Why are Texas teachers quitting in record numbers? This is what they said.

Published 2023-09-08
We sat down with a group of teachers who recently left the profession. Here's what they told us about why teachers are leaving the classroom record numbers.

All Comments (21)
  • @amazingman63
    Parents need to be held accountable for their bratty kids. The amount of psycho level abuse kids put out then get a slap on the wrist for is insane.
  • @dianaleal8310
    "We wouldn't have doctors and lawyers if we didn't have teachers" YES MA'AM!
  • @brucebarnes8138
    I am a retired engineer, before I was an engineer I enjoyed teaching math for 10 years. Now that I am retired I decided to substitute teach. It was terrible. When I follow school policy and make students put their phones away ,students would be very rude to me. Some students would tell the principal that they did not like the way I looked at them. I then would not be allowed to substitute teach. I was also attacked by a student because I picked up the students phone and nothing was done. Since I was an engineer, I have a good retirement, so not teaching does not hurt me. It is hard for regular teachers to quit. So they have to put up with the abuse and it hurts them emotionally. I was insulted by the students every time I made them follow the rules. Having no support from Principals a person is in a trap, they cannot get out of. So they get physically sick. Until school boards support the principals, principals will not support teachers. So the students rule the schools.
  • My daughter just graduated Law school last summer. Her kindergarten teacher came to our home for her high school graduation party….that’s how important our teachers are at ALL levels, without exception and without distinction. Thank you!
  • @ashmarie15
    While all of the things they have cited are indeed major problems, it seems to me that children and parents are held to the absolute lowest standards of behavior now. I know several teachers that have quit because students throw stuff at them, curse constantly, and behave like animals while they’re at school. If you tell a parent, the parent gets mad at the school. Fix children and parent behavior and it won’t be a matter of “recruitment” anymore. Teachers that are passionate about what they do are passionate about educating, not baby sitting students that know better. Get better discipline in schools and hold students accountable when they do wrong THEN raise teacher pay (believe me, these teachers deserve that and much more). Teachers deserve respect, huge pay, and good working conditions. But to make that happen, you have to start with fixing parental entitlement. Everyone wants to dance around the uncomfortable topics instead of addressing them. 😑
  • @LR-mh8hs
    No, no, no! Do NOT become a teacher in the US. It is the most stressful, unappreciated, even dangerous profession. If you were born to be a teacher, go teach elsewhere. Other countries value the teaching profession a TON more than the U. S.
  • @janinegrey6937
    My daughter has 7 disabled children in her 4th grade classroom. Screaming on the floor, running around the room disrupting the learning are just a few of the problems she deals with and has No Support! One boy tripped her and laughed, luckily she wasn’t hurt. Parents need to know!! She quit today.
  • @JohnYuFitness
    This video segment was heart wrenching. Nobody deserves physical and emotional abuse.
  • My first job teaching was at an inner city school. Fourteen teachers quit the first two weeks. I was determined to make it work. After two years, I swore I would never teach again. A few years later, to help an orphan I met in China, I got a job there teaching English. I was the one who got an education. Respect, gifts from parents, a boss with encouraging things to say were all new to me. The problem is in our culture (or lack of it). No one in America thinks anyone else should be able to tell them what to do. We have some distorted idea of what freedom is. Every single teacher has gone into the profession with good intentions. The system wears them out.
  • We have forced teachers to “make bricks without straw” for several years now. Children come to school unprepared to learn, with complete and total disrespect and contempt for teachers. Not to mention children with parents more petulant than their demonic children. Our teachers deserve better.
  • @EMVelez
    I can’t imagine putting hands on a teacher. Unimaginable.
  • I spent 30 years as Principal’s Secretary. I watched everything these teachers are saying. I fought for my teachers as much as I could. Unfortunately, the District Administration is where all the money goes. And in Texas, football. A HS Coach makes 2to 3 times what a teacher makes. Teachers are just a necessary expense and considered replaceable. It’s sad. I loved my teachers. These teachers are telling the truth.
  • @philn5703
    My father is a retired teacher. He committed himself 100% to be the best that he could be. I remember him falling asleep at the kitchen table while grading homework and creating teaching plans after dinner. And up at 5 a.m. to prepare for the day and a long commute to work. He did a summer Master's Degree course to improve his skills and better support our family. God bless all of you teachers who are struggling with all of our current problems in society and education.
  • @MrDadyD
    I lasted 1 year as a high school teacher. A lot of the sudents were obnoxious, lazy and lacked any aspiration. I had 25 students in 3 different classes, and 7 of them failed all claases. When you asked them what they planned to do after high school about 30-40% said Twitch streamer or something related to gaming... I mean.... I just dont know what to say anymore.
  • @angelogomez6155
    I just started substituting this year. It is absolutely horrendous the way these kids are. I blame the parents.... And the rate of pay is way too low even for substitutes. I believe we have to protect our children. What is the same time we have to protect our Teachers from those children as well..
  • @Sir_Typesalot
    It‘s not just in Texas, or the US, but everywhere. Even in Switzerland, where high school teachers earn $140.000,- per annum. People are simply fed up. Fed up with a nonsensical curriculum, fed up with vulgar students, fed up with aggressive parents and fed up with other people’s unrealistic expectations. Why should someone waste four decades on a low paid, dead end job in a toxic work environment, when they can achieve much more in their life? I quit after just two years (after I received a threat e-mail from a parent, over a „C“ their golden angel deservedly earned). When someone writes „We know where you live“, it’s time to pack your bags and leave. I studied on. Five universities in four countries. I earned two more M.A./M.S. and a Ph.D. And with seven languages under my belt and all my work experience I made in seven countries, I‘d never go back to the ninth circle of hell that is a (private) high school. Besides, most of high schoolers today want to either be an athlete, an online influencer or an OnlyFans content creator. They don’t need teachers. They need a good camera and some plastic toys.
  • @lukelucy1980
    I have a niece that wanted to be a teacher for her whole life. She worked hard and went into debt to become a teacher. After 5 Years, she quit, she couldn't believe the behavior of 3rd graders, lack of discipline, lack of attention, and even worse the crazy parents, regardless what the kid it was her fault. She was threatened over failing grades, called a racist, etc etc.
  • @llm8268
    An American I knew years ago worked as teacher in Japan, and said the difference was night and day. She said the Respect from the students was 100% as a cultural norm. And so teaching was easy. But if a society breeds entitlement, aggrandizement, contempt for others and hatred as a cultural norm, this is the unfortunate result. It’s deeper and starts within each individual, there’s already a war within that person and they only look to project that onto others. Deep Peace, and deep respect for self and others needs to be fostered.
  • @2m8o15
    “If you’re complaining about the cashier who doesn’t understand how to count your change, you better be at that school supporting us and students” That. Is. Perfect.
  • @briannaje5419
    I was in a teacher program 2 years ago to get my license to teach cosmetology. I was 27, I got pregnant and had to drop out due to stress, not being able to be in school a full day or get there on time in my first trimester… and when I seen the behavior of students… I knew for the health of my baby and for my husband’s sake.. I had to go. I thank God because I didn’t know I needed a way out. I watched grown 18 up to almost 50 year old adults spit on, curse out, attack teachers…GROWN ADULTS! We were never like that in beauty school in 2016 when I went. My husband has been a teacher/paraprofessional for 4 years.. it’s like he’s a correctional officer… mentally handles things really well but it is physically wearing on him. We’re relocating and I can’t wait for him to start his new non-teaching job so he can breathe a little