Jesus in Job - Discover the suffering Messiah in the oldest book of the Bible.

Published 2021-07-22
Dr. Broshi dives into the Book of Job and the amazing picture of our messiah hidden in plain sight. Is this story part of what Yeshua was referring to in John 5:46 when he spoke of Moses writing about Him?

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All Comments (21)
  • @feedingtheflock
    I noticed that he said nowhere else in the Bible was the name Job mentioned. That got me thinking because I thought the Lord mentioned him to a prophet in the Old Testament along side with Daniel and Noah regarding their righteousness. Looked it up and it is in Ezekiel 14:14. The verse says, “Even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were there, their righteousness would save no one but themselves, says the Sovereign LORD”. So there you have it. If God said he existed, then he did😊
  • This has been, so far, the best study about the book of Job I ever heard. Thank you Rabbi Broshi!
  • @Masonman928
    My girlfriend and I just finished reading through Job. Now this is released and I feel like we never read it at all 🤯🤯🤯 Praise God! Amen!
  • @ragazarmani2019
    Born a Christian in North Africa as an orthodox Christian i thought i knew a lot! Was i a fool! Listening to how God’s people explain his word is a different ball game all together. This is amazing and so logical and easy to follow. Your service is a hope and a blessing for all man kind! Specially for those who thought they knew a lot like my sinful self.
  • Okay, I've only listened to the first 10 minutes or so and the answer is: This is God's Word written to His humans. Thus it is a real man, a real encounter of satan with God, all that is recounted DID happen. I have read Job many times, more times than I can remember and did it carefully with attention to details. Even the righteous experience trials, tribulations, trouble. This is the message of Job, to understand that no one is exempt. It is how we react to the trials that count. In the end Job rebelled (a little bit and understandably, from a human view point) and questioned God's decisions. Oops, don't do that, and Job had his knuckles whacked for doing it. The lesson is clear. Accept all of God's decisions, we are not our own, God made and owns ALL of this. His decisions are always for our own good. So make sure your faith remains strong, is strengthened, by the trials we face, always look for lessons to be learned. I have faced many severe trials since my first reading of Job. So much so that I have trouble reading it again because I can't keep from weeping. Yes, all of Job actually happened and the lessons to be learned from Job are many. Don't read it like a story, read it like an instruction book, or you'll completely miss the point. Job could be YOU and you need to be ready. Do not be fooled, the closer your walk with God the more likely it will be that your faith, your beliefs, your knowledge, will be challenged. Always be prepared.
  • Job 19,25,26.For I know that my Redeemer lives and He shall stand at last on the earth,and after my skin is destroyed,this I know that in my flesh I shall see God.
  • Wow what an AWESOME study of Job🔥🔥🔥. I feel so blessed to hear this! Never thought of Job as a picture of our Savior!! I've known the Lord for 50 years and I've never heard such a study of Job before. Praise Yeshua for this deep dive amen✝️🕊️
  • @elijah8867
    In the Book of Job I see the entire arc of mankind's life on earth. Like Adam and Eve in Eden, Job starts out blessed by God. He's happy and prosperous. Then you-know-who comes along and tries to destroy him. Then a mighty struggle to understand what happened and why. Then God intervenes resulting in Job's restoration to health and prosperity on a scale and to a degree greater than his previous existence. So we go from this life of struggle with evil and death to salvation in Christ and the final restoration of believing mankind to Paradise.
  • Job was the first Old Testament book i read, i was wrecked reading it it was so so deep it ministered to me in so many ways! Absolutely beautiful Thank you Jesus ♥️
  • @puddintane6141
    I love Rabbi Broshi's passion.. watching his excitement and bear witness to the holy spirit moving in him🥰
  • @stephnewilder
    Randomly turned to Job in my Bible this morning and then this video shows up on my feed. I wrote down Job 28:28 after reading it earlier... And he said to the human race, "The fear of the Lord--that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding."
  • @jetaustin9268
    Because of this verse: ““Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” ‭‭John‬ ‭14:6‬ — I always tell people that Truth is a person. If we love the Truth, we will love the person of Jesus. When you unveiled to me through Job, that Wisdom is also a person. I thought yes! It is all about being in a relationship with the one person—not only full of wisdom and truth—but also the very manifestation of wisdom and truth itself! I see the ancient book of a Job in a fresh, new, personal way that inspires me to press in more to the person of Jesus! Thank you for your hard work and honest hearts!
  • @easttexan2933
    Dr. Broshi that was wonderful examination of the gospel of Job. I certainly see this book in a totally different light now. I love your enthusiasim in teaching this book. Thank you so much for sharing.
  • @theoldone485
    My mind is blown. I have enjoyed the Book of Job before but this has opened up new wonders in the book. Thank you and God bless you with more wisdom, and the means to share it with more and more people. In Jesus' name, amen.
  • Halleluyah, blessings to Adonai for these revelations and your ministry through which this truths are coming out (out of Zion) For the last 2 weeks I have been reading and crying over the sufferings of the suffering servant of Isaiah 53 including this morning... now this is mind blowing... just praise Adonai... I will take what Alvin Toffler said in his quote - "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn".... I will now take a step to Unlearn what the Western theologians have taught me and Relearn what the Messianic Jews theologians are teaching in this last days with open arms. Amen.
  • @elliechewny6924
    Praise be to Jesus Christ, the light of the world! Thank you so very much for this podcast. This ministry is such a blessing.
  • I love Golan. He's always got this huge smile on his face because he gets to share God's Word with us. God bless you all for this channel and in all you do for the kingdom. In Jesus' name.
  • @LG_Psalm46
    Thank you so much Dr Brochi for this wonderful insight. 'Do you fear God for free?' We are all on the brink of answering this question. Do we fear, love and trust God enough to reject taking the mark of the beast? The world is heading that way soon. May we all be found faithful and stand firm when that time comes.
  • "Even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness,” says the Lord GOD." Ezekiel 14:14 Why would God mention a man who never existed alongside Noah and Daniel? Obviously he was real.