Delhi CO Wig Wag Jan 1, 2021

Published 2021-01-01
The Delhi, CO wig wag rings in the new year on the morning of January 1, 2021. Since I was back in Colorado for the holidays, I decided to pay it a visit, especially because the ever-persistent rumors of its impending retirement seem to have more credibility this time around. I even "shake its hand" at the end of the video.

Apologies for the shaky camerawork—it was cold out there!

UPDATE 3/10/21:
The wig wag was retired on 3/9/21. Here is an image of the retirement in process:

All Comments (16)
  • @harrisonneves6007
    I really want to see these wigwags from "Cars" out in the USA again. I miss 'em
  • @ArizonaRails
    I hope that it gets saved and put in a railroad museum somewhere!
  • Is it just me or does anyone else love the sound of the old mechanism clicking?
  • @RXRMidwest
    It is confirmed to be slated if it hasn't already. Rumors are in a signal group it's going to a Santa Fe museum somewhere which would make sense due to BNSF donating all the Semaphores on the line they are removing.
  • Sadly and rather very unfortunately, this wig wag is going to be replaced with the modern signals within days. A real shame since I never got to travel to Delhi to see the wig wag in action myself (where I live, we only have 4 wig wag crossings left that are still in service, and even then train travel is mostly scarce since they're on a shortline). However it's going to be preserved in the Colorado Railroad Museum in the city of Golden. So while the crossing itself may not be signaling any oncoming BNSF or Amtrak trains anymore, it's at least nice to hear that the wig wag itself will not be going to scrap like most of these crossings do; a happy ending to a long and prosperous career.
  • @pluey200
    New relay case and foundations for new signals have been put in
  • @gcbranger1189
    this signal should have never been retired. it would last until the end of time.
  • The recent addition of the steel-clad concrete panels on the grade crossing along with the yield signs are deeply troubling. I'm pretty sure the end is near.
  • @PlyingKibbles89
    Hey, is it possible if I could use this footage for a tribute video that I'm making? I'll be sure to credit you.
  • @Hopen111YT
    I just noticed, why does it not ring the bell correctly when it swings onto its right side?
  • @NS_5350
    I wonder why BNSF installed new signals here instead of just keeping the crossbucks and wig-wag up. This road probably only gets a few cars per day and two trains per day, so the new signals are a waste of time and money.
  • This signal is gone now, Busdriver2435 does not approve of this.🤨😢😠🤔
  • @Cilla0415
    How long his this signal been there?