The Phineas And Ferb Torture Theory

Published 2023-09-17
Are Phineas and Ferb torturing Candace, while Perry does the same to Doofenshmirtz?

An average Phineas and Ferb episode follows the exact same plot, Phineas and Ferb create an invention, Candace tries to bust them, Perry fights Doofenshmirtz and then before Candace can show her mom the invention Doofenshmirtz's inator usually blasts away Phineas and Ferb’s invention. Now what if I told you that this is no coincidence and that Phineas and Ferb are toying with Candace while Perry toys with Doofenshmirtz.

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All Comments (21)
  • @koolkidgamr6260
    The boys tell their mom ALL THE TIME about what they do. Their mom just doesn't care.
  • @sunbirth4795
    ive always like the theory that Perry is therapizing Doof. He always puts himself in a position where Doof is in power, hears him out, stops him from hurting people, and usually helps him out in some way too. He was there for Doof's daughter's birthday, he's helped him with relationships and life troubles, and Doof canonically did become a better person by Milo Murphy's Law as a result.
  • @jkid1337
    “A crush on a boy she will never get with.” Jeremy literally sees her as his girlfriend the entire time she’s pinning for him and they’re officially confirmed dating towards the end of Summer Belongs To You.
  • @Taco-Belle
    The amount of love the boys have for candace is actually the most sweetest sibling love, and no one can beat it. I wouldn't say stacy sucks, but she's definitely not there for most of candace's life, and jeremy, he's a clueless boy. But phineas and ferb are actually the most caring people, especially towards candace. Remember the backyard beach, the treehouse fight and the time they performed "gitchee gitchee goo". Also, sometimes the boys kinda do help candace and jeremy get some alone time together, like the time they built the car wash, or at the end of the "bowl-r-ama" episode, where thanks to the boy's invention, candace was launched into the air and lands in the ferris wheel basket, NEXT TO JEREMY. XD LOL The boys are secretly matchmakers xD, but honestly they love their sister and I know candace loves her brothers as well.
  • Torture is a completely inappropriate word to use. However I do think Phineas and Ferb think this is a game, the probably think that Candice worries too much and just wants to get them in trouble. As for Perry, I wouldn't be surprised if he helped the boys intentionally, but he's also helping Doof deal with his issues and get out of his head. In the episodes set after the shows run we see that Doof has a better relationship with his family and has a real job, we also see that Candice is a lawyer and it is mentioned that she's in a relationship with Jeremy. If the boys' or Perry's intentions where to hurt they could have easily prevented these things from happening.
  • @willbradford5676
    I feel like perry & doofenshmirtz have that kind of joker/batman relationship. While they are on two completely opposite extremes, they both are equally unhealthy and use each other as their outlets. Hence why batman never kills the joker & perry never really imprisons doofenshmirtz
  • @KaneyoriHK
    "Crush on a boy she'll never get with" Ain't Candice and Jeremy a couple for Most of the show?
  • @Twertlewastaken
    Also adding to your theory, in the second Phineas and Ferb movie when they see Candice genuinely upset they immediately make her a present so she feels better.
  • @jruler93
    The boys love Candace, but they probably think of her trying to bust them as a game more than anything. As for Perry and Doof, yeah, Perry could just stop the Inator of the day and dip, but I think he intentionally listens to Doofenshmirtz 's backstories to try and help the man cope with a lifetime of tragedy and trauma.
  • @Adam-326
    4:35 Well, maybe she would have more friends if she got an actual life that didn’t revolve around trying to get a couple of kids in trouble. Like, isn’t she a little old for that? 5:36 He wasn’t adopted by new parents, those are his actual parents. They just had better things to do when he was being born, apparently. He was raised by ocelots at some point, though.
  • @SuperBatSpider
    I don’t think Perry is torturing him. Think about what he actually does, he has Doof talk about his backstory, followed by either having him face a fear or if Perry can find them, having him interact with the person who hurt him, that’s not torture, that’s helping Doof deal with his past with support from a close friend. It’s basically giving him therapy.
  • @RaveNinja1401
    How to forget the episode when Phineas and Ferb decide to lay down and just do literally nothing, they spend the entire day laying in the grass. And what does Candance do? she's so hellbent in busting them she goes through the hurdles of building a wacky thing herself trying to incite them to built it, they can drive her insane by doing absolutelly nothing.
  • @Trailbreaker3966
    This is actually a pretty good theory and we do know for a fact Perry and Doof enjoy their daily routine mentioned several times throughout the series and the brothers have also made it clear in several episodes that they know Candice is trying to bust them but they don’t seem to Care and a few times have even help her
  • @remyhavoc4463
    good Theory but the "mom knew it all" theory just makes more sense to me Phineas and Ferb are kids after all and they did a lot of things to make Candace happy too the parents are very absent and kind of shitty to Candace to the point where I'm not surprised if the mom actually knew it all and pretended not to know to make Candace insane 😂 the dad also wasn't great. Seems like a decent dude but that's about it
  • @VictoriaLenora
    I’ve always wondered why Candace doesn’t just mind her own business.
  • @eeveefennecfox
    it's weird that phineas is aware of this since he seems to be oblivious to how candace is feeling most of the time in the show I've always belived that candace just wants to make sure her phineas and ferb are safe,we don't know what happened to candace and phineas's biological dad,what if he was also an inventor and died by a unforeseen accident and candace is the only one that remembers this since she is older than phineas,she doesn't want him to get killed if something does go wrong,I've had this idea in my head for as long I can remember (which isn't saying much since I'm forgetful XD but this idea has stayed in my head for years) this could also be the reason why she's loosing her sanity,maybe she saw what happened and it took a toll on her the hardest,so whenever she sees phineas and ferb doing something,she sees her father remembering what happened,tragic events do stay with us for years and I don't care if I'm right or wrong,dan seems like he doesn't want to reveal what happened to candace and phineas's dad or to ferb's mom,so until dan proves me wrong,I like this idea of mine,and yours to,your theory also makes sense
  • @diegodubber2140
    What I love about this series is that, while yes, Candace tends to suffer some misfortunes, she also has many victories. Her biggest one is that she eventually gets with Jeremy in the Summer Belongs To You special. Furthermore, while most boy geniuses in animated series like Dexter or Jimmy Neutron tend to act pretty aloof and socially distant, and also tend to have a bit of an ego, Phineas & Ferb have some great friends, social skills and they truly love and care for their big sister.
  • I had a theory that Candace is schizophrenic and she’s just hallucinating all of Phineas and Ferb’s inventions. Phineas, Ferb, and everyone else just use their imagination, which is why they view everything as harmless fun, while Candace is genuinely scared or infuriated by what they create. That would explain why the inventions always disappear before their Mom gets home, and why no one else seems to question it. Candace being crazy isn’t that much of a stretch considering it’s a running gag and hysteria/obsession is a staple of her personality.
  • @TheMemeLord33
    So pretty much Phineas and Ferb are the real villains VALID