any other game and people will still say it sucks...cus they are noobs
  • Adding bots in the first game a player palys in mobile will be 97%bots but if you get higher ranked than the bots shrink to a 5%or maybe less so i dont think the streamers should not panic so much they will have content and they can joke with the bots.
  • @drbuffed4651
    I hope bots for good players are like 5-10 max, they need to fix that
  • @urban1706
    I 100% agree with this. Im really bad at this game and dying out of no where near the end of the game wasting 20 mins was rough. The bots make it so much easier so I font have to go against people with 10% win rates. I felt I was the only one who agreed with adding bots
  • @neeraj8069
    Bots in pubg Mobile is different stroy. They have bots because it's difficult to load 99 other real players on low,mid end devices.
  • Dud it was much too late for bots,they should have been there from the start and pubg would have been even better.
  • @yodamf
    Aren't you supposed to disclose when you make a sponsored video?
  • @ostovari_swe
    But a real player doesnt teleport to your location bro..
  • @MunsonRoyE27
    Bots are the death of this game for a lot of veteran players at least 20 people on my friends list have quit since patch. I get absolutely no satisfaction from killing js__spreezy x5 every game and I’m normally at about 40/50 % bots while playing unranked(lobbies never took more than a minute and were always full prior to patch). Ranked is currently being dominated by radar users and I’d still rather play with cheaters than mindless bots that do things no normal human would ever do. You don’t get better by making the game easier you get better by playing more difficult competition. You died 20 minutes in to the first person you saw “cry me a river” by Justin Timberlake is playing somewhere just for you also there’s a great tdm mode that allows for quick respawns. Instead of complaining you should analyze the mistakes you made for the first 19 minutes of the game that lead you to you untimely demise. I have videos of me literally running side by side next to bots a few feet away (could literally shake their hand)and they don’t even engage me....