Seeing Ghostbusters, Basketball, and Baseball on Display at Navy Pier

Published 2024-02-19
Here, I returned to Harry Carey Tavern at Navy Pier in Chicago. You can see displays of baseball and basketball memorabilia in the restaurant. Also, you can see props from the Ghostbusters 2 (1989) film, such as the suits and the ghost trap.

You can see these displays when you visit the Harry Carey Tavern in Navy Pier at Chicago, IL. Here is a link to the restaurant.…

All Comments (2)
  • rewatch the chost and febe scenes again .. and yes the GHOST GIRL really could have been a bestfriend type , but no PHEBE GOES BOO and smirking ( 🙄360 character switch from GB3 where she was a smart badass to mush🙄) i saw anyone but you 4 times on the big screen ( which is a great romance film ; however the dogshit UNNECESARY lesbian wedding ie everything has to have a EIEIO 🙄character in it, got me irritated at the second viewing ) if the LBG had any pull BATWOMAN bros the gay romcom GOTHAM KNIGHTS would still be the air ( funny how that works) here cus the YELLOW page keeps deleting the comment