Two Time | Animation Meme

Published 2023-01-06
”when is it time to let go?”

song: Two Time - Jack Stauber
used: Callipeg, LumaFusion

lowkey unsure about my art style

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All Comments (21)
  • @TheFruckFace
    I initially made this in response to a analysis, decided it needed its' own comment (If I ignore something it's because I don't think it's entirely relevant) I Believe this animation is about self deceit and the loss of people or opportunity because of false personas. This is because of the combination of the lyrics and the animation coinciding heavily, with the character tending to specifically mouth out words of the song. The character is the one speaking at the start, tired and ragged underwater (Underwater meaning she's under pressure and is sustaining problems), stating something lazy being willing to leave their lights on (Burns electricity, makes it harder to sleep, generally doesn't seem to care, she's too tired to care). First appearance of cacti, and a single balloon. I think it's hard to interpret what this means right now, and will touch on it later when the other cacti come up. The next scene is darker, getting lunch, seeming to enjoy it, then being dragged down after a set of eyes appears within ramen. This could be from things like ptsd and etc, but I think it more deals with guilt or feeling out of place in the situation. She still obviously enjoys the ramen, but when she's being looked at, or starting to enjoy herself, she drowns. The character repeating the lyrics ahh man, sad about leaving that enjoyment. The lyrics now state, "I think that I like you" During "I think that" the character is looking in the mirror, with the person looking seeming tired, worn down, and the person looking back being confident, bold, etc. Showing a split in the character and how she perceives herself. With the name of the song itself being Two time, we can connect the dots and assume a bit that the character is holding up the name a bit. (Now having two selves assumingly with one who's faking). Next the lyrics state "I Like you" which we are greeted by one of the things that made her feel like she was drowning, she is covering her mouth, "Like" is being scratched out. The character regrets saying this, having had it come from a part of herself she doesn't understand or respect. Assumably being her reflection, someone strong and confident being able to say the words not realizing the effect they will have. The effects of her words and the symbolism behind the cacti start to make sense now. 3 Balloons are seen, with one cacti, after another voice replies "you do?". The character states "yeah" causing the balloons to back away from the cacti, showing that this persona is causing the loss of opportunity and potentially friends or loved ones, it scares them, it seems wrong or out of the blue. "But something bothers me bout the way you lick your envelopes so!" This is where the meaning of the animation can completely change. If it does stay true to the lyrics, the character is analyzing the person they state they liked overly critically, finding something not to like, the other side of their persona taking over and deciding they don't like them. (Two timing the person). This would make the envelope licking scene is about how the character themself licks envelopes weirdly (Who the hell licks an envelope like that), and proves their being overcritical, unreasonable. If not, it becomes much more about what the original post stated. "I'm out on the block again, so hopped up that I can't pretend" "Two Time!!" The character has returned to doing something, being hopped up on something (presumably her tendency to self deceive herself into having a persona that she doesn't like Two timing herself) Unable to pretend, it shows that she's sad, unable to hide how she feels in the moment, laying on the floor not caring about staying current in her life. Depressed. Her persona showing again, proclaiming her vice "Two Time!" Next we learn that they stay friends, seeing a pinky promise. I see this as the character over criticizing after declaring they like them, then deciding to stay friends, but not happily, unable to decide whether or not they want this person. This obviously hurts the character "Problem that you can't defend", the character being unable to find something that can stay with them, as their constant playing drives away relationships that she both does and does not want according to what mood she's in. She scratches the cactus, and frowns after happily waving, showing the disposition between acting happy in her persona, and having wants she can't get filled. She then asks if someone is ok, she herself having a gaping hole in her chest. Two timing herself asking something to another in hopes of gaining something she wants, that she herself will stop or take away. Lacking, and caring for others, even though she may actively be hurt, or regret it. "Whose heart could I break today?" She can't stop two timing herself and by association whoever gets too close. This line is what drove me to think this was it in the first place. "stay friends" This line is showed again, but the artist has friends disappear and "stay" become underlined. The thought that she just wants someone to stay, but they never do. The balloon being in her reach after it usually is too far, is spikey and harms her, going from something to chase, to a reason to be sad. This and the mirror scene I believe really make this relate closer to the lyrics, wanting someone to stay, but being unable too because of a persona that differs from when she's alone. Reinforcing that "Problem that you can't defend" reappears with the character seeming younger, with pigtails, the problem having been there for a long time, other people not being willing to work through the two timing and stay with her period. (A nonsensical hope, but it's still present). The character is still covered in bandages, hurt from her self deception crying, unable to keep something because of self sabotage. I take this as the character displaying she was initially hurt by being unable to having someone stay because of who she was. This gave birth to a persona that is able to get people close, but is a curse of itself, also not letting them stay long. I think this animation conveys the songs lyrics by showing two timing as being as personal and external pain. Making the person two timing feel insane because they can't control a part of themselves, and the person dealing with being two timed feeling as if they are dealing with two separate people. With the character saying two things at different times. Getting balloons only close enough too not pop, the distance being a pain that the character deeply regrets.
  • Your style, coloring and composition are amazing: they are expressive and so pleasant to look at. You are a huge inspiration. Thank you for sharing your art
  • I've seen many versions of this meme, but this one feels special. So many of these shots caught my eye, from composition to color. You can see where a lot of thought and care went- wonderful!
  • @g3mzelle295
    I cannot tell you how stunning this looks. The animation, shading, composition, color, meaning, it all works together so well and looks amazing. This makes me inspired to keep practicing animation more, you’re doing a great job!!
  • @emistarxx
    this is so well thought out and so mesmerizing i love things with “decodeable” meanings, it just gives it a secret essence to discover and makes it all better. the colors, meanings, examples and artstyle are so gorgeous <3
  • @crymelt
  • @Mochaboo
    Everything about your style, color schemes, and animation is just beautiful, i can tell you poured your heart into this and im so glad that i get to see a masterpiece like this. thank you for this :)
  • @afkdd
    you're an insanely talented artist and animator but man your directing skills are actually insane, like the aesthetics and composition of everything work so well
  • @RockyRakoon
    The fact that someone made a long analysis of this animation meme is amazing. Great work!
  • @raiiven5268
    Oufdhfh give me a second to recover because this is stunning First off the colours are so soft and muted and fit the song so nicely?? weirdly enough?? And I absolutely love the way you draw the character - it's so simple and cohesive and nice on the eyes in the best way possible Also the way you draw hair is lovely And I don't know how to explain this one, but I really like how so many shots are creative and compelling in a way that goes beyond just being aesthetically pleasing (which they still are). Like the underwater train?? The disintegrating umbrella? The letter falling through the door onto her face??? And oh god the cactus shot is incredibly cool and the "you ok" is hauntingly beautiful and I am. simply running out of words to do you justice I just think it's quite difficult to come up with unique storytelling within the constraints of an animation meme and you do it so so well Anyways, suffice it to say I am entirely delighted by this in its entirety and I hope you know you're incredibly skilled at what you do <3
  • @gregs6403
    Your art is so amazingly beautiful. Something about the colors and shading used makes it feel almost like…what things used to look like to me when I was a kid I guess? Like the colors themselves seem even more beautiful than usual. You have a genuine and unique style. Don’t let anyone lead you astray from your hearts intentions with your art.
  • This animatic really captures what Jack stauber is know for so well, it’s complex and detailed with meaning in every frame while still being a very beautiful and enjoyable experience, even if, like with staubers works, the meaning might not be obvious on first inspection, not to mention the animation is so fucking good like god your understanding of 3 dimensions and color realy shines through this is so good seriously I can’t stop watching it
  • I really like how it’s different every scene and not so repetitive, which really makes it nice expecting something new happening next with its own meaning :)
  • @tilia8
    Your artstyle is so relaxing yet dynamic - And your characters are so refreshingly simple yet uniquely recognizable! It's so nice to watch :'D
  • @optimuprime500
    After so many times watching those over the last few weeks that I have lost track I feel like I need to give due compliments. I love the way you do transitioning and imagery and completely ADORE your artstyle, I just feel like I can't ever get enough of it.
  • @lightice.i
    I absolutely love the style and details in this animated short, you really feel the sharp abruptness in parts and the pop of color in others. Animator you really made me feel something watching this, thank you. It’s insane, but a fat high five to the one who made that analysis
  • I am especially attached to 0:29. It really hits me hard She's hugging the cactus, which symbolizes acceptance to the pain she suffered. She even tightly grips it, as if she forced herself to accept it. Her stale face also imply that she gave up resisting, as she piled her raw emotions inside her chest It's... not the good kind of acceptance. It's a moment when you realize that hiding your emotions is better than releasing it. It affects you very bad emotionally, since it just means when your emotions went overload, it all blow into this one angry mess, deteriorating you mental health more. I have this point of view since junior high, and oh boy how easily I go emotional. I rewatched the animation plenty of times, but everytime I see the particular scene I just cried a little. Maybe it felt so relatable for me, or maybe I'm just over interpretating it. Anyways, good animation 10/10
  • The way the animation leads your eye to the next shot is nice that's the only thing that I usually try and find now after watching a specific video on how to lead your viewer's eyes to an animation to make it more fluid and more lifelike It's pretty cool
  • This is one of my favorite Jack Stauber songs and I love how you continued the story and made it your own. I really love the symbolism in this with the cacti and balloons and letters and all of it. Great job.