You Wouldn't Believe Todd Could Do This If It Wasn't On Camera!

Published 2024-04-24
I am home for the evening and made it upstairs. Todd joins me and says “Hello” to greet me. He asks for and receives his mousey (off camera). A little time has passed and he comes back to and finishes the last bites in his food mousey. He does an amazing double backfoot button press saying Want Todd(‘s) Mousey. I start to tell him no and he realizes he is not going to get it then says Jingle Ball with another backfoot button press. We finish the session with a good game of Jingle Ball.

Todd is a 6-year-old neutered male cat at the time of this video. Todd and his dad have been learning to communicate with each other since May of 2022 with the help of recordable buttons. We aim to let Todd express himself and tell me his wants and needs. Currently, Todd has 51 words on his soundboard. This channel is dedicated to Todd learning to “talk”. If you would like to see more of Todd and his day-to-day life please visit his Facebook page.

Todd on FaceBook:
Todd on IG:
Todd Mug:…
Todd’s Buttons (Fluent Pet Affiliate Link):
Todd’s Website:

Ambush Toy…


Peacock Feather…

String Thing…

Flappy Bird

Puzzle Box


Bird Toy…

Crazy Hamster…

All Comments (21)
  • @CrepuscularChaot
    If I had another mousey I’d have the energy to bring the Jingle Ball right back to your hand 😂
  • @blkbrn1952
    I never get tired of watching Todd walk back with his jingle ball, he couldn't be prouder if he caught a mouse. You can't fool him with a fake one dad, so thankful he has a box full ready to be transformed into real jingle balls.
  • @AndrewAHayes
    Give it a week or two and Todd will be tap dancing sentences! LOL
  • @inlaterdays
    That double backfoot button press was really impressive! And Todd is very particular about his Jingle Balls. 😊
  • @fumbleknit719
    Just before Todd asked for his food mousey, he was repeatedly trying to get the last kibbles out of it--the clinking was audible--but each time nothing fell out. Maybe he was asking for help.
  • @janetsmith1949
    The funniest thing was when you picked up the orb of sadness. Todd just looked at you like, wait, what?! No no no. Then just sat there when you threw it. 😆
  • @radwolf76
    Todd really out here inventing the cat version of touch typing.
  • Todd is so smart as it's not just that he can use the buttons to communicate but before he does that he must be thinking that he needs to tell Dad things, then looks for the buttons to say it in Dad's language. If only Todd could design meow buttons for Dad! What would that sound like? I suspect it would be a beautiful symphony of sounds, and worthy of being recorded so us other kitty parents can learn it too.❤❤
  • @Uncle_Fred
    I still contend that it would be fun to try some experiments to see if we can reinforce additional connections between words. For example, Todd has shown some interest in kicking the jingle ball. Why not say "dad leg jingleball" and then kick it toward Todd. I bet he would love that, and maybe he might ask for it! Plus, if you see Todd doing this, you could try reinforcing the association with "Todd leg jingle ball."
  • @maarit.gneleah
    Besides that impressive double backfoot press, he also showed off some quick socker kicks with his jingle ball. Todd's kinesthetic intelligence is awesome!🐾
  • Please get Todd a small keyboard to place on the carpet. He would be playing tunes in no time at all and I bet he would compose some really cool pieces of music 🐱🎶🎵
  • @jimomertz
    Well, if I have to run for this jingle ball, then you’re going to have to move too. 😸 I think that was his way of throwing it for you.
  • @JDubzDrumz
    Cat kisses are so special. Both of mine do it, but irs never for consistent reasons 😂. Always for different stuff. 😅 purrticular beings.
  • @kittykids3
    I love watching him playing jingle ball, trotting back all proud.