EVERYONE is SHOCKED! INCIDENT, this HAPPENED at horse guards today

Publicado 2024-04-24

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • I feel for the Guard who was thrown off his horse and the horse that was injured. I think it’s about time these poor horses and guards are shown more respect and stop the incessant constant touching and teasing the horses all the time. I think the horses have had enough. Give them space for goodness sake. Hope theGuard and horses are ok.
  • @13ynysybwl
    personally I would not be able to put up with the horiific behaviour of those disrespectful tourist for 5 minutes.My sympathy is with the troopers and the horses
  • @jeanlowe8879
    The public should not be allowed near the houses some of them are so ignorant
  • Unfortunately tourists think it's Disney World, and act with utter disrespect.
  • Now will someone use some common sense, and stop the bloody tourists. No going near the horses or the guards, everyone stands at a distance behind barriers, no taking photos with the horses, no walking through the grounds. After all this is a military base with soldiers and working military horses. Stop the crazy people. I am so upset after seeing the horses loose and bloodied. I wonder if this is when the hoses made a run for it.
  • @BarbaraRiffle
    I'm stunned by the accessibility of the working men, women, and animals of the King's Guard. These are professional, elite soldiers for crying out loud. This is not a kind nor gentle world we're living in today (2024). The public should be relegated to the opposite side of the street. No more public access at all.
  • @pennylane9730
    Some of these tourists... Seem to forget that the Royal guards and horse are on duty.. They are fully trained soldiers.. It's Not Disney land.. Pls show some respect... They're not there to entertain those tourists.. Or for photo shoots...
  • @srg5405
    I think the horses are trying to tell us something. They have had enough of being in this circus with the public being allowed to be too close and touching them all the time. Enough is enough!
  • @bluefidle
    There is NO REASON why people should be so close and in their faces. Get them the Hell back Shows no respect for the guards and their horses or the British Monarchy.
  • @KittyDillion
    Gang sign. I despise the throwing of gang sign. It is rude, disrrespectful to a nation that has taken in so many from all over.
  • @katefinnegan8129
    Why do tourists think this is a petting zoo? It’s very hard to watch. The government needs to step in and do something about this.
  • @wendyowen1499
    I saw the footage of the two horses galloping down Whitehall. I wanted too cry when I saw the grey covered in blood. Thank goodness both horses were stopped in time.😢
  • Surely this is time to look again at what these horses and troopers are subject too every day....
  • @lalousiane7118
    I 🙏 the guard is alright. Please respect animals & treat people, animals & property in other countries as you would your own. Being on vacation doesn't give you free reign to break rules & laws in other countries. 😡🇺🇲🙏
  • After all these rowdy parades being allowed to disconcert the horses it’s time for a rethink where barriers keep people away before we’re picking tourists out of horse’s hoofs .
  • I sincerely hope the guard and the police horse are all right.🙏
  • I hope the white horse is ok poor horse ran into a bus hope everyone is ok
  • @LB-my1ej
    The poor horses are just too stressed, too many people pawing at them.