Very Early WIP on Double Dragon remake in JS (unofficial)

Published 2022-05-25
Hello dear viewers.
So, when I was a young lad from the age of 12 til maybe 15, every lunch time Id go to the local shop for dinner. I'd usually have £1. That was enough to get a pie roll (scotch pie on a roll) with brown sauce, a yellow bun (a triangle shaped bun with yellow icing and cream in it) and 1 game on the arcade machine (10p per credit). At the time, that game was double dragon.
Every lunch if possible (you had to be fast) Id play double dragon with my pal while eating that pie roll.
Every lunch we'd complete it and every lunch Id win the final fight (I did feel bad winning every time, but I hated losing when I was a kid, lol).
Apart from golden axe and robocop, this chewed away at every spare 10p I had. I loved this game.
At the time I had started programming basic on the Spectrum 48K, then basic and blitz basic on the Amiga.
Some moons later I become a professional developer building apps using visual basic 4, 5 and 6 for college then some local companies.
A couple of years later I became a web developer and absolutely loved the job. Finding solutions to problems became my main "thing". Nothing was impossible, I just had to find a way.
Now, even more "many moons later", in my spare time I enjoy remaking those old games that I loved. I started with bombjack in javascript. Its nearly complete. I just have to improve the AI of the birds.
I then rebuilt it using a javascript game engine called phaser (v3). I wanted to change the look of the game to 2.5D. Managed to add everything apart from Jack himself. Im sure ill get back to it at some point, but basically everything I wanted to learn, I did.
And after this I have about 3 other projects (my main one being a tri-peaks solitaire game coming to a mobile phone or browser near you, soon... hopefully - I just have to figure out how to use android studio and stuff on PC - not an easy thing).

Hopefully this engine I'm creating just now for double dragon will also work for a remake of golden axe, but that's off in the future somewhere :)

So, this is 10 days of work.
Its still quite rough, but the main level has been implemented (still have to do the final section w Willy fight at the end).
Stuff that is working, is collision detection between Jimmy and the world.
Jimmy can move and is animated appropriately. He can also punch, kick and elbow.
Abobo break wall and "think" has been implemented. At the moment abobo can only "watch" the player and I only have the sprites for one of them. Some nicities such as railings at the bridge, the rolling travelator (before the elevator) are all added/working.
The animation for moving jimmy to the lower level on the elevator can be initiated (as seen in the video - currently run from the console, but is literally the next thing Im implementing).

I hope you enjoy. Any questions, thoughts and ideas welcome.


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